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Everything posted by BirdDog

  1. https://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/three-killed-after-small-plane-crashes-into-paddock-in-victoria/news-story/a51ef6f9b665f7dbcc931699a3e81bf9
  2. This is more about Uncrewed Traffic Management UTM and Airspace Management more than many realise. This is not just about drone delivery.
  3. Not sure what you are on about mate. Sorry.
  4. Perfect! I went looking for Wagga Tyres, but it was the Bike bit that did the trick! Thank you!
  5. Hell All, I am looking for new tyres for my Bristell - I am near Wagga, but happy to ship in. I need 5X5 8ply or 10ply. Any leads would be well appreciated. Cheers J
  6. Skippy, Normally I would simply pass over dribble like this, but I though it worth a retort. Methinks you know nothing about who I am or what I do. I was taught to fly by whom I would consider one of the best instructors in the country. That said, and I don't really need to explain myself to you, but if you think my caring little about fuel consumption makes me dangerous, you obviously don't have enough common sense to know I meant, I really don't care if I spend a few more bucks to get where I want to go, rather than your insinuation that I don't actually plan my trips. So... next time you feel the need to open your mouth and let your belly rumble, take a minute to have a think that you probably know cock all about the bloke you are about to berate. Lastly... I was talking about wringing the neck out of my own machine. Never did I compare it to any other airframe or configuration. You do you bro, and I will do me. all I ask is you think twice about painting me with a brush that you know little about. All that does is make you look silly. Let's not do that, and just be kind to each other. It's a better world that way. Cheers J
  7. Yep! Exactly! Factory built by BRM too - which is disappointing. ๐Ÿ˜ž That said, I am not overly concerned. I don't fly into Sydney etc, and the likes of Canberra and other smaller controlled ADs, don't require it. Everyone else can see me, so that will do. ๐Ÿ™‚
  8. Exactly! PLUS... I don't like wringing the neck out of my machine, just to get there 10 minutes earlier. Plus... I get to enjoy that mad view out the window a bit more. Fuel consumption, I care little for. I am not worried about burning a new extra litres per hour. For me, it's about enjoying my flying without counting the minutes. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. My system does not have the GPS 20A and that is the problem.
  10. Yep! It's the Experimental version of the Garmin systems, so it does not put out what they want, and I don't think it is even an option without the certified GPS attached.
  11. Garmin - Part of the complete G3X Touch Systems. It is EXPERIMENTAL and so does not put out SIL 3 as they want.
  12. It's funny, I often find myself in these discussions about performance LSA type aircraft, and the reality is, if one really need lots of speed, then one fly something fast, and stop trying to wring the neck out of a 912ULS to get past 120kts. I had this chat the other day and said, I like to sit on about 112-115 That will do. This guy says... yeah I like to sit at least 120, as I like to get there. Hmm... I had to remind him that the reality is, there are a number of factors that could speed you up or slow you down! Simply arriving at the airport and having to either wait a bit to get down or the like, and the valuable minutes you saved torturing your engine, are gone. Add to that head winds and tail winds, and well, it all goes out the window. For me, the journey is just as important as the destination!
  13. Hmm.. Interesting! Then why is it that ATC can not see my ADBS data at all? I show up on Flight Radar and Flight Aware, but ATC into Canberra - NADA!
  14. so ATC themselves have told me they will only see the Mode C data and not the ADSB data. Iโ€™ve tested this in the air. Same for the sky echo. This also from Garmin. To enable ADS-B Out with a SIL > 3 you will be required to provide the GTX 32ES with an approved GPS Source. If which the standard G3X is not. Only passing in want Iโ€™ve been told.
  15. Here's hoping on the weather. ๐Ÿ˜„
  16. Yep! I had the same issues. I run a couple of Garmin G3X Touch glass panels. It actually has ADSB out - so I thought, great - I will upgrade to full ADSB in/out and claim a rebate. Was told though, that because its classed as experimental, and does not have a certified GPS source, 2 things might be an issue - getting installed and signed off by a LAME, and the fact that ATC will not see it anyway! So I paid for the upgrade myself, and at least I have ADSB in/out. I have done some research and although all the aircraft around me can see my ADSB data, ATC at say Canberra will only see my Mode C transponder - which is fine - as that is the minimum Canberra want to enter the airspace. Same with SkyEcho. Other airspace users can see it, ATC don't - so my data tells me. Still a bit silly in my books, but that's apparently the way it is.
  17. I have flown and flown in a few aircraft in this category, and I was sceptical before I bought mine, but a Bristell NG5 does it for me. Fast, comfy and looks sexy as!! ๐Ÿ˜„ Seriously though - one of the most roomy cockpits in its class, with adjustable pedals etc etc. If I had the tenacity, I would drop a 916 in it and try and tear the wings off!! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  18. From someone who once had an aircraft at Goulburn, a new owner is welcomed news - Let's hope it goes in the right direction.
  19. YDC is getting dizzy around the Gold Coast. ๐Ÿ˜ž
  20. So hereโ€™s a question. I purchased a very nice cover for my Bristell from someone, and then found out the aircraft that it came from was involved in a landing incident and written off. Non fatal. So the question. ia it bad Juju to use that cover on another aircraft? Would you use it on yours? Discuss
  21. Then there is this...
  22. WOW!!! Play silly games, you will win silly prizes!!!
  23. WOW! How close do you reckon that prop was to striking!!
  24. I think they look at it in a way that.... every hour in the air adds to the chances of an incident! But I see your point.
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