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Everything posted by Sailor

  1. Hi Frank, Yes, that me diving off the coast of Bora Bora with a school of spotted eagle rays a couple of years back. In my defence, it was the only photo I had to put up since I didn't have any flying photos <grin>.
  2. Hi Dinga, Yes, I know Larry well. He taught me to hang glide in the early 90's and then taught me to microlight in the late 90's. I'll probably be getting re certified through Larry. Cheers, Steve
  3. Hi everybody, I'm an old hang glider / microlight pilot that used to fly in the 80's and 90's but then got busy with kids and life and had to put it on hold. Now my world is starting to slow down a little bit more, I'm looking at getting back into microlighting wiyth the hopes that my wife and I might be able to do some cross country flights from time to time. Anyway ... hi. Cheers, Steve
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