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Everything posted by ianwells

  1. What a great weekend. Ten aircraft from the whitsundays attended, here are a few photos. Many thanks to the organisers. Doug and Lesley Maj Millard in his lightwing???? meeting Dick Smith on the way home The whitsunday crew.
  2. The new/old spinner looks good Doug.
  3. Cab sav is washed and packed, just need to top up the tanks and were ready. 12 aircraft from the Whitsundays are planning to go, just need the weather to cooperate. shame you cant be with us Pat.
  4. This happens a lot in queensland with ceiling fans!
  5. So when is the flyin please ???????? we have no tv so no idea when the election is!!! who is standing for president? cheers Ian
  6. Who follows who Maj!!!! We will definitly be there, possibly a Buccaneer taging along as well?
  7. maps are always drawn with north at the top and that is the the way they should be used !!!!! except for the girls ?
  8. Here are just a few of the aircraft attending. What a day it was???? And the Tigger Moth Bowen
  9. Only problem is, if i'm Paragliding, who will fly Cab Sav? I will have have to work on Julie to get her licence!!!!!!!!!!!! Then that would be cosy, me Julie and the paraglider. And of course the AND unit
  10. Hi Keenaviator, What a way to get back up from the west bomb out! certainly more comfortable than the "Borah Basher" I do believe that a storch used to top land there so should be no problem for the Savannah.
  11. Aldo I do always carry and use an airband radio, this area was CTAF R so legally required to do so, and good common sense. In a previous life as cross country paraglider pilot where every flight was a cross coutry flight with an outlanding somewhere, we were continually on the look out for power lines and were (still are I think) legally able to fly well below 500' many a time have been able to scratch up into another thermal from just above the deck, or ridge soaring inches above the trees. I dont believe ANY paragliders or hangliders carried VHF raios, seperation was purely visual with many pilots in very tight thermals, radios would be useless in this situatuion, so do you still call all paragliders and hanglider pilots fools? Regulations are different for different types of flying, and what you may think is foolish in your type of flying is common practice in others.
  12. Aldo I think you may have missed the context of John's post. I dont really think that he was actually SEEDING and HARVESTING from his Aerochute???????? "Not carrying a radio is dangerous (you may not be legally required to carry one but anyone who doesen't is a fool)" I take it that this is in your opinion only as there are many people out there without radios flying perfectly safely, Its a BIG country. Besides I doubt anyone else will be flying in the same airspace as John as he flies up and down at 20 feet, draging a plow behind him getting the soil ready for seeding.
  13. This is the same glider I use with the paramotor. I had a couple of attempts with the motor the other day but still have to do a bit of work on it. The motor wouldn't fit in the Sav, even with the extended bagage area. Just the paraglider was a bit tight agaist the control stick so i could only do left hand turns on the way home! I may be able to strap the paramotor onto roof racks on the fuselage but then I think I may need a twin engine endorsement? or would that only be needed if the paramotor was running?
  14. Just what I was thinking Maj !!!!!!!!! Great minds think alike! or is it fools seldom differ.
  15. Hi Mike Its Conway Beach in the Whitsundays (The Savannah was assembled on the beach for photograpic purposes only)
  16. Ancient chinese advice passed from father to son for many generations "If it Flys, Floats or F****s It is much cheaper to rent it!"
  17. Well said Forexjohnny. Low and slow is FUN and we do it for recreation, the joy of flying. Low and slow is where the AUF came from (remember them?) Hangliders with lawn mower engines skiming the tops of the trees. I Can't believe a "Drifterish" aicraft would be Hooning I Can barely get 60 knots out of mine in full dive, hardly hooning at that speed!!!! But yes when low and slow do WATCH OUT FOR THE POWER LINES. Every house, shed, building WILL have one so beware. I have heard that both people injured in this event are recovering and out of hospital. Have FUN but fly Safe. Ian
  18. What a great days flying. Took off from home with the paraglider in the right seat of Cab Sav and headed for a local paragliding site. I did a bit of ground handling on the beach followed with a short but very sweet paraglider flight. Loaded everything back in the Savannah and flew home again. It doesn't get any better than that!!!!! Note the savannah matches the paraglider (The CB 900 is burnt orange too)
  19. Maj in "miss adventure 11" heding north from Monto towards Emu Park, From Cab Sav.
  20. Is this Maj IN a J230
  21. hi Peter the horizontal tail and fin will fit in a container by just removing the plastic tips on the tailplane and elevator, not sure about the length though as I put my savannah in a 40 foot container for cyclone preparations. Cheers Ian
  22. Hi Frank I would love to have a read of the "journey into nowhere" as we are planing a big outback trip in the Savannaha later this year. Any chance to learn from other peoples mistakes should not be missed. Cheers Ian
  23. I think that one is Mentmore beach, between Proserpine and Mackay, here's another great camping beach at Cape Palmerston, just south of Sarina.
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