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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. I used to use Glasurit base coat paint on all my RC turbine jets...lovely paint to use and great coverage with small amount of paint..the killer is to be careful with how much clear coat you put on. Thats what gains the weight...Often they paint 5 and 8 coats of clear. But if your careful then the very light coat then a heavier coat after it tacks off and your done. Glasurit is great but expensive also...from what I have seen lately though all good auto paints are getting very expensive now
  2. Hi Mike...I have printed a couple of those holders as well ...how good is that new kevlar cable...I got both my Zulu 2 upgraded to the Zulu 3 versions I took that $300 upgrade option they had out. but the sockets cant be too far away from where you clip the holder onto...Might have a look at seeing where I can put them when wearing the holder Hank the paint is Akzonobel 3000 its used by Airbus for all their aircraft. Its fantastic paint and is a basecoat system. I dont think I would want to pay the normal price. This was paint that Virgin uses on their aircraft but they changed colour slightly and we managed to pick it up for a song..cheaper than car paint by a long way. The spray painter told me it was the best paint he has ever sprayed...the next one wont be getting that paint 🙂
  3. I was told that trikes can dig the nosewheel in and sort of dive into the ground..maybe this happenened as orchid beach runway is sand and pretty soft I am told I hope he has a quick recovery..I enjoy watching his videos
  4. I thought it looked like his trike... I just watched his new video the day before using the latest goPro camera
  5. Eprop is such a great company to deal with...always get back to me almost any day of the week. Ok they are very satisfied with the new Jabiru prop. The issue is they just do not have enough space at the current factory to keep doing what they are doing. You may have seen some posts where they are currently building a huge new factory. They are pushed to the limits with orders and space So the upshot of this is until they get the new factory up and running they wont be producing the new jab prop or any of the undercarriages because they just dont have the physical room to store all the molds and for the new machinery they have designed and built to make them all. They should have this operation by "spring" so for them thats early in the new year.
  6. I used that stuff originally and was going to get some but Danny said just to use the pink telflon tape as these are a BSP fitting so they have the tapered thread and he has always used this. He has been building and flying for more than 30 years. The pink stuff doesnt fail with petrol and it helps a lot with the tapered threads. Thats why I used it. If it becomes a issue then I will change it
  7. Hope it wasnt CrayonBox...looks similar to his
  8. Update to whats been happening on the 90% to go Got some of the Carlisle tyres for the mains from the guy down south. What a drama with the tyres trying to fit them and the tubes. I think I posted I had to get Danny to give me a hand but the tubes supplied dont fit very well at all and I managed to stuff a tube it got clamped between the hubs and stuffed it. I had the original tubes from the Carlisles that were on her originally so got one of those and it fitted so much better. but getting the tyres off the rims is just a nightmare. So I made a adhock puller so I could somehow press the tyre down on the rims to get one side free to replace the tube...it made it much easier but it was still crap. I think I will refine it and maybe start making a few to put out there as it seems to be a common issue. I thought one of the guys who went through 3 tubes the same way I did was doing it wromg...not really it is just a terrible thing to try to do. Been working on the fuel system so the feed from the header tank goes to a throw away filter same as I had in the girlfriend..they are cheap and very good then off to the pump. Used a new fuel tap on the floor with a far better operating handle so thats halfway done. The fuel line will go to a gascolator mounted on the engine side of the firewall where the electric pump is on the std savannahs this again is as I had it on the girlfriend..A bit difficult working in that hole...dont know how I did it when I was 40kg heavier. I was testing the current draw of the pump for danny so he could size his breakers for his Esqual rebuild and discovered how dirty the Facet pump is...I cant believe they dont have a freewheeling diode inside...sent my DC power supply a nice voltage bump up to 14.7V when I was feeding it 14V so I have put a diode on the pump that will stop any noise when its on... In the pics is the new circuit I will use as standard now for Mabel and the RANS S-21. How many times have you taken off and forgot to turn off the elec pump also if you did lose fuel pressure from the engine driven pump and you didint see it the first thing would be the engine coughing or it stops. So this mod is pretty easy and gives you a manual option and auto. It requires a pressure switch they are about $45 and this goes in to outlet side of your mechanical pump the switch has 2 contacts NO and NC. When the engine starts it will switch at 2bar so you use the normally closed side of the pressure switch to do the wiring in my diagram. You have a centre off switch on the dash. Auto/Off/Manual So once you go to start the engine flick the switch to auto and the elec pump will start then leave it to build the pressure like normal...or you could select manual and do it the old way then once the engine is started flick it to auto the elec pump should turn off. If your any reason the mech pump loses pressure during takeoff or anywhere in the flight the electric pump will switch on and you will see a big flashing LED every time that pump is running. So in mid flight if it comes on you know you have had a failure but the engine should still be running fine, Its pretty simple but I think also effective and a extra level of safety. Currently doing some plumbing of oil and water on the engine and will get back onto the avionics...one thing though I havent decided on is where to mount my headset jacks....didnt really like where I mounted them in the girlfriend..there must be a better solution...any suggestions or pics would be appreciated Mark
  9. I have asked the question of Eprop and suggested some models and if they are going to make them..Skyranger/Ninja/jabiru/ Savannah ....will see what comes back Will see what comes back as well as I have asked about any further info on the Jab prop Busy week this week...3 props ordered and one of them is the CSU (Glorious) one
  10. I will ask and see...The SkyRanger is popular over there..also their test aircraft
  11. I will ask Eprops if they have a Jabiru carbon undercarriage planned. I ahve also asked for a update yesterday on the status of the prop development for the Jab
  12. There is a couple in NZ now Hank. One is flying the other about to. The one who is flying with it is loving it. Much better than the orginal
  13. When I bought Mabel I thought about 12 months to do the repair/rebuild...hahahahha yeah right..its turned out to be complete rebuild. I only bought the rear fuseage frames and firewall from ICP the rest I made like Marty has....So I know what he has done so far. I like to think I am reaosnably fast when it comes to this stuff and I have the advantage of access to some great metal working machinery and its taken me almost 5 years so far...so Marty dont feel in any way under done...you have done a spectacular job
  14. Some info on the new Eprop CSU Turn CC on at the bottom of the screen to get the english translation
  15. The chute is behind the CG..not far away but at 13kg its enough to be a fair difference
  16. Mabel most likely will be a different beast to The Girlfriend. I am leaving the battery install until she is all together and I do the W&B. I have a 13kg chute installed also heavier main wheels and the exhaust and muffler will be heavier. So really not sure where the battery will end up. The battery on the S model is just behind the pilot..in the XL it was down the back. The rear of the S is much heavier than the XL so hence the battery is more forward. But with the accessories I have I think I am going to be a bit tail heavy. I think the battery may end up at the firewall between the rudder pedals and the firewall. Also of course if I have a issue then it will be a heavier type battery but if it works out I am close then maybe a lighter battery behind the pilot. I did install the battery holder behind the pilot just in case.
  17. True Marty but most likely it will be the antivaxers and conspiray nuts that will do that..the marjority most likely wont.
  18. If my place floods...I would expect to see Noah floating by...Our place is 430ft AMSL
  19. My nearest neighbour is 800 mtrs away then the next is 1km in the other direction. Being very rural I dont see any developments coming in my lifetime....I am very happy with my lot there. We both cant wait until we move there pemanantly. I have my large hangar and a house going up in 4 weeks and my airstrips...what more could a man ask for. Mind you its been an 11 years excercise but I think if I survive ( I should seeing I have had both jabs 🙂 ) we will be there next year full time
  20. Well he is a man on a mission Turbs....you know you cant hold anyone back from that...Hey I enjoy that same disease as Jack...If you had nice farm properties that give you peace and quiet and away from the madness you would understand. My wife and I turn into hermits everytime we go to our 125 acres of paradise
  21. Skippy we dont live in China....my son does he lives and works there and has done for the past 13 years...I can tell you some facts that you dont read about here. I still maintain if your doing nothing wrong then its not a problem. I think people are just too petty and full of their own importance now. Personally I still maintain there is a minority and a majority...usually in the end the majority rules because they have the required push to make things happen when it counts. Maybe I am too set in my ways. I would just like to go to my farm and get away and stay away from all the crap. OH&S and all the legal crap and paperwork and risk assements you have to fill out to even fart in a church nowdays is stupid...... well it will probably get to that...someone will be offended because I farted in church. It seems everyone gets offended even if you look at them...its all too precious now
  22. Yes but like everything Nev there are bad eggs in every bunch but in the overall scheme of things they are not like that. I have been on the revieving end when I was a teenager of the infamous Valley CIB here in Brisbane..we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time..The old telephone book trick was used on myself and a few others but you just grow up and move on. I know a similar case out in the small town I work in...local seargent was involved in the local druggos...he got tossed once it was found he was...my bosses place was used as a survelance spot so they could get the evidence...bad eggs in every single workplace and govt dept but as a percentage its very small
  23. You cant have it both ways...they are all corrupt they are all mongrels etc etc but bet your ringing 000 at the drop of a hat.
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