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Everything posted by Downunder

  1. To be honest, I've never seen an E24 or E23 RAA aircraft that was not factory built. Are there actually any? I have seen an E24 factory aircraft that had a non approved prop.
  2. Ok. Got that wrong. I was sure it was written up as vh xxx on the "completions board"....oh well....
  3. The aircraft is now 51% approved by the FAA.... https://support.flywithspa.com/support/solutions/articles/2000034165-eab-amateur-built-checklist-51-rule-letter- In RAA it would be 19 (kit built) rego...... must be sub 600kg and sub 45 kts stall. No speed limits in Australia. In vh exp....potentially greater weight is available if mfg allowed. If you wanted to go fast you would need a big engine (heavier) and a bigger engine requires more fuel so large fuel tanks and therefore heavier mtow again. Perhaps still heavier with GA CS prop too.... As stated, controlled access is available. There was one built at Serpentine (SABC) I think, as vh exp. If I was already rpl/ppl I would probably go vh exp rather than downsize and perhaps limit performance and weight....however it depends on it's ultimate use I think.
  4. Are they the same size as 100 hp valves?
  5. No doubt improvements and changes were needed and are needed. I'm not against that. But the context of a small organisation and membership base needs to reflect those changes. My guess is the staff savings from manual recording have been outweighed by computer programming and maintenance costs? Proffesionals getting on the board and in management like to talk about organisations they have been a part of and think the larger the organisation they have been a part of, the more credibility they have. However, bad and expensive decisions can be hidden/written off against a large membership base without much notice.
  6. When, not that long ago, the RAA went from paper and folders (as in manila folders) to computerised, all sorts of efficiencies were spruked. Cost savings as one. However, costs have continued to rise well above inflation. As in multiple times inflation. It seems to me the cost of efficiency is more than the actual purported savings so what is the point? Management want bells and whistles. Members want cheap flying.... Running an organisation with only 10 000 members is far different than running one with 100 000 members.
  7. Barry is just a shill for management. They say jump.....he says how high......
  8. Some may say, a dysfunctional, passive and corralled board is exactly what RAA management want?
  9. https://www.360uw.com.au/aviation/ I've not heard of them. Let us know how you go. It's about time I checked out the market, with PL and hangar insurance coming in a few months.
  10. Too true Jabiru..... if you're not a minority, you don't count.
  11. Edited... Ah...wrong comment if no nut used.....(was going to say nyloc nut) I'd guess with loctite/spring washer if in a blind hole...... Of course use mfg specs...
  12. Front cylinders always run rich after a good idle... As in anything below flying rpm. If you have 4 egt sensors this shows up as much cooler front cyls. If you are not using oil, comps, leak down good... Go fly... You can pull both plugs and shine a torch in bottom hole. Look in top hole to see piston top.... If there's any difference to other cylinders.
  13. This threads on fire.... Burn baby.... Burn... ?
  14. TIME. Numbers on the face of a clock are rather arbitary and meaninless. We could all go by UTC if we wanted to. What is important is when the sun rises, when the sun sets and using time(as in the actual number) to coordinate dayly activities. We could all be the same time in Australia or even the world. It's just that people would be rising, working and sleeping at different numbers....
  15. The late night pessimist in me thinks the doctor couldn't make as much money that way......
  16. @kasper what are your ballot recommendations for number 2 and 3 selections?
  17. My first reaction to any ignition problems is..... change the plugs first. It's cheap, it's easy, and you never REALLY know until they are changed...... And if there is no change, then you simply have a spare set of plugs for the next service. Nothing is wasted....
  18. It's not difficult to get them slightly out of alignment when fitting, and pinch them. This happened to me and it leaked slightly after checking the fuel bowls during a service. I purchased new cork gaskets, removed carbs from engine and sat them upside down on a bench. I put a VERY small amout of silicone (or something) in each corner and fitted gasket and bowl. Left overnight and refitted to engine. That was several years ago and I've never had a problem since.....gasket sits nicely in place when removing bowls.
  19. I'm reminded of the media clips of public passengers whinging about delayed flights due to weather. Such as when volcano's delay returning flights in Bali. The ignorance and arrogance! Would they really be happier.....dead? "First world problems"..... as they say.
  20. ALL... factory built. Amateur/kit built above 600 can be owner maintained. Source.... RAA president to me, at a pnp a few months ago.....in public. I also believed it was every aircraft over 600kg up until his statement.
  21. How do I stop the emails? Currently, I have to go to "content I follow" and change the preference the first time time I post on a new thread.
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