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Everything posted by Downunder

  1. For what it's worth, Qantas now do the bidding thing for upgrades. However the price of premium economy might not be too far off business class with another airline anyway.
  2. Off on another tangent, but still relating to 912 carbs. I noticed my (metering) needle has movement of about 1mm in and out of it's housing. It has the o ring above the "E" clip. I would have thought the o ring should be snug against the clip and limit movement. The securing screw is tight and all looks fine and undamaged. Anyone else find or notice this?
  3. If the govt is paying up front before people are passing and being qualified, it's pretty obvious the system is wide open to rorting. Wouldn't a reimbursement system more effectual?
  4. Perhaps this is a solution http://www.beliteaircraftstore.com/fuel-probe-system/ They also sell the gauges....... not particularly cheap though. ...
  5. I would have to agree. There's got to be a limit to actually how much ONE person needs, to live a lavish and opulent life. I think it just becomes a p!ssing contest between rival CEO's in the end. There's a story around about how a group of business leaders in the US started competing against each other in the number of business jets each owned.....not to use, but just to have one more than the other...
  6. 1 to 6...... sounds like the "new" RAA....?
  7. Rotax idle setting is about 1800 rpm.... Significantly lower can damage gearbox gears......
  8. A Fuel flow meter, regularly checked for accuracy works well.... Cross checked against original dip, time, gauges and known fuel burn while in flight.
  9. The smell inside the aircraft comes from the PERMEATION (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permeation ) of fuel through hoses and perhaps tanks. Using specifically made hoses prevents this smell. I uses gates barricade fuel hose on my 5 yr rubber change and the smell went to virtually zero.
  10. From the abc article. Aviation Authority ordered inspections of all Boeing 737 NG model aircraft with more than 30,000 flights. Qantas said none of its planes had completed that many flights, but had checked the 33 aircraft with over 22,600 cycles. So they have not even made it to 1/3 of their service life!
  11. Flying behind a Rotax which was designed for unleaded so my thoughts maybe off on a tangent. But unleaded burns cleaner and is cheaper to buy. I have a bp card and have run avgas, ocassionally just "to see" and occasionally as a necessity. Ultimately I think it's good to be able run both as circumstances dictate. I'm happy to have the option to land at the Nulabor Roadhouse and pay $2.00 odd per litre or Forrest at $3.50 per litre......
  12. It's all fun and games.... .... till one goes down....
  13. Looked like a nice aircraft. I'm guessing with cowls like that, it wasn't Rotax powered?
  14. I'm hitting 75 psi when very cold on start up, so a 75 psi sender will be at it's limit.
  15. GA have no membership fees or rego but their details are public and they are billed. RAA PAY membership fees and rego but no public address. That was the status quo. Pilots made their choice as to which aviation avenue they prefered.
  16. Maybe he should design from scratch.... Sounds like he has the funds and team to do it..... Modifying to the extent he is will always run up against existing aircraft limits.
  17. Yeah, I can't understand why they are so curved like that. I must have had 4 inches between my lower back and seat.
  18. I have flown Qantas for work about 6 times in the last 3 weeks, including interstate. Not the Qantas as I remember from 10 or 15 yrs ago and seemed very budget airline orientated. (small box of food) But I will say every flight left pretty much on time. Got Turned back from Devonport due to low cloud and was put up in a hotel in Melbourne for the night. I found the Dash 8 seats were actually build for a "western" male and comfortable. The seats on their 737's look to be built for 5'2" asians... and were horrendously uncomfortable. Headrests at shoulder height? wtf is that?
  19. Abbot used the ATSB for political glory seeking trying to find mh 370. $100 odd million later (and the budget blown) Abbot and mh370 are nowhere to be found. There was also a massive investigation into an illegal immigrant boat hitting rocks and people drowning. This was also politically motivated. My point is that tax paying Australian citizens dying in tragic accidents are not being investigated. RAA accidents are a clear example of this. I am not questioning their ability, but it IS a government department and obviously they have political masters and as such politically motivated investigations.
  20. The ATSB is politically funded, driven and controlled. The last few years have seen more focus on "international" investigations to the detriment of injured and killed Australian citizens. Politicians seeking glory and foreign government adulation could not care less about dying Australian tax payers. A death in a RAA aircraft and a death in a GA aircraft... is still a death.
  21. The vdo (and honeywell) are a 1/8 npt x 27 tapered thread. The Keller is a M10x1.0 as per the new oil pump housings. I used an adapter (1/8 to M10) when replacing my honeywell to keller. Rotax apparently authorise tapping out the 1/8 hole to m10 but I think that is wrong. Physical sizes are similar and it is just a "butcher" job....
  22. My "charge" light comes on red when ignition is turned on. After start up and producing volts, it turns off. I see nothing wrong with this.
  23. Someone on this forum wrote about it (Oscar?) Pilots were sustaining head injuries in a crash and the reason why was a bit of a mystery. Apparently aircraft were folding on inpact with the pilots head hitting the panel. The aircraft would then fold back into a "normal" position after stopping.
  24. Just some....... google is your friend... http://www.rotronuav.com/ http://3w-international.com/wankel-rotary-uav-engine-3w-180-sre-hybrid/ https://uavenginesltd.co.uk/products/
  25. A number of manufacturers are making them for drones/military drones.
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