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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. Getting the final bits done to the cowls. Had to add about 25mm to the rear of the top cowl so it fits nicely over the top deck and make it easy to achor the back edge. Danny made me up some flat fibreglass over a plate of glass to use as a laminate sheet so I could make a nice entry of the airscoop into the radiator. So that was cut and glassed in just need to trim the top cowl past the masking tape and the inside of the airscoop. A small amount of fill required in the airscoop corners then its ready for undercoat...finally. The lower cowl has been fitted and trimmed sothen I can get onto the slight mods required for the exhaust and I can finish the radiator plumbing.
  2. Yes a VW but its always ran perfectly
  3. Jennifer sold it way too cheap beautiful aircraft
  4. My savannah did 85kts at 5000 rpm....most do the same especially with a bolly prop 69 or 70 inch prop. Fit a Eprop to it and set it up as per Eprop instructions and you will get around 90kts at 5000 rpm. The problem with savannahs they are a drag bucket and the airframe starts to tell you that maybe your pushing it a little. At 90kts the sound on the airframe changes and changes even more the faster you get. The XL that I had at 5600 rpm WOT the way it was pitched I got 97 kts. The VNE of the XL is 108 kts. The S ...VNE is I believe 124kts????...I think Every single savannah I have supplied a Eprop to and thats around 25 now I think all have had at least a 4 to 5 kt cruise speed increase. A taildragger savannah may go a little faster but I doubt it as the nosewheel doesnt add that much drag to the airframe when you take into account the amount of drag on that design
  5. The rear waterpump outlet do you have a different fitting?..or do you just use a flex pipe to go from the pump to the alu pipe
  6. Those alloy water pipes would be perfect for Savannahs..the radiator pipes is crap as std. I have had to make my own solutions on the original and of course on Mabel
  7. Not for Jabiru though Eprop tell me the new Jab prop will be released towards the end of this year once they get all the CNC machinery made for the new factory they have just built
  8. This will start of course the shift to make everyone who flys to have ADSB fitted. I have always liked the system and do believe it will make flying safer. There those out there of course that dont want to spend any money at all...just listen to the amount of crap radios out there. The 6500 proposal seems to indicate that everyone eventually will be compelled to fit ADSB....The subsidy program is a great is=dea but it shouldnt be limited in volume/time like proposed. It should be subsidized all the time...lets face it ...its all about safety ...isnt it?
  9. Most companies do NOT have any australian mapping...MGL is another that doesnt.You have to make it yourself and the process is a huge PIA. I believe Ozrunways has mapping that you can download into the dynons no issue..I would think Garmin would have too but who can afford to have a G3 system..20 to 20k in the dash
  10. No forced landing. Low level ops
  11. Finally at the pointy end with this bloody lower cowl. I am so over it. Filled and sanded a few times now to get the shape and lumps and bumps out. The grey is spraybog and I will need to do just a few little wipes with filler and then I can refit the cowl properly. I have to put about 15mm onto the back edge of the top cowl to make it fit nice in fromnt of the screen yet but thats easy and wont take long. I really have to get my finger out and get Mabel finished to the point of getting her to the hangar for assembly. The mrs is up me because she wants to go flying. Got a notification on bookface on the weekend....the Girlfriend went to her new owner 2 years ago !!!!!!! it does not seem like that long
  12. Yes thats right Bob. The guy that came up with the idea is a motorbike engineer Ray Corbett. His was a little agricultural as it was all hand made up from parts he could get .....all we did is refine it a bit and make some of the parts easier by CNC production. The 4 test units I have out there which have been on aircraft for 12 months or so...( mainly due to me dragging my feet being too bloody busy this past couple of years) the guys who have them on have not had any issues and never had to carb balance again and love it.
  13. My big bore retrofit has been done. Complete engine is sitting in the engine frame. It was a 2000 hr 2015 engine from a training aircraft. I had the gearbox rebuilt as per 1000 hr services the engine has all new bearings, lifters,valves,springs,new sprag clutch etc. The cam lobes have also been ground to ensure that the lifters rotate as they should. This is where Edge has had some failures and also std Rotax engines. The video shows the lifters rotating as the engine is turned over. The big bore kit fitted and then the entire engine has been balanced. Rotax engines are NOT balanced from the factory My big bore kit is from the original designer of the big bore kits. Ronnie Smith from Flymlsa in Mississippi. He used to supply edge and Zipper I believe until they both went off and basically copied it to do their own. I met Ronnie at the Rans open day in 2018. He is a Rotax guru he not only has a full rotax rebuild workshop and new sales he also goes all over the USA and Canada doing the Rotax full engine maintenaince courses. What he doesnt know about Rotax engines is not worth knowing 229E5DEC-6700-4389-A1F4-28D239FE52D3.MOV
  14. Yes they will be available soon....there isnt enough hours in a day recently. Too many things going on. Life gets in the way sometimes. I have 12 units pretty much ready to go I had to make some small changes to a couple of the parts. I hope to be able to get more ready over the next coming weeks but will let everyoneknow when ready to go fully
  15. You forgot to say female as well Then its double jepody
  16. Put wings on your wheelchair 🙂
  17. I think you still have to buy it but then claim back the payment from CASA...so just go and buy it now
  18. What is wrong with the radio?..if its a early one the modulation transistor goes but they did a mod later that fixed it
  19. They are actually not a bad radio...the tech that used to work for Xcom is still doing repairs..but some parts are not available so depends on the fault. I can give you his number he is here in Brisbane. Send me a PM
  20. Whats a Xair radio? Xcom can still be fixed..some parts are not available but most are
  21. From what i know and found out it is what the manufacturer states...LSA is factory built and no mods whatso ever can be done. if you build it then of course it is different. The Group G goes on what the manufacturer says the MTOW is for that aircraft model hence the other MTOW weights on that list. The upshot is if you have a 912 in it and its kit built it will fit in Group G..if you buy a LSA it is only ever 600kg max 1320 lbs) If you have a 915 IS or a Titan etc in it is can not be in Group G
  22. sfGnome The factor for Group G is what the manufacturer states for the MTOW for that model. The RANS S-21 is a good example for this the 912ULS version is 1600 lb 727kg MTOW which fits perfectly The Titan /Rotax 915 IS powered is 1800 lb 820kg MTOW is NOT allowed to be in group G even though its the same airframe Both aircraft are exactly the same except for the engine used Only the Rotax 912 ULS version can be in Group G So if your Sling is under a MTOW of 760kg whether it is a factory built or a amateur /experimental build then it can go in Group G...but if the manufacturer says the MTOW is even 1 more kg over that 760 kg it will not be allowed into Group G. Even if it is a kit it is the MTOW speced for that kit...if you built that kit for VH Experimental then you can actually nominate your MTOW but that is not available for Group G Chris Most 912ULS powered S-21 come out between 380 to 400kg empty weight the heavier end is the nose wheel version With my big bore engine and the Eprop I am expecting a cruise at about 105 kts I have the Titan header tank with my kit and with the main tanks I can get on board 185 litres of fuel so it will have good endurance I flew the only S-21 while in the USA to see it back in 2018 and 2 up with half fuel it was fine...no speed demon but certainly very good so a bit more HP and it would be a dream. We were doing 100mph most of the time easily there was a whirlwind prop on the aircraft. I expect the Eprop to be a lot better. The last day was quite windy about 20kts and it handled the wind really well..surprisingly well certainly far better than my savannah Here is a video of me and the Mrs in that aircraft.
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