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Everything posted by Downunder

  1. Made by Mcmurdo... They do mention battery replacement on their support page. You may have to send it to the UK/Europe which won't be cheap for postage both ways....
  2. Remember when the RAA and the M&M brothers came out with all this cta access and weight increase twaddle? Promoted and bashed it about for 6 months and it was always so "close" to bring approved....lol. Not peep these days.... Now left and ignored to die a slow death..
  3. With the sds fuel injection, you can get dual ecu's and dual fuel pumps...... That, combined with modern automotive injection components makes it reliable as it can be. You just need the electrical "juice" to keep it going. Those questioning the reliability also need to remember you are eliminating 100% of the carby faults at the same time, and getting better fuel economy (therefore greater range) and better tuning with even egt's to all altitudes.
  4. I bleed my matco by sucking through from top to bottom. (Vacuum on nipple and operate brake lever) I bought a cheap brake suction kit on ebay. Some caliper nipples are on the bottom of the calipers. I think these are better suited to a push through system. Forcing air through and out the top. As my matco nipples are on the top of the caliper (and the oil line at the bottom), I prefer to suck through them to remove the air.
  5. Never tried DECALIN with the avgas?
  6. I can say the engine will keep running. I would guess the regulator still receives (AC) power.....
  7. You WILL want a park brake.
  8. I've landed far in excess of my max cross wind rating. Basically because I had to... I don't think any excessive forces were put on the aircraft as I was landing and slowing down. What I did find out is that at a certain (declining) speed at max rudder deflection you lose the ability to remain straight. At this point I was well and truly in the landing "roll out" with the mains on the deck..... Thinking quick, as I started to weather cock, I pushed the elevator forward putting the steerable nosewheel on the deck and "drove" the aircraft back straight as I slowed to taxi speed.
  9. My answer has nothing to do with my visibility to ATC. I am not hiding. My RAA aircraft has a mode S transponder and adsb-out so I'm more visible than 90% of recreational aircraft. I also use ozrunways traffic with adsb-in....... I have a dual station monitoring radio.... I am very keen to be seen, and to see others..... Many RAA aircraft, Microlights and gyro's fly in the same airspace as GA/RPT aircraft with no transponder, FLIGHT PLAN or even radio at times with very very few incidences.
  10. When it all goes well no one cares, but when things go south that's when it starts to unravel. ...... I guess when there's no paperwork or receipts, the hirer can just deny everything and walk away with a smile.....
  11. Section 11.3 of the tech manual explains what an L1 can do.....start at 11.1..... https://www.raa.asn.au/storage/2-raaus-technical-manual-issue-4-single-pages.pdf Owners can obtain this qualification and do their own servicing. If you cannot obtain or do not feel competent, then I would suggest you employ an L2 for your own safety. 3.2 Competence to carry out work 3.2.1 An individual that has completed the mandatory RAAus L1 or higher training process and has the appropriate qualifications and experience to carry out maintenance on an aircraft or aeronautical product may carry out the maintenance in accordance with the manufacturer’s schedule to ensure the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft.
  12. Lot's of "24" have faults that can be improved. My take on why they are reluctant to provide letters of approval is because they don't want to admit liability or fault for the original setup.....for EVERY aircraft manufactured the same. Which makes it hard to legitimately improve a poor design .......... when the mfg's response is to stick their head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. One common issue I've seen on Rotax powered aircraft is WAY underspec battery to starter cable......probably to save weight. Even high end euro designs having cable below Rotax recommended minimum spec. Constant poor starting ends up with a failed "sprag clutch" which then costs thousands to replace.......
  13. Sometimes, where there's a will, there's a way.... I flew into Broome for a couple of days during my Kimberley tour in June. No RPL/PPL....cta endorsement. I flew in and out before the tower opened at 8.00am local. (So effectively under CTAF regs) I filled out the application on the Broome website, telephoned and spoke to the tower and airport safety officer. They provided a great deal of friendly and helpful information to ensure I arrived and parked safely. I was advised when to make my first inbound calls, what runway was likely to be active and the best point to join circuit as well as possible aircraft departing and arriving at my time of arrival, 7.30am... On final, the airport officer radioed to confirm that I knew which taxi way to depart runway and offered to escort me. It was the first time I'd done anything like this but it was a good learning experience.
  14. I believe Rotax upgraded the radiator cap to a higher blow off pressure at some point. (Should be written on the top) Might be worth seeing what you have and if it's the right one.
  15. Yes, maintained by an L2 and be factory built for "hire and reward". If previously privately maintained, an L2 is required to sign off before being put into hire. I'm unsure of the insurance aspects, but you'd have to be crazy not to insure in that situation.
  16. Thanks for the feedback. Not alot of people with questions ever get back on, to explain how they went which in turn helps others again.
  17. I fly to be free. Not contained and locked in .......
  18. Factory built RAA aircraft enter controlled airspace legally all the time without any exemption.
  19. There's a regional airport in WA that regularly flys RC aircraft several times per year. I imagine they have permission from the authorities and, as I've flown in myself several times, monitor and communicate on the ctaf. The RC aircraft land, and we are given the OK to land. Worked fine...... I imagine this drone operator in the video was part of a RC club/group flying at the airport on the day....... The temporary sun shade/tents seem to indicate a somewhat organised event and not a rogue drone operator. Good on them! It's good to see commuity groups making use of the airfield. It makes the airport MORE important to the community, and that's a GOOD thing for all aviation. ........love the smell of freedom in the morning.......
  20. https://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/tell-us-about-your-last-flight.21911/page-84 Post #1667....
  21. Some schools used to have a business model where they put them up for sale at 300 hrs or so, while in continual training. They would hopefully sell it to a student or buyer before 600 hrs. That way there was not too much of a loss in value and the school would always have relatively new training aircraft. No doubt they were getting a good "new" price from the mfg as well .....
  22. Try this... 007755.pdf
  23. I see ozrumways have Jdandboo listed, but no contact details.....
  24. I didn't start the thread. I just made the joke...... chill man...... just a bit of irrelevant gosip.....
  25. Obviously a company that's looking for MORE bureaucracy, staff, rules and regulation, meetings, fancy position names, contractors, increasing operating costs, fancy web sites and bleeding more money from who ever funds it.......whether it's wanted or not.....
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