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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. Ok dont get confused with VH rego and Experimental VH rego etc. RAA normal is 600kg Max as the MTOW as by the manufacturer. Those older jabs were allowed to fly in the 600kg even though the MTOW was higher....that now is no longer allowed except for those grandfathered ones. The rules now are 600kg for RAA MTOW 760kg Group G MTOW..the 45kt stall speed is now revoked anything else is either VH Experimental or VH if factory built S-21 If the spec sheet says the 915 IS is 1800 lb MTOW it can NOT go into Group G as the max weight is 820kg it can only be VH Experimental if a kit or VH normal if factory built This is why I went for the 912ULS Rotax..but mine has a big bore so its basically a 914 in HP If you wanted to and I cant see why it would not be legal as the base is a 912 ULS engine is get a Edge perfomance engine with the 140hp or more and fit that...the manufacturer spec says 912 Rotax...so whatever HP you can get from that will/should be allowed. Randy told me the reason was the 100 HP on the std 912ULS limited the MTOW with climb performance etc. If you happen to ue that engine and bolt on a bit more HP then I cant see any reason why you cant put it in group G...I am looking at doing a turbo for my big bore 912 so who knows. But the factory states the 915 IS is 1800 lb so will not be allowed Group G Mark
  2. I have some Microair circuits I can send...send me your email
  3. As far as transactions go try to use a Forex company like Tasman FX I use them all the time. They give great rates and also they are very very good finding banks. The bank RANS uses in the USA is a little non descript one with about 4 branches so can be difficult to get transfers done to. Use a Forex company its easier. A US$5000 deposit is required until the balance is due for delivery so thats eaisly managed....be very aware of freight costs and how you are going to get it in..best way is to try to get others in the container with you preferablky from RANS..ask Michelle if she knows of any then consolidate the shipment....mine I did like that and organised it through my freight company we use at work and it was very seamless. Rob Fox has just done for for another group of RANS customers..landed a couple of months ago now and I tacked on a nosewheel conversion kit for my TD one that I got in. Insureand on TD now is getting crazy so I opted to get the nosewheel kit in so I can pick and choose my bank balance for insurance
  4. Hi Chris You will need to get onto Randy as the 2 weight limits for the S-21 were horsepower limited My S-21 is Rotax powered although it does have a big bore kit but no appreciated difference in engine weight. I am limited to 1600 lb (727 kg) MTOW with the Rotax 912ULS or 914. So this fits in the Group G category. The Titan powered versions are 1800lb which is 820kg so will not be allowed in Group G The 915 IS is a different kettle of fish..it is a lot heavier than the 912ULS also of course more horsepower so Randy will nominate the MTOW as the manufacturer and you are stuck with what he says it will be and that will determine whether you can put it in Group G Mark
  5. Hi Steve Glad to see you have got it flying. Its a real joy to see something that you have made take flight Now get your licence so you can really enjoy the creation you have made 🙂 Mark
  6. Turbs Group G is no different it is 2 POB thats it. The extra training is realistically to get used to flying a heavier aircraft...literally no different to upgrading to a RPL..just need to get the hours up and or signed off on type Maintenaince is realistically no different either. Just the weight of the aircraft is going up KISS
  7. Flightrite...if you build it they will come....oh sorry wrong line 🙂 Its really no different for Group G...factory builts are supposed to be L2 or LAME serviced ..of course mandatory for a aircraft being used for training. Not so for private flying and not online Build your own then totally different kettle of fish. I prefer to build. If you buy a GA aircraft say a C152 then the expectation will be the same servicing regeim...its only the licencing of the pilot really that changes and that is really only type ability to fly them
  8. Beyond me..although in my RC modelling days when you balanced a model it was always somewhere around that when you lifted it up with your fingers. There would be some calc to do with centre of pressure and moment but I am sure you could find it on the net somewhere. I just go on the manufacturers chart and do the plots. Iprefer to balance a bit more to the tail as it just makes the aircraft fly better but of course you must be well aware of this when loading it up
  9. RAA just did a update on the 760kg..so maybe all underway by the end of the year
  10. Common issue with the Microair..they wander off frequency internally..the VCO inside is crap....the radio has been a very bad one..just badly designed I refused to look at them after being bitten so many times...repair retune them...3 to 6 months later same issues
  11. On my flap bracket I made the notches a little deeper so the lever doesnt jump out
  12. Bob has my flap bracket which you can see in his last picture...the full flap position is exactly the same for flap angle as the original. The geometry I made it so that it has the same travel but its all at th different angle. Then of course I the extra position. The first stage of flap with my bracket is about 1/3 of the full range and the second stage is about 2/3 of the range. I found I use the first position for pretty much everything. The second position was for when I wanted shorter landings and pretty much never used the original full flap position as it was too aggressive especially if it was a bit windy. At full flap when its windy the Sav tends to waffle quite a bit as Don says so the repositioning really makes a difference on landings Mark
  13. Bob. do the tail down test...it should just sit there..if you cant hold it there without hardly any pressure then you are too nose heavy...by the sound of the nosewheel dropping down that was just like mine...way too nose heavy
  14. With Mabel being a S model and the battery behind the pilot I wont know until I get it finished but I have put the battery frame in that position but I do no expect the battery to be there. I think mine will be in the front near the firewall inside the cabin. The reason is Mabel has 20 thou side skins not 16 thou so it will be heavier in the rear a little bit and its a long moment. I will set it up exactly the same. I will do the W&B and see where it comes to on the chart and most likely set it up to do the same tail on the ground test. I am pretty sure this is the W&B that I did after I shifted the battery..its close to the tail heavy side
  15. The position of the antibalance trim is of course a function of CG also any deviation between your wing incidence and tailplane incidence. When I first flew my XL the battery was in behind the pilot..thats where the manual said to put it. The plane was noseheavy ..it wasnt a joy to fly really ..I couldnt keep the nose up on landing. I saw though on the web guys had the battery in the tail section and also there were holes there as well so I shifted the battery back there. What a difference. The planeflew very differently and I changed away from the manual for the trim tab dimensions and set it to how I liked it. My display I setup so it was positioned vertically and I set it so that level flight was 2 LEDS off at the top and full trim was no LEDS at the bottom.. I then set the trim tab in small increments so it flew level in cruise with the 2 LEDS off at the top. No LEDS was landing with flaps and I just needed slight pressure on the stick with flaps. My antibalance tab was a bit higher than the spec which meant my aircraft CG was a little to the rear. I found if you put the tail on the ground it would stay there and only take about 1 to 2 kg of weight to lift it so that it would then want to put the nose back down onto the ground. Most with Savs I have talked to the tail would not stay on the ground at all. I tried many different setups and this is the one I ended up with and it flew just great. It was a joy to fly...and land Mark
  16. Same here Jack :).....its getting closer but still got a bit to do on Mabel. The day Mabel gets moved out to the hangar.... "The Mistress" will be begin 🙂
  17. I recently had my rebuilt Sav S painted by a local car painter...he did a nice job. I supplied the paint which probably cost more than what i paid for the painting. The paint was ex Virgin airlines Akzoknoble which apparently is std airbus paint. It was done in a booth. It cost me $5200. He did all the alu prep and the undercoat..sanding and painting of everything..I still have the cowl to do yet though but I may do that myself. The painting is the easy part but the prep is a killer. I painted my last Sav and the prep was the worst part. The S-21 i will most likly get him to do that as well..it takes a whole lot of grief out of the build. The average I hear from most people is a car painter will charge somewhere between 8 to 10k for a simple paint job now. You will spend 3 or 4 times the time to prep than to do the actual painting..thats what your really paying for
  18. Another one will bite the dust shortly I think...gets very interesting 1/3 of the way in
  19. You need to move up here to gods own country..we have about a week of 5 deg or 7 deg then its warmer every day :)..just need aircon for summer 🙂
  20. John. dont start me on that subject.....I want to hit the TV or smash the radio whenever the bullsh#t flows with the pollies
  21. Replacement CDI for Rotax..new throttle system for Rotax, modified flap brackets for Savannahs....hahahah oh thats my spare time. We manufacture a Salt Water pool chlorinator. Well a couple of differnet models because we are a OEM we rebadge the unit for 7 different companies and of course have our own brand...all the big companies use our unit now as we have the best quality and warranty. Our failure rate is under 0.5% most others are between 30 and 40%..this is why all the big companies now use ours We make them out at Woodford about 25km N/W of Caboolture and employ 13 people. We also use the maximum amount of locally made products we can. For exmple today we just had 15km of the cable we use to attach the cell it is a multicore cable with 2 of 6mm main DC cable and 4 of 1.5mm cables. It is all made in Victoria. All our plastics are injection molded up at the sunshine coast. Connectors are all sourced from local suppliers. We only buy in from another country what we can not get done here at a reasonable price. Sometimes its actually a bit more expensive here but we use the local supplyer Sorry its a bit off topic
  22. Over 95K with infrastructure like power/lighting cameras etc
  23. You are spot on Bob...I have had a couple of companies try to "copy" my designs...Well exactly as you say because they dont understand the theory behind the design or the selection of parts and placement they come up with something that sort of works but doesnt. The theory in my designs requires a lot of AC switching theory and transformer conduction and quite a bit of special ancillory component design. In this industry they all seem to copy and just perpetuate all the mistakes. No one yet has mangaged to actually even get close. No one can seem to innovate they all copy all their own mistakes..no one seems to have ever started with a clean sheet like I did. The design has been evolving over the past 7 years but it did take around a year of development to get it right
  24. Keating ruined a lot of stuff but not the caravan industry..trailers yes..caravans no...up here near me there are literally 20 caravan makers and they are all booked out for like more than a year with sales
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