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Everything posted by Downunder

  1. https://www.ebay.com.au/p/610820399
  2. This company has 3 Sopwith 2 seat models...... https://airdromeaeroplanes.com/
  3. I was getting this when it was getting too hot. Is it in a ventilated position?
  4. They are called "nut plates" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plate_nut I've also found them tight at times. I think the threads on the end are crimped as a locking/anti vibration measure. I usually run a tap down them. I was advised by a bloke who built his own aircraft to use nylon washers on screws that have no positive locking measure. Helps to prevent loosening from vibration apparently.......
  5. Run a tap down the threads.....?
  6. This one may have been the prototype.....
  7. It's only 600 metres....
  8. It's not meant for members. It's a management box ticking exercise to achieve KPI's or whatever metric they're chasing. So MM can go to one of the 20 organisations he's a part of and say "Sh!t yeah bro, we got the best reporting system eva...".
  9. Bang your rego (or anyones) into this and Bruce's-your-uncle...😁 https://www.raa.asn.au/our-organisation/registration-search/
  10. I think 5500 wot/flat/level is too low. It leaves no spare power margins. If set "light" on a cold day at sea level, on a hot day at altitude it will be less and a take off "heavy" on a hot and high strip is where you want power. If set to 5500 there is also no alowance for altitude degradation. I set to 5650 wot/flat/level, get 5320 at a good climb and this alows for high density altitude operation, mtow operation and a margin to increase throttle at altitude.... I'll add that in an emergency go-around situation the extra power would be welcomed as well....
  11. Landing Port Augusta in a massive cross wind. Decided to take off on the taxi way to depart. No one else was flying and the airport deserted and the taxi way was directly into wind. I was pretty heavy but off the ground in a couple of meters.....
  12. Some people are getting 4000 hrs with the heads being done at 2000 on a 912... That's probably going to be my plan ..... Gearbox overhauls can be expensive. I'm told keeping the oil clean (ulp and frequent oil changes) can reduce this cost significantly.
  13. DO NOT BUY UNCHECKED AND SIGHT UNSEEN. If the owner wanted that, I would see big red flags! Treat it as a business transaction and remove emotion..... Fair enough he wants the money before you take it, but NOT before checked and flown. Don't get sucked in....
  14. Second hand 912's are eagerly sought after..... no matter the hours and condition. So as a replacement, this figure comes off of your new engine price. If buying a straight out new one..... something else would probably be sought by me. 35k.....(with carbs..lol) nah, I'll take a pass on that. It's just taking the p!ss.....
  15. Thanks for that. I should have qualified the 90 kts as being TAS, not IAS at 9500. I habitually just read off the TAS.....
  16. To what degree does turbo normalizing assist? Is it able to be calculated? Atmospheric pressure at 10 000 is about 2/3 that of sea level. So turbo normalizing would boost me 1/3 more power than I would be getting normally aspirated. I hit an aerodynamic wall at about 90 kts at sea level (I can get 100 kts with alot more fuel burn)so I'm guessing that barrier would be increased in thinner air higher up. Currently, I'm still able to get about 90 kts at 9500 WOT with the lower power/rpm available, but I'm guessing it's a power level restriction rather than an aerodynamic restriction keeping my speed low. It can't be as simple as my aerodynamic wall being 1/3 higher if atmospheric pressure is 1/3 less can it? I'm wondering what speed gain I would get At 10 000 with a turbo normalized engine? I also imagine going higher again (16 000) would yield far better performance gains if the turbo can keep up with the compression requirements?
  17. There's one for sale at Serpentine, WA. $45 000.
  18. AoA/stall warning indicators..... Do they allow for weight, barometric pressure and temperature?
  19. I gathered the rego cost for RAA aircraft was to cover the cost of a person managing renewals, registration and the cost of a plastic card. We now have a reduced service (with no card) but I bet that reduced cost does NOT flow on to members with a reduced rego fee! If they made registration "in perpetuity" then they could remove the rego fee and as there would be no need to manage registrations, and no loss to RAA.
  20. The RAA used to extort money for a rego card...... now they just extort money! I really couldn't care less about a card or not. On my list of priorities and problems this comes in at about zero. ANYONE can bang your rego into this to see if your registered or not. Takes about 3 seconds... https://www.raa.asn.au/our-organisation/registration-search/
  21. No, tax paying Australian citizens are a low priority. They are only interested in showboating to foreign countries. $90 mill spent on MH370. More millions spent on ILLEGAL immigrant drownings..... Seems like Australians mean nothing to Australia......
  22. Yes, what about the duty of care the airline has to the baby and the responsibility the mother has to the child....
  23. Yes, what about the duty of care the airline has to the baby and the responsibility the mother has to the child....
  24. Duplicate
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