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Everything posted by flyingbaz

  1. Thanks again for your feedback IBob. I have a good friend who is an industrial chemist, and works in the metal plating industry. He is a wealth of knowledge with regard to anti corrosion options. What I have learnt from him, is that if you want to carry out corrosion protection on aluminium, there is no easy quick fix. It's the nature of the product. But there are numerous options available, and like you say it's a personal choice at the end of the day. I believe anything is probably better than nothing. Look forward to reading your Notes. Cheers Barry
  2. Hi IBob Your internal structures are all white. Primer I assume. Can you please share what you have done in order to protect from corrosion. I notice you have also sprayed all edges where rivets go as well. Please let me know your process there as well - do you first scotchbrite it, clean in any way etc. Look forward to hearing from you. Barry
  3. Thanks IBob. What you have explained and what I read in Marks blog, is is exactly as I thought. I agree it's not ideal to have free flow between tanks for the reasons you have outlined above, and an additional reason is it would play havoc on your visual Fuel Level display which will change as fuel flows between tanks as you fly and taxi etc. Look forward to more of your progress. Barry
  4. Hi IBob I have a question. Given you have 2 tanks per wing, are they permanently joined, in which case when filling either tank it will fill the other, or are they independently isolated from each other? If so how is this done? Thanks for this well detailed explanation. Barry
  5. Thanks Gents, yes I have already been on your Rebuild Blog, enjoying it very much. I'll be in touch from time to time, and if ever you guys are coming down to Melbourne, would be great to catch up - just let me know.
  6. Just a quick note to everyone who has read and contributed to this amazing Forum. I have just completed reading all 51 pages of this forum over the last few weeks. It's like reading an exciting TV series. Every day I can't wait to get back onto my computer to get my fix and read the next episode. It's filled with anticipation and drama, but most importantly it's informative and extremely useful to many who read it. My compliments to all who have contributed, not least of which is Mark - your contribution to RA should not go unrecognised. I'm sure you're the envy of many people out there with your skills, and I think most impressive is the variation of your knowledge across metal work, CNC manufacture, electronics and the list goes on (I bet the next thing will be 3D printing). I have been re-inspired to one day (in not too distant future) build a plane of my own. It's been a dream of mine since I first heard of it in mid 90's. Is anyone coming down to the Avalon Airshow early March? If so it would be a good opportunity to meet, and hopefully have a look at some Savanna's Barry
  7. Photo of F16 taken 2011 Avalon airshow
  8. Thanks for this info. I'll be looking at all airfields in the East to evaluate and see what suits my requirements. A little early at this stage. Looking realistically in 3-4 years before starting flying again
  9. Undecided as yet - probably Lilydale or Tyabb. Not immediately but will start looking around and see what suits me in terms of area, and what type of aircraft. How do you enjoy your Sav?
  10. Hi Neil Thanks for the good wishes. I notice you're out Hoppers way. Your photo looks like a Savannah. Is this your plane? Barry
  11. Hi All Been a while since I last flew PPL about 13 years ago. Looking forward to doing RAA license in not too distant future. Maybe even get a plane for myself. Who knows, but gotta start somewhere. Looking forward to some good interaction and gaining much needed information.
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