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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. I dont know if its running..I stumbled accross it on my youtube feed I will see if there is anything or its a concept engine
  2. I spend half of my time at work currently trying to source particular components now. Some are literally unobtainium now...lead times are anywhere from 12 month to 18 months delivery. The majority of our electronic components are infact made in China or Asia. We use Microchip processors and also some other Microchip parts like RTC (real time clock) chips. These are actually made in a Microchip plant in Thailand. The chinese have difficulty getting them now so we organise these chips and get them freighted here to us then we send them on to our manufacturer in China. Most of the passive components are Yageo or kemet which are high quality passives but also made either in China or Thailand by those major companies. There are quite a few chips like regulators and hall effects transducers and capacitive touch and temperature sensors we are using now that are chinese made in chinese factories because we have not been able to source the originals we were using due to the world wide chip shortages. These Chinese made versions are excellent and working perfectly....to give you a example we used previously a Texas Instruments temperature sensor but we went to the chinese version and the failure rate is actually better than the TI version by about 70% The failure rate is super small anyway like only 5 chips in 30,000 which is very good in the time frame. Our heatsinks are all made in China as no one in australia does metal injecting anymore...the company we use for that is also excellent we use 15,000 a year plus and maybe 10 out of those maybe rejected. Transformers we used to make ourselves here but now we use a chinese company who makes them to our design parameters...for less than half the price we can make them for..we had to go through 3 manufacturers to find one that made them to a high standard every time..that company is also excellent. So the argument that all chinese manufactured stuff is crap is just not true at all...we do pay a bit more for this quality but it is certainly there and repeatable. We make and sell the most popular unit in the country and sales just keep increasing literally every day and more companies are getting out unit..we rebadge the same unit for 7 different companies. The only way to know if this copy rotax is any good will be time and numbers. Until then no one will know
  3. Flyboy is correct. You get what you pay for in China. I work for a australian manufacturer and we make our product here. We source our parts from many places around the world. All of our cell material comes from the USA as it is the best..there is chinese stuff but we donr use it. The base titanium the americans use to make their product comes from China though. The titanium is is good and no issues..the coatings that are heated onto it is done by the USA company. Our electronics are made by by a chinese company and we can get them made eslewhere in China for a cheaper price but we use a company that actually manufactures LCD displays..they also do complete component sourcing and assembly . They only use genuine parts supplyers not dodgy ones although twice now they have had some issues with counterfiet parts. The electronics company there have been devastated that this happened and have taken measure of sacking their suppliers that did this. Our failure rate on our product is less than 0.5%...our competitors have a average failure rate of 40% or more. This is why you get what you pay for. Yes you can get very good equipment from China if you know what you are doing and are prepared to pay the money. This is why Iphones etc are a lot more expensive than the others. As far as the copy Rotax goes well the jury is out as I know there are quite a few out there operating now but I havent heard anything bad yet about them at all but of course longevity of the product is yet to be seen.
  4. Caboolture will soon have Mogas available for anyone. Avgas run by Viva has been onsite for 15 years or more. We hope to have it all installed by August. The club members over whelmingly want it. The cost is pretty staggering though but it will become a revenue stream for the club directed to airfield maint...also the price will be the same or a little better than local garage pricing. The advantage is the fuel will be super clean..not like you get from the local servo. It is a fully speced aviation grade tank with all the right stuff internally for water peel off and super filtering and also I think it draws about 900mm from above the bottom of the tank it has with CC facilites and will be available 24/7. We expect a lot of flyins to get their fuel as well as the local members. It has been a mamoth exercise with a year in the planning. There is a lot of hoops to jump through. If you get Viva or IOR to just drop and go and look after it themselves then fuel pricing is not that good at all. Managing it yourself as a club by getting the right equipment first is a much better way to go Mark
  5. Obviously he wrote something that pissed the guy off No use having a whinge here ..always better to attract flies with honey
  6. The TBO for the engine is 2000 hrs but the gearbox is to be overhauled every 1000 hours.
  7. Caution Skippy?...my opinion and proven in practice on my own equipment. Also design and operation from the company in the world that makes more than 24,000 propellors a year. What are your qualifications?
  8. 5800 rpm is mainly for CSU type operation. Ground adjustable should be set for 5500 WOT. If you set a ground adjustable one at 5800 when you throttle back to cruise rpm you are now on the back side of the thrust curve from the prop..less pitch is on at say 5000 rpm if you set max rpm WOT at 5500 then of course you have more pitch on at 5000 rpm so the aircraft will cruise faster. Obviously for takeoff the 5500 setting for a gound adjustable in theory will produce slightly less takeoff performance that the one set at 5800 rpm. No different to an outboard engine prop. Ski boats are usually a finer pitch to get the skier out of the water faster but high speed skiers have more pitch on the boat prop. The other thing to think about is those throttle springs on the rotax. Set your engine at 5800 WOT then if the spring breaks...and that is not uncommon then you have 5 mins or so before the engine goes bang or you turn it off and find somewhere to land . If you set the prop for 5500 WOT in the air then if the spings break well then you have a good level of margin to get where you need to go and just turn the engine off when you get close to the field This isnt specific to a particular type or brand of prop it is just a "makes sense" for the engine operation. I had my Bolly set for 5500 rpm at WOT for the 10 years I was flying the girlfriend. I was told to do this by a Rotax engine guy who also is a racecar engine builder for his profession. He is also a flying instructor and has been for a long time. I took his advice more than 10 years ago about this. It also happens that this is how Eprop have designed their props to operate. The new Glorious CSU inflight adjustable prop is set at the 5800 WOT because it is a CSU type and you can set whatever pitch you want which of course is the ideal way but there is a big difference between 3k and 12k Mark
  9. Mothers Day Busy day 🙂 Cooked the boss and her mothers breakfast this morning...sanded the lower cowl ready for some fine filler...that being all done preped the bits for the throttle kits so I can get some done. Went over to Danny's place and turned the tubes to size...used a different tool tip..circular ones. Works better on the stainless and doesnt distort the tube so I have ordered a few of these tips so I can do the rest of the tubes. Got 5 units tig'd up just have to pickle them and will set them up to make sure all is correct and I think I will be ready for production. I need to be retired...its been a big few days 🙂
  10. It dissapeared behind some clouds...after quite a few minutes of watching it.
  11. My UAP sighting last week
  12. Lots of yanks cruise at 5400 and 5500...I never push mine that hard except on takeoff. I usually cruise mostly at 5000 but sometime 5200
  13. Mike I am working as fast as the resin will allow me 🙂 Glassed the joins on the outside and inside for the strength and also put some core mat into the flat bottom to strengthen it up. pretty happy with the finish by using peel ply (nylon) the purple stuff in the above pics , over the areas and squeegying it..when you pull off the peel ply when the resin has set properly and it leaves a great surface and of course gets off excess resin. Need to trim it all up now as well. Will let it go off more and do some initial sanding tonight hopefully then hit it with the fine filler tomorrow morning. Let it dry as I am going over to Dannys place in the morning to get some of the new throttle system kits tig welded so I can get them away. Got people chasing me like crazy for them. Just havent had enough time to spread across so many projects 😞
  14. With any luck this maybe finished by the end of the weekend. Sanded the filler to shape over the joins and now layed some nice twill weave glass over the outside joins all the way. peel ply on so will see what its like tomorrow morning..might need to get the heat lamps on it as I want to get that peelply off later in the day. The inside join areas have been filled and I still have to glass that but can do that first up in the morning and the heat lamps will help that as well so all should be fine. Will need to put some coremat on the inside bottom as its a bit flexible also maybe on the sides...I will decide after all the joins are done
  15. This was no kite or ballon...it would have been a very long string..like a few km long
  16. Actually I saw my first UAP a couple of nights ago..here in Brisbane. It wasnt a Plane or a heli or a drone or a star...I do astrophography as well. I tried to film it but it came out crap...now I know why all these videos of them are crap....Bloody frustrating actually. What I was seeing with my eye was NOT how the Iphone was showing it..daytime may have been different but night time was terrible with focus etc Dont know if you will see this https://www.facebook.com/1387087683/videos/366186275464270/ Mark
  17. Mate...the boss has "plans". She who must be obeyed commands it so..especially when they are close friends....Mind you Jack she did ask me where you lived. We are heading to the farm on Wed night after work then stay Thursday and drive to Rocky friday..wedding is saturday and the boss has hair appointment in the morning. We head back to the farm on Sunday and overnight to drive back here Monday. Belive me I would love to be going to Raglan...are you going?
  18. I will be in Rocky that weekend. Trouble is that its for a wedding not aircraft 😞
  19. Filling done...now lots of sanding and then glass over the outside joins and inside joins then fine filler...Cant wait until I finish this part of the build
  20. hahah Marty surely you jest...Mabel was supposed to be a 12 month project..its now 5 years !!!!!!!!!!! and still not finished 😞
  21. Managed to get the new cowl cod piece out of the mold this morning. Fitted the lower cowl and sorted my exhaust outlet at the side then taped it in the correct spot lining it up how I set it. Marked and cut the join overlap of about 20mm and preped the lower cowl and cod piece. Screwed it all together to make sure its all aligned properly. Glued both parts together with carbatec and resin and fitted all the screws. Now just have to wait and I will remove all the screws and fill the holes glass the inside joins and the outside then fill around the joins and start sanding again. Finally have some progress again
  22. So many things going on around here its difficult to get back onto projects. Danny came over tonight to help me to get the new bottom section of the cowl for Mabel done. I waxed it and did the release agent this week. So if its sunny it will be out in the sun tomorrow and the peel ply will come off Sunday and hopefully I can get it out of the mold. Maybe next week I can have it grafted onto the lower cowl. Then its cut and reweld 2 of the engine pipes and I can then get the engine started and the rest done so Mabel can go to the hangar finally. Got a chance today to work on the CNC to get the press tool made for the throttle rod bar. Tried it in the press tonight and 5 ton seems to be the right pressure to press the stainless tube perfectly round at the right size
  23. If you want a RANS S-21 kit well pay the deposit and the current wait time until shipping is 16 months
  24. I built a kit ICP Savannah XG XL back in 2010. I bought a wreck of a Savannah S model which turned out to be a far bigger project than expected and I have made and built more than 90% of this aircraft. It is almost completed I have a RANS S-21 Outbound kit sitting here ready to go when I finsih the Savannah S rebuild The S-21 powered with a Rotax can suit the 760kg Group G but any other heavier engine or higher horsepower engine other than a Rotax it will not fit as it has a higher MTOW. Rotax powered is 727kg and Titan or other style of engine is 820kg so it doesnt fit Group G https://www.recreationalflying.com/topic/9712-another-new-savannah-xl-on-its-way/#comments https://www.recreationalflying.com/topic/28429-my-savannah-s-model-rebuild-blog/#comments https://www.recreationalflying.com/topic/35636-my-rans-s21-outbuound-build/#comment-479308
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