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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. AcroDuster..thats hangared near me. Pilot did not survive 😞 RIP blue skys https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-18/search-for-plane-in-distress-off-bribie-island/100386296
  2. Doesnt look good. Brisbane Times report a crash west of Bribie Island near Coochin Creek. The picture looks like it maybe a Pitts special from Caboolture...not sure though. I hope not as I think it maybe the one 2 hangars down from mine
  3. Try with a std Rotax first then if you need more grunt then do the bolt on HP with a big bore kit. Maybe also add a CSU later. I think adding a turbo later is a much bigger job and a lot of testing and fiddling to get it right. I know Todd has had a few issues from time to time with his turbo "add on" that required a lot more fiddling as he did have some issues and he had to do a lot of tuning to get the wastegate etc right. At least you can do this with a Rotax...cant do it with a Jab engine...I havent seen any bolt on and go HP increases for those engines
  4. Glenn Just look over in the USA. They are flying all sorts of aircraft in the LSA and Experimental also Jabs in far higher DA than your talking about. I think you are stressing way too much over the facts and figures...we all know that what you put on paper is maybe not so in the real world. So many I know over there their takeoff std height altitude is 6000 or 7000 ft so the DA is far worse in their summer and all have no difficulty doing lots of flying. Look at Youtube for Gravity Knight Flying. Todd used to have S6 with a std 912ULS and his home airfield is over 6000 ft and he flys 10 to 12k ft all the time. He has since added stuff to his engine and also now a different aircraft but his previous hundreds of videoes were done with a bog stock 912ULS. Just stick a rotax in it and go fly...I really dont think you will be dissapointed
  5. HA got nothing on mine...the wrecked Savannah I bought to repair was built by 2 LAME and it was disgusting in how it was built and the attention required...not to mention with a all CNC kit if it doesnt fit that means you have done something wrong. I totally pulled the aircraft apart to every single piece and remade all the parts..on my rebuild blog you will see some examples of the "workmanship" they used to build I believe 13 other kits. There are very very few LAME that I would trust to ever touch my aircraft
  6. Not yet skippy...only what is on the website After the release early next month I expect a lot more detail
  7. This was a long time ago about the incident above. Bolly were trying to develop a all carbon 2 blade for the Jabs. They have it solved now. The Eprop one is still in testing but not too far from being released. There is a airshow in France next month that Eprop is releasing the CSU version so maybe it maybe released there as well
  8. It says you dont need a primer for the hammertone but I did spray a etch primer on it first
  9. I just painted my dash plate last night with hammertone gray 🙂 The Girlfriend the first dash was painted hammertone gray as well I like it...but a later dash I made I got powder coated in hammertone..that was really nice. The dash I have made now is only a interim one I maybe changing the arrangement. The final dash will be powder coated again
  10. The one supplied for the Sav is only a single lead either side. Just dont use the other 2 if you dont want. As I said that 50amp is the last resort fuse...it protects basically against a dead short for anything past that solenid connection
  11. Need to do at least 5hrs conversion from RAA to RPL
  12. They must have changed them..I used them years ago on 4WD comms systems...they were a hell of a lot heavier than any lead acid battery..they had a steel outer case
  13. yes but it may as well be a boat anchor with their weight..they weigh about 9 or 11kg
  14. I prefer the 63V after seeing how big the spikes come out of the generator and its easier to mount than 2 of the others You can easily make a clamp mount out of 1mm alu Breakers from element14 maybe a bit expensive..they have nice name brand ones but they are very good
  15. Glenn is correct always try to get the 105deg versions but they are hard to come by...mostly are 85deg I just looked at Element 14 and they have some in stock...well not here but a week or so away in their stock overseas Element14 order code 2835151
  16. The cap is in the Rotax manual as a "optional " part..it needs to be a std fit because of the crappy generator. 22,000 uF at 40V miniumum but 50 or 63 V would be better Marty the 701 is basically a Savannah Classic. The battery I think from memory from them is behind the pilot seat. The fuel sump is behind the pax seat. The last thing you want is a battery on the engine side of the firewall where its is bloody hot. I think you will need the heavier style battery as the Classic and the 701 do tend to be a little tail heavy
  17. Steve It certainly did...It made me very gunshy. I was a low time pilot then and it is indeliby imprinted into my brain. I am so aware of it now when winds are more than about 15kts. We dont really have too much of a issue for DA where I fly but even a small altitude can make a difference in your aircrafts perfomance. I picked up a mate from a airfield west of here to go to a breakfast and it is about 2000ft AMSL so nothing you would usually worry about. But when we finally got back there to drop him off the temperature of the day had gone from about 20degC when I picked him up to about 40degC when I was landing back at his airfield....I had my aircraft drop from about 1mtr above the runway...it was an arrival...not a landing. The extra weight of the pax and the extra fuel I had on board I was probably at about 560kg. The aircraft performance was drasticaly degraded. It sort of shocked me a bit because we never usually see that as most places I fly are around sea level. So I can imagine the huge differences when these guys overseas are landing at 7 and 10 thousand feet.
  18. When I was trying to bet my 25hrs up on "The Girlfriend" after building her I could only go 25nm for those 25hrs. So I used to do Caboolture to Kilcoy to Caloundra in various different formats. One day it was about a 20kt south westerly and I was about 2500 ft on the leaward side of Mt Tibrogargun which is only about 1200 ft high I think..if that...I was about 5nm to the NE of the mountain and I got the shock of my life..the girlfriend was tossed around like a feather and went to 90deg several times..luckily I was under the max rough air speed of 74 kts...it frightened the crap out of me...that was rotors off the mountain and rising double bounces as it was a lot higher than the mountain so it may have been the second hop...all I know is now I am very aware of lea sides of anything on windy days...learnt my lesson hard and fast...same as my first real experience with DA...learnt that pretty quick as well...we dont have that where I normally fly but I was away for this one and the airport was a lot higher than I normally fly in but it was a stinking hot day ..thats what made the difference
  19. Yes I heard about that incident back then. making carbon props for any direct drive engine has been a learning curve for all the prop manufacturers. Eprop are very anal about making sure the product is perfect when released and this is why it has taken a while to get their Jab version completed. they do huge amounts of testing to make sure. They have been testing their designs now for quite a while and it has taken a long time but you can bet when its done it will out perform any other 2 blade for Jabs on the market
  20. The direct drive on Jab engines is a issue with the engine pulses directly to the prop..this is why its a been a problem developing carbon props for them. Wood absorbs the pulses I will ask though I know Eprop are still testing their ground adjustable jab prop as I only asked about it a month ago. Eprop are on holidays for 2 weeks now lucking I just had 2 props leave before they shut on friday for the holidays. So I ont expect to hear much for the next couple of weeks
  21. Yes but it was a 80hp one. I think he has had some other issues with the engine and hasnt flown it yet. But essentially is a Sav in characteristics. Sold a stack for Savs I think 10 or 12 also 6 for P92 technams,foxbats,sonex with a rotax, RV12, Esqual,CTLS,Rans S7, 2 of WAC Spirit aircraft and others. Everyone has had a quite dramatic performance improvement be it cruise and or climb...all are extremely happy. I think the CS may not be a big improvement on aircraft like the Sav/701 but on something more slippery it will be a big difference. I will try it on my Sav when it arrives but will probably be best on my S-21..although the Sav and the S-21 will be at least 114hp engines
  22. Some info now out about the CS Eprop. They will be released nxt month after a airshow in France. One has been put aside for me to see how they go. Price is still flexible at the moment and will know closer to the release the actual price but currently about 11k aussie dollars. I will be trying to get a better price for sale here. The whole unit inc the controller weighs only 4KG https://aircraft.e-props.fr/glorieuse.php?fbclid=IwAR3qi79AFvv8sylJO8XeABsFmdhEd-rvOSB7Vcxphg51QxmXksveG8kJGks TECHNICAL DATA GLORIEUSE : 3-blade tractive propellers, full Carbon with Titanium leading edge protection, in-flight variable pitch system For ROTAX 912S / 912iS engines [models for ROTAX 914 and 915iS to come] Innovative patented technology Carbon blades with Titanium leading edge Max power : 140 hp Max rpm : 2.600 Available in 7 diameters : 1,60 m / 1,65 m / 1,70 m / 1,75 m / 1,80 m / 1,85 m / 1,90 m (one different mold for each diameter) Moment of inertia : 2.600 kg.cm² Total weight: 3-blade propeller + CS instrument + spinner = 4 kg Electro-hydraulic control for Rotax: ✗ Configuration 2 (hydraulic equipped) ✗ Configuration 3 (not hydraulic equipped) Max pitch / min pitch in less than 5 seconds Safety stops min. pitch / max. pitch Pitch variation: max. range 16° E-SCREEN "Constant Speed" specific instrument, designed and manufactured by E-PROPS. Version 1 : rpm adjustment potentiometer, intake pressure, tachometer, oil pressure, oil T°, water T°, battery voltage, ... Automatic over-torque protection. Setting via Bluetooth. Automatic mode (Single Lever Control). High readability screen. Version 2 : only with potentiometer with and without scale (to come)
  23. Half the savannas around have modified the breather for the tank caps..the original comes out a tube that then goes through the wing to the bottom and you cut that tube with a angle to make sure the large open area faces the airflow. Most change this to just the tubes coming out the top and folded forward facing slightly down. You put some rolled up mosquito wire netting inside and that seems to stop the insects and water getting in. The originals are too small and insects get in and block off the flow out of that tank. This is why I changed mine to the alu tube ones as that very thing happened to me. It locked out a full tank from being used
  24. My Rans uses them for aileron control...I will see if I can find something in the manual about it
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