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Kyle Communications

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About Kyle Communications

  • Birthday 23/05/1959


  • Aircraft
    ICP Savannah VG XL/ S and Rans S21 Outbound
  • Location
    Burpengary East
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  1. Well thats not true for builders Nev. I am building a Group G and I have done the SAAA maintainer course. I believe the same rules for Experimental will apply to Group G..if you bring in a Cessna or similar the rules for maintenance will be the same because you are not the builder
  2. RAAUS currently do not recognise Class 5...thats what they told me when I submitted mine as my medical...I had to submit the usual medical that I do which is the Austroads medical
  3. Eprop balance the whole assembly inc the spacer no matter what length at the factory before delivery and each part is marked so it goes together exactly how it should be. All customers report that they have never flown behind a prop that is so smooth and finely balanced. I suspect that they use a 2 plane balancer at the factory because the balance of every prop is outstanding. There are balancing weights inside the spacer and also the spinner
  4. The way I read the SB it pretty much says do it or if there is a issue we can say you didnt follow our recommendations. Now for Certified aircraft its a must otherwise Rotax can always give you the bird if you try to make a clain or ATSB said you didnt follow the "recommended" proceedures. We have 95 at our airfield but the club has decided to change our fuel to 98 based on this bulletin
  5. The latest Rotax SB says 98 is now the minimun to be used for all 912 915 and 916 engines
  6. Class 5 medical is a no brariner...I have one and I have to get a medical every year for my heavy vehicle drivers licence as I have "conditions" on it. Group G maint rules I believe will just be a carbon copy of the experimental rules for the likes of SAAA. so really that wont be a issue..just more bloody paperwork
  7. I believe its all got to do with CASA for the hold up. As per all aircraft fly on paperwork. CASA are the universal kings of paperwork
  8. It had a 912ULS in it. That pretty marginal for a aircraft at that weight and it did have 3 people in it so it would have been up there in weight. performance would not have been great at slow speed
  9. Yes I make them up when I get some spare time. I have too many things on the go lately so its difficult to fit them in as I also make replacement Rotax ignition modules but they are easier to make up in large batches. The throttle kits have a lot more hand assembly and finishing. I do have another 5 bars welded up so can get another 5 sets made in the next week or two. Send me a email. [email protected]
  10. Yep..go to Jaycar and get a tube or syringe of thermal heat paste..its white..thats all I use...works fine and does exactly what the very expensive rotax stuff does
  11. RTFM Your turn off the transmitter in the SE2 and that way you use the ADSB out of your Trig or any other transponder and use the ADSB in of the SE2 to read the direct aircraft returns for your ADSB in Australia Use In Australia, EC devices are intended for voluntary fitment on registered and non-registered aircraft conducting VFR operations. They are not permitted for IFR operations. The fitment is not a substitute for mandatory carriage of a transponder nor mandatory ADS-B in relevant airspace. In addition, they must not be allowed to transmit when (a) in VFR flight at or above FL290; or (b) concurrently with a Mode S transponder that is also transmitting ADS‑B. An EC device may be operated in Australia concurrently with a Mode A/C, or a Mode S transponder (other than one that is transmitting ADS-B). UAT is NOT used nor permitted in Australia 6.2.1 Transmit Control Transmission must be deactivated when used on an aircraft with an air traffic control radar beacon system (ATCRBS) Mode-S transponder which has ADS-B OUT enabled.
  12. Mabel is now back at Burpengary. I have purchased in partnership with a mate of mine a little fun machine that was too good to refuse for the price. It hopefully will be flown this weekend from where it lives at Coominya to YCAB so I needed to put it in the hangar. So Mabel is now back here in the new shed I have just had to put up here due to doing a subdivision on our block. So Mabel will be getting work done on it as my time has been very little to work on her since we started this massive subdivision here and other big jobs up at the farm. I will get the tailfeathers on and all connected also get the seat bases back in and do some finalizing on the wiring. I will bring the wings back here too and get them fitted as the struts will be slightly longer as I will be putting a little dihedral on the wings and the new shed is big enough for me to be able to accurately do this.Will also need to look at getting the seats made as well. After a little cleanup work on the Genesis it will go up to the farm then Mabel will go to the hangar to have the wings fitted and final fitout.
  13. I thought they said it was a Cirrus maybe I misheard
  14. Ch7 says its a untralight...also say ATSB dont investigate these....geez they still cant get it right...
  15. I am having some fuel flow issues on my Rotax 912 80hp Skyfox Gazelle. Only happens in the climb attitude so I am now suspecting the mechanical fuel pump (new installed 60hrs in 2022) is not working fully and is relying on gravity feed!

    I am thinking a new mechanical fuel pump will be needed and saw a post of yours about fuel pump from europe Pierburg.

    Did you end up fitting one of these to your Rotax and if so, any comments on its performance? looks a lot cheaper option that Rotax part?

    Cheers Neil

    1. Blueadventures


      How is you carb vent lines setup?

    2. Kyle Communications

      Kyle Communications

      I fitted one on Mabel and I have done engine runs with it. Fuel pressure was fine. These pumps are the same pump basically

      There are a couple of guys using them ow and none have had any issues from what I have heard




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