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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. Mike is a unbelievably smart guy and using the software (Solidworks) he has it calculates the weight and stress on every part based of the material you use. It also does stress and flex..its a incredible program and also costs a lot of money. It is a industry standard software for everything including space and rockets etc. He will know the total weight within grams for sure. The fuel tanks are masterpieces as well. The wing wont flex too much if you see the video he did on testing the spars he designed. I am sure he would have taken into account all those issues...he is very fastidiuos..almost ADHD about it. I have been watching him since he stared Draco...He says he doesnt sleep much and I would believe it..these sort of people go to bed and this is when all their ideas come to them tossing all the ways around inside while trying to go to sleep As soon as I get the notification from Youtube he has a video released I watch it. if you are wanting to do any carbon/fibreglassing work his channel is must
  2. He is a very rich man..and his brother...mind you it has all been made with his own mind and his work ethics He did relate a long time ago how he started when they were kids...he and his brother ran their own company with around 200 plus employees when they were literally still teenagers...Mark Patey is his twin brother. He truly is a self made gazillionaire Oh and he never graduated from college over there either
  3. You dont ever have to worry about Mike Patey's very very deep pockets, Scrappy is not a regular build by any means it is made for a specific mission
  4. You need to go to his channel and watch the videos its incredible what he has done..even the spars are something else
  5. If you dont watch Mike Patey on Youtube then you should. he is a incrediblely talented guy. He has a passion for aviation like no other...and he puts his own money where his mouth is. We have all been waiting for this video because we know how good this guy is. feast your eyes on this gem and listen to the explanation
  6. Hi Gary I get emails from customers all the time. All very pleased with the very big improvement in performance I think I have sold about 25 or more now Here are a couple of them RV12 with Aeromomentum 120hp 4blade Eprop in Northern Territory "the plane is in Alice but so far he reckons it's beautifully smooth at this stage I think we're going to have it set at around 22⁰ but will confirm, climb about 1200fpm and full speed so far is 128 at 5200 I imahine that will not change to much but that is really fast for a 12 " VNE for the RV12 is 134kts !!! and he hasnt pitched it fully yet Savannah in NZ (I have sent 3 to NZ now) "Received prop,thanks very much, have fitted it to my savannah s set prop to 25.30 straight and level 5650 sea level 1013 pressure, take off similar to my keiv prop climb out better 150 200 feet per minute plus as you said 5 knots, where is best rpm in straight and level with out compromising take off.very pleased so far." Savannah in NSW "I got my Bfr done 2day and the E-prop is a smoothness that I haven't experienced b4 and quiet.I adjusted the prop to 25.5 and seems pretty good and there's definitely a increase in speed over the Bolly. At least 5kts or more." This is just a couple of them recently Spoke with Anne at Eprop a couple of days ago She tells me the new CS prop will be available in September after its release at a air show in France. She has my name on one to try out They are still working on the Jabiru version so no date yet on it
  7. 😆 what flavour Bob? 🙂
  8. WEll its not all same same...carbon is light and super strong. Dont know where you fly but the thermals up here can get pretty severe and can load the aircraft up to pretty much the max quite easily. The fantastic plastics I am sure will be flying at a lower G rating at 600kg than at 450kg. Also maybe a modified max rough air speed as well. The comment about not being stong enough is what you were talking about...as I said if you want a strong aircraft made from super fantastic calibralistic composite then you must be prepaired to pay for it. I am not...I would much rather a stronger aircraft than can take the bumps and the unexpected "arrivals". To get that strength it must be made stronger and heavier of course. Now wether you deem 74k for a alu kit or the same as a factory built...although I dont think the ones I am talking about are all that nicely built from the factory as one built from a kti taking the love and care one would are really the same. I know the price is way different and certainly if you have the disposable income to be able to afford a fantastic plastic then go for it.... I could never justify buying and flying something that cost half the price of a house to use for fun. The next aircraft I am building from a kit will cost me flying maybe around 85k but if I imported the factory built it is about 250k..its well made by the factory they do a beautifl job but unless I win the lotto its out of bounds for me. By the time I am finished mine it will be just as good if not better built than the factory one and I get the pleasure of building it and putting my personal preferences and touches to it. It is also very strong and its heavier because of it. It is much stronger than the ones I have been flying now and it will take the lumps and bumps better as well due to that extra weight and strength. I know I would rather have my bum in the stronger one than the one that is originally designed to fly at half the weight and isnt too much different in size
  9. Yes Skippy thats why those european aircraft cost 150k base cost if your lucky then its plus plus plus These aircraft must be built like that as they are only allower 450kg or 472.5 with a chute. Its not horses for courses When you have all alu or wood aircraft its a different kettle of fish to get the strength for a reasonable G rating How much are the aircraft you flog...I see prices or 175k plus not in the realms of possibility when you can build a all alu kit decked ready to fly at 600kg for 75k....its just +3 or 4 and -2 G rating
  10. I saw something that the Colts will maybe just fit depending on the model. But CASA would have done their homework as they were the ones that said it would be 210 aircraft that would fit the 45kts and below stall speed. So they did that to make sure they maybe could control the numbers going in the first time. maybe they had ideas that possibly later they may raise it so others can get in or they may dribble the stall speed up to slowly bleed in other models o aircraft. Thats why i said get as many in as you can now and work on the rest later
  11. Yes he sort of brushed that aside didnt he...when dealing with any govt body its always better to get one thing then work on the rest. As I said they will get 210 aircraft just of the MTOW increase 45kts or under then work on a slightly higher stall speed to get the rest...but as someone said to me after the webcast..RAAus = CASA Pty Ltd
  12. None..I have farm insurance for public liability also on all the farm equipment and the hangar and the shed...will tell you later this year when I get the house build finished..but mine is about 2k per year now
  13. The instructor was from my airfield well known and the student was from the Sunshine coast. The aircraft was a C150 from Sunshine Coast Aero Club. Both died on impact. No details yet that we know of other than that
  14. This is why you will see a lot of Microair installs have a external intercom installed 🙂
  15. Why not one of these as the generator driver. I am sure further development could solve a lot of the issues
  16. Well the oil tank just cant be placed anywhere there is a dimensional area it is supposed to sit in behind or at the side of the engine. its height dimension
  17. You dont want the engine running too cool either..certainly not below 90degC on the oil..you have to burn off the acidic crap from the oil
  18. A lot depends on your prop and setup. No one really looks at hp its the RPM. 5800 max for max for 5 mins then you can run 5500 rpm or less all day long. Most cruise somewhere between 5000 and 5200 rpm. at 5000 rpm I use 15ltr/hr obviously if your going to run the rpm up around 5400 you are going to be using 18 or so ltrs/hr Most of the yanks I know regularly cruise at 5400 to 5500 they like to push their engines. many guys there have 1000 hrs plus The gearbox needs to be done every 1000 hrs but the sprag.it can go for the life of the engine. Most issues with the sprag is not a good enough earth direct to the engine which makes the starter not work quite as well and this tends to wear out the sprag. Spin the enine as fast as you can on start and there doesnt seem to be any issues witht he sprag.
  19. yes mine was a 2015 engine...but they will still frett but no where near as bad as the early cases
  20. These are not made in china..from memory they were made in germany..all the ones we got. The specs between the Fagg and SKF are the same..I think Rotax changed because they got a better deal on bearings.
  21. yes the issue was the grind on the top of the cam lobes..it wasnt profiled enough to make the lifter spin. The wrecked engine Danny and I bought to have spare parts actually had that failure..the cam wore through and that cylinder when bang
  22. Thats a nice looking aircraft..interesting is that it is all electric now but they are going to do a hybrid using a 57kw wankel as the source...so they seem to think thats the way to go as well
  23. My rebuilt engine showing the lifters rotaing as they should after the cam profile had been done correctly
  24. Yes Nev the block, crank and cam have all be crack tested including all in the gearbox The crank has been welded to take the extra hp, the cam has been totally reground to ensire corrent profile so that the lifters rotate and the gearbox is exactly the same that is used on the 914 engine so it will take the power. The lifters not rotating has been a issue for the Rotax and this has been the source of cam failures in Rotax, The big thing for the gearbox is the weight of the prop and extension and spinner. Mine is only 2.4kg total and extremely balanced so gearbox load and wear will only be by the physical hp applied to it. The main bearings in the gearbox are now SKF and not Fagg the SKF is a better bearing
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