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Everything posted by ianwells

  1. Hi all The S***S starting to hit the fan here in the Whitsundays, very strong wind gusts, a few branches down already. We've battened down as much as possible. I think we will miss the worst of the wind, but the tidal surge may get us as Heathrow is built on a flood plain! The drifter is hanging up high in the hangar and the new Savannah kit is all in the shipping container. I'm hoping that the worst of our tidal surge will coincide with low water. This time we have holes in the bottom of the containers so they won't float away like the did a few years ago! Good luck and STAY SAFE to all living further north
  2. Hi Mark and Mike We were all set to start the paint job when cyclone Anthony and now Yasi come along. Anthony wasn't too bad but we took the tail off so we could put Cab Sav inside a shipping container, part of the hangar, along with the box of bits still to be fitted, so it should be safe. Now along comes Yasi!!!!! It was heading for us but now for Cairns. Our hearts go out to the people of the FNQ in particular Frank (Farri) and Tom Abell who lives in Mareeba. Its going to be a very tough 48 hrs for the whole region. Lets just hope everyone stays safe. Regards Ian
  3. [ATTACH]12948.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]12949.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]12950.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]12951.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. Hi Mark I'm just having problems uploading photos but will keep on trying. I picked the engine up yesterday!!!
  5. Hi Mark I've managed to hoist the drifter into the roof of the hangar so I can now move tha cab sav into the hangar for final assembly and painting. The hard bit now is deciding which bits to asseble prior to painting, and which to do later. The horizontal tail is on for good now and i even tried a wing on for size, fits perfectly. The weather is even cooperating at the moment, as long as cyclone Anthony stays away we may get the paint on this week.
  6. I'm going to call it a "carbon Savannah" !!!! (Cab Sav)?
  7. Hi Mark Long time no posts, perhaps christmas or flying have got in the way of building. I've been plodding along and now have all components built, just need to put them together. Youre tips for the tips were invaluable, the plywood former worked a treat. I just could have done with a few extra pairs of hands to hold it all together when riveting. I put the instrument pannel together and its HEAVY, 3,5 kg!! How heavy is youre brauinger pannel? A few extra bucks to save 3,5 kg may be money well spent. Work is going quiet now so back to building, though my engine is stuck in Brisbane at the moment. Hopefully not too low down!!!![ATTACH]12887.vB[/ATTACH] cheers Ian
  8. Hi Latestarter, Can't beat a drifter if you want that flying by the seat of your pants feeling, complete with the bugs in your teeth! A reasonable second hand one costs from $15,000. Easy to maintain and hold their value well. just try to go for a flight in one. They are also tail draggers! Good luck and welcome. Ian
  9. Hi Carl Do you like cars or motobikes? If its motorbikes go for a flight in a drifter, try Wayne Fisher at Lismore. Thats what fyling should be like. Look for spectrum aviation on you tube. Regards Ian
  10. Hi Nada Here's a couple of tips, Give up on the ppl for now and join RA Aus. Save some money. find several schools/instructors/aircraft types and try them all out. Take a month off work and learn to fly. With a bit of determination you will end up a pilot. Much better than doing an hour a month for year after year. I'd recomend learning in a drifter or savannah but I'm biased. Good luck Ian
  11. Hi Mark. Good to see one wing done, I.m sure the next one will be much quicker. I put the first rivets in the wing today. I notice your bench is solid wood, I carpeted mine with quite a deep pile carpet, as there was lots getting thrown out after cyclone Ului last year. This made it easy to slide components around without fear of scratching them, and, especially with the fuselage, when putting clecos into the lower surface you can just push the cleco through the skins into position and into the carpet without having to lift the fuselage up. That seemed to make it a lot easier for me. Thats not me in the photo, this is me in the left seat!!! [ATTACH]12651.vB[/ATTACH] How many rivnuts for the tank inspection plates? I may do the same as you. regards Ian
  12. Hi Mark Its good to see you back on the job. My Savannah went for its fist roll today on its own 2 wheels[ATTACH]12632.vB[/ATTACH]. I spent today going through the parts that are left and there arn't that many. I did find a windscreen demister box, but there are no holes for it in the dash cover pannel, do you know if this has been superseeded now with the cabin heat. I also made a start on the right wing so I'm now going back through all youre old posts to see how its done. I've put the doors together but not fitted them yet, that was arll quite straight forward so far and I thinck i've sussed out the hinge system so I will try to fit the doors next week. It's good working on the plane outside as its not rained for at least 4 days now. Aircraft arn't meant to be left chained up inside![ATTACH]12633.vB[/ATTACH] regards Ian
  13. Here's the latest[ATTACH]12587.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]12588.vB[/ATTACH] I'm still progressing but there seems to be lots of fidly bits now and I'm tyring to finish lots of half finished jobs. We did manage a bit of a fly-in on sunday with six aircraft and good weather for a change, but the rain is back now. Three days work now this week, I'd rather be Savannah building! Ian
  14. Hi Microlight magic Welcome to North queensland, Melbourne to port douglas some move!
  15. Thanks for that Mark, I was contemplating bending it but just wanted to check and couldn't gat hold of Reg last night. I work in tourism in the whitsundays so its famine for me at the moment with the weather and time of year so only 2 days work each week at the moment, which leaves lots of time for building the Savannah!!!!!!!! Thanks again Ian
  16. Hi Mark. I've had a good few days on the Savannah. Fitted the engine mount, tempoarily and the cabin frame, and all controls. I do have a problem with the elevator control rod contacting the front top of the main gear cover. Anyone out there encounted this and how do I fix it please, see photo. I'm sure a large file or bit of brute force would fix it but whats the right way? or what have I done wrong? [ATTACH]12553.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]12554.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]12555.vB[/ATTACH] Ian
  17. Hi ken Hows the drifter going, and the other project. Pop in if you're ever passing to see the progress on the savannah. we now have every Sunday off of work so fly down and visit, if the rain ever stops. Regards to Irene best wishes Ian tel 49 471 777 or 0428 446676
  18. Hi eightyknots and towering Cu Thanks for the encouragement, its much appreciated. The savannah kit is just brilliant, despite the poor instructions and fustrations they bring, it is really fun building as every sesion produces results. I thought it would be a chore the 400 hours+ to build but the time no longer matters as it is enjoyable work. Even the deburing of the parts, and lots is required despite the advertising, is enjoyable as it is a time for reflection on what youve just finished or are about to start or of what you have to De rivet. All in all a very satisfying project, so far!!!! Stay tuned for further instalments Cheers Ian
  19. I was thinking if the glass tube was mounted like a thermometer with a wooden, or aluminium, backing so that it cant get damaged it would be OK. If that area of wing root gets damaged in a crash there wouldn't be much left to burn! Ian
  20. Hi Mark Whats wrong with using glass? as long as its well mounted and out of the way there should be no way of it breaking. Glass would probably last longest as most plastics will degrade with time. Just a thougt Ian
  21. HI again mark. The card board box of bits for the fuselage is now nearly empty, makes finding pieces much quicker now. I did have a few pieces left that I didn't now where they were to go or should have gone, so I read much further into the instructins and found that most go on installing the main gear. Only a few pieces unidentified now. A great sense of achievment having an empty box!!!! Ian
  22. Hi Mark Thanks for all the great info on the tanks, it will give me something the think about when I get to the wings. Initially the fuselage grew very rapidly but has slowed down now with all the fiddly bits ont the fire wall. I've no idea how much time spent on it, probaly about 6 days or 60 hours so far. I'll be doing the cabin frame today, it sounds a bit tricky getting the measurments right. I think the secret is "dont rush and read the instructions, read the instructions and read the instructions again" It is a bit cramped in the trailer but I suspend the fuse from the roof to work underneath. I now have the donga empty to do assemly work then into the trailer to fit bits. All would be fine if if didn't keep RAINING. once the wheels are on I'll move into the hanger for final assembly. Just have to shuffle the other aircraft about a bit. Keep up the good work Ian
  23. there seems to be quite a lot in europe and the states, but non over here. look at this beauty[ATTACH]12488.vB[/ATTACH]
  24. So no one seems to know much about savannahs on floats, anyone interested take a look at this http://Re: EXTREME short take off in seaplane: Not sure if this link will work but have a look on youtube. Ian
  25. Hi Mick, How far north in this great state are you, not too sure on the post code, Townsville? if so they have a drifter at charters towers, not quite a lightwing but definitly a taildragger. Welcome Ian
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