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Everything posted by Downunder

  1. I think that's a very viable option. As long as the price wanted matches the state it's in...... You may even get it for a better deal as the current owner won't be responsible for any repairs.... 1-1-tech-form-026-transfer-of-registration-fillable.pdf 1-tech-form-028-damaged-unairworthy-aircraft-acquisition-fillable.pdf 2-tech-form-013-recreational-aircraft-condition-report-all-aircraft-fillable.pdf
  2. Preferably get someone experienced with Rotax's and fabric. Many LAME's are not.... The RAA have a listing of their L2's..... Can I ask what state it is in?
  3. Possibly Michael Smith in his twin 915 aircraft..... http://www.seabearaircraft.com/news/michael-smith-inspection-visit/
  4. A picture a pilot might not want to be in......lol. Albany WA.
  5. Yes, I was just about to say..... so they don't defect to another school.....
  6. I'm all FOR turbine conversions, but a P 51 Mustang? ANYTHING, but a classic warbird!
  7. Looks like Boost has done away with their 6 month pre paid plans too. $200/85 GB for 12 months remain though...... One of the reasons I keep my data use on a separate sim is so I can easily swap sims and companies and not worry about the number as it's largely irrelevant. That way I can always chase the best deal. I'm still with Boost monthly pre paid with data rolled over......
  8. Local Fly-in in Western Australia. Located just out from York near Perth. Drive in or fly in for the day or two! More info...... Westfly Westfly+2020+Flyer.pdf
  9. Speaking of RAA employees absconding to CASA, is Barnfield still on the RAA books? After his CASA tenure of a few days, I believe he came back into the RAA fold as a "contractor". I've heard hide nor hair of him since....
  10. A local built a kit aircraft a couple of years ago. He had to follow the manual exactly, and the tech manager at the time layered his own personal requirements on top of that. The underlying threat was the aircraft would not be accepted for registration......
  11. Wind direction....
  12. The FK at Serpintine flys well with this engine. At sea level a 912 uls has more performance but at altitude the turbo smart engine out performs. Unfortunately this model engine is getting dated and parts are getting harder to find, especially in Aus. Finding "good" parts out of europe and reasonable shipping costs is hard.
  13. Maybe he's going to the AAA (Australian Airports Association) or Avdata. He sold out the membership, so they owe him a favour.....
  14. ......and people keep thinking these people are in it for the good of the RAA.....
  15. Everytime someone mentions an aircraft Skippy, you jump straight up on your soap box deriding it and promoting the aircraft YOU ARE SELLING. I'm just really starting to get sick of it...... I'm not on this site to listen to your self promotion in EVERY THREAD at EVERY OPPORTUNITY. I try to be tollerant but it's getting out of hand and bringing my overall enjoyment of this site down.
  16. There's the 5 year rubber replacement, but there's alot more o-rings and seals that are not part of it that I would change as well. The o-rings sealing the oil pump for example. They would be nice and hard for sure. There's also the rear crank seal and water pump seal. For the carbs, I'd send them to Floods for full strip/inspection and replace everything rubber. Rocker cover seals..... Inlet manifold o-rings to head.... Radiator cap.... Gearbox strip and inspection......replace front seal. Oil can lid o-ring...... There's probably more..... CPS have a good graphical breakdown of part assemblies to look at.... https://www.cps-parts.com/menus/rtx/parts_4.html
  17. I'd probably replace all rubber components, and just fly it......
  18. My basic training was 1 hr in the morning and 1 hr in the afternoon with some study in the middle. I did this for 5 days, took a break of 2 weeks and did it again. I realise different people have different thresholds but to me it was quite intensive at 2 hrs flying time per day.
  19. There were some light GA aircraft put on the RAA register years ago when there was not much scrutiny about weights. However I doubt it could be done these days under the mtow limit of 600kg. There is talk of raising the max RAA weight to around 760kg, but it may be a long wait.
  20. I don't see the point of a direct copy of the Rotax. If it's any more than half or 2/3 rds the price of a genuine one I don't see the reason to buy one. An engine with the same dimensions and power would be nice as a bolt in replacement. "Modernised" with fuel injection and such......but not a copy with carbs.
  21. There is an optional external alternator.
  22. Yes, they are heavier and have a higher wing loading generally. I was parked amongst some RV's. My wings were rocking in the breeze and the RV's were dead still....
  23. I've used currencyfair for business transactions. They also have personal accounts. The good thing is that you can transfer aud into other currencies at any time and it is held in that currency. You can also "bid" for a better rate which will automatically exchange when hit. Good for taking advantage in any spikes in rates. You can also transfer between currencies and back to aud. I sent a payment one night to china. It was in the bank at 8.00 am next morning. This was sent at standard currencyfair rate, not express. The sales rep was amazed. She had never seen such a fast transaction ever. This was from a fairly large industrial manufacturing company.
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