Guys, please help me out here....
Last night, I casually told my wife how fun it would be to fly without having to book the local club's aircraft, and not relying on someone's else's schedules.
Such casual talk from me, as on previous occasions for the past couple of years would normally elicit a reply that is along the lines of : "keep dreaming" or "sure, if we win Lotto" or my personal favourite "sure, when we retire.." (never mind that it is 30 years away...).
Well the stars/planets/moon and all the other heavenly bodies I can think of must have aligned because last night her reply was one I have never heard before: "tha'ts nice, how much is it?"
Never mind that I perfectly timed my casual comment about the plane whilst her favourite tv show was on (did i not read somewhere that distraction can be effectively used against your enemy?).
Obviously money is an issue which is why I have set myself a budget of around $20-$25k. I also realise that this will only buy me a 2nd hand plane.
My choice at the moment is an X-Air as it is a nosewheel type, 2-seats, and a reasonable cost.
I'd prefer the Skyranger but something tells me it will cost more than $30k.
So all this leads me to ask all you out there:
a) Rotax engines 503/582 (TBO) recommendation is 300 hrs. How much approximately do these cost?
b) yearly Registration costs?
c) Maintenance costs?
d) hangar fees/rent?
e) insurance?
f) any other costs I should consider?
Please feel free to suggest any other aircraft within my budget as well.
Thank you.