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Everything posted by ianwells

  1. Hi Ozzie, we have an airfield just south of Prosepine and could easily fit the Gyro in one of the hangars, also basic accommodation if needed. Cheers Ian
  2. How much do you want for the propeller? can you put some photos of it up please. Cheers Ian
  3. Hi Suphalak, we have a private strip just south of Proserpine that you are welcome to use. PM me your phone number and I will give you a call. Cheers Ian
  4. Hi CrayonBox, Thats Bills Sav. Pm me your phone number, I will get him to give you a call. Cheers Ian
  5. Hi Tyson, Just buy an aircraft and go flying, nothing beats having your own plane. Fly when you want, where you want and as often as you want. Get addicted. Doesn't have to be a $60,000 jab, there are plenty of $10,000 drifters, x airs, thrusters out there, some of the best flying you can do would be in a rag and tube ultralight. Flying is the thing in life that needs to be done, the rest is just there to support the habit. Have fun flying, cheers Ian Ps where are you?
  6. Any one recieved the voteing papers yet? 18 th of July, still no mag or papers and going away next week so will not be able to vote. Not a good first election with the new business structure if they cant get the papers out to the members by a reasonable time frame. I have sugested to RAA to postpone the vote for a month so all members get a chance to vote.
  7. Yes WOW, beautiful photos.
  8. Will be there Bull, The whitsundays are slowly recovering from TC Debbie so looking forward to a break from the big clean up. Tides are good for a BBQ beach breakfast on sunday morning.
  9. We are just 20 k south of Proserpine, its getting really blowy now. The house is vibrating, the hangar roof is flexing, and still 4 hours till it crosses the coast. Had to go up on the roof a while ago to screw down a couple of flappy bits, felt like "Captain Dan" in Forrest Gump.
  10. Camping is definitly under the wing, but be aware it can get very cold once away from the big fires at the bar area. Cold that is for us north Queenslanders.
  11. Hi Webby, where abouts in N Q are you? There are a couple of Hornets in the Townsville area, as well as the F18 variety. Cheers Ian
  12. Will be there.
  13. Will be there with the usual crowd from the Whitsundays, looking forward to it.
  14. Hi Wayne, We cross the range just south of mount Hector which is just about 10 nm wnw of lakeside airpark, has about 5 mins of pucker country but then opens out to open cattle country. If you have ground support makes it much easier, fuel is a bit of a walk at both Nebo and Middlemount, but lots of other places to land and top up with the support vehilcle. See you at Lakeside for Easter.
  15. On the way up you should have a tailwind, when heading south we tend to head inland, less headwind away from the coast but further. Fuel available at Nebo, Middlemount then Dingo roadhouse. Cheers Ian
  16. Early morning start for me, but had to go to work.
  17. Hi Keith, I hope to make it down there and drag some of the other Whitsunday fliers with me. Looking forward to it.
  18. https://m.facebook.com/events/1637159836602994?refid=18&_ft_=qid.6296317856199595848%3Amf_story_key.1687836888135847%3Atl_objid.1687836888135847
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  19. the weather is looking good for the weekend, should be a good turnout of aircraft from the Whitsundays. Getting the 701 ready to join in with tha Savannahs for the high speed aerial display.
  20. Says cancelled until the "end of may" old station is the end of may so perhaps will be their first display after fixing the problem. . Will be there Rouletts or not.
  21. Hi IBob, I have flown the Savannaha no problems with the doors off, never tried with them open though. Have a 701 on floats that is always flown doors off, just in case! Just make sure eveything is tied down well inside the cockpit otherwise it will be out the door in a flash. Cheers Ian
  22. I use a Samsung galaxy tab 3 lite, can pick them up for about $140 so are cheap enough to leave in the aircraft. Does all it needs to do and good size for fitting in the dash. just waiting for oz runways or avplan to come up with a fully functioning app rather than the poor versions they currently have for android devices. more and more people are turning away from apple. Cheers Ian
  23. Thanks for putting the photos up Graham, its looks like a great flyin. We will have to get down there one day. Cheers Ian.
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