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Everything posted by ianwells

  1. Hi Ian, welcome I also learnt to fly with Wayne at Lismore. What a buzz that was. I still have a drifter and am putting some floats on it. Where are you based and what are you now learning to fly in???? Cheers Ian wells
  2. some good news. A Canadian backpacker rescued by an ultralight aircraft. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-08-22/canadian-backpacker-found-safe-near-quilpie-south-west-qld/4904312
  3. Rose Bay where Catalina A24-24 Crashed and sank 17 Aug 1943
  4. More photos can be found at http://cqplanespotting.blogspot.com.au/2013/08/photos-from-70th-anniversary-catalina.html
  5. here are a few more pics of the day. The Catalina base. some of the true flyins. bills new ICP Caravan???? Heading North Coastal!!!!!
  6. Hongie I darn't go any lower as Prossie township was somewhere just below that fog. there was a clear area just out to the west of where we were flying that we wanted to keep within glide distace, just in case. Besides, had to stay above 500 feet. Great flight though.
  7. I was once called up by the local police to see if I had been flying and was I OK. I had been out in the drifter and been doing some fairly severe sideslips at a local strip. apparently someone had contacted the police saying they had seen an aircraft flying with a very unusual attitude and thought it may have crashed. I always thought my attitude to flying was generally OK.
  8. Hi Redair I use an app called Easy VFR which can be run on any android device. In some ways is better than oz runways, others not so good, but I just dont want to buy any apple device. If you already have an I phone you can run oz runways on that. A friend of mine had an aware device which worked fine, but when it came to updating it to the latest maps the customer support, based in the UK, could not manage to do the update. He has now bought an I pad and uses oz runways. If oz runways ever relaese an android version I would try that, but at the moment very happy with Essy VFR. Regards Ian
  9. What a great day! here are a few more photos, thanks to all for coming. Proserpine sugar mill sticking through the early morning fog Hangar roof view of the assembled aircraft, minus the Foxbat.
  10. Great thread. No has mentioned weather wearing protection actually increases the risk of an accident happening. In England every weekend the weekend warriors on their Roadbikes head to the Yorshire Dales or North Wales to blast around the country side in full racing leathers with knee sliders to travel along roads designed 200 years ago for the horse and cart. No amount of body armour will save them when going through a drystone wall at 100 mph, but being so dressed they feel invincible. Several people have already commented that they don't wear a helmet normally, but always do when doing ag work or test flying. So does wearing safety gear, helmets, leathers, fire proof suits, Death proof cars! actually make us take more risks and become less safe? Just my thoughts Ian
  11. Hi Shane, welcome back to the Whitsundays. If you are free this Sunday, 4 Aug, pop up to see us at Heathrow for a BBQ lunch, see thread in trips,events,spare seats. give me a call on 0428 446676 if travelling by road for directions. Hoping to see Doug, Hongie and Mike there as well! Regards Ian
  12. Hi All, Heathrow is at 20 deg 32.8S and 148 deg 39.1E about 7 nm SE of Proserpine airport 09/27 240m grass 17/35 600m grass undulating! any non STOL aircraft wishing to come could land at Prosie airport or Lakeside airpark and we can pick you up in the Sav or a car! Looks like good weather for a few days, so may be a camping trip on for Monday or tues night, Mount Coolon perhaps?????? Hope to see lots of aircraft on Sunday Ian
  13. Should be Sunday 4th Aug
  14. It looks like the Queensland winter weather will be here this weekend, so fly in for a BBQ lunch this Sunday, weather permitting!!!! at Heathrow. BYO snags or RSVP for lunch. Camping, the Bat Cave and T2 available for Sat or Sunday nights for those not working!!!!! All Welcome, Fly:plane:, Drive , Bike or Boat(seaplanes!) even Gyros welcome CU there Ian & Julie
  15. Typical North Queensland winters day flight
  16. Miss adventure II from Cab Sav
  17. Hinchinbrook island
  18. A few drifter legends, Maj Millard, Ronnie, Frank and me, at franks place.
  19. I'm even sat in the left hand seat, Didn't know I was a lightwing pilot before you were Maj!!!!!!
  20. Hi Lee good to hear from you, remeber me? had the water sports operation on long island, now flying a savannah and drifter from our own property just south of prosie. look us up if you are passing. Where are you???? Any chance of getting a float endorsement from 23 years ago????? Ian
  21. not at old station .
  22. Guess the location???????
  23. At a private island airstip!!! If I gave you the location, we would have to kill you!
  24. Hi Paul, Welcome to the site. Where are you based? I'll try and see if I can find a W & B form anywhere. Cheers Ian
  25. G'day Colin, Welcome to the wetsundays! Its still paradise here even when its raining, at least the rain is warm. We operate from our own stip called Heathrow, just south of Proserpine, drop in any time. For hangarage try Lake side Airpark at Bloomsbry Ph no in ERSA. Cheers Ian
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