Now, I know this has been done to death, but this has myself and a mate puzzled, and it goes like this....
So my buddy (PPL Holder) asks how my flying is going etc etc, and we got to discussing 25nm restriction without X-Country and he says...
"Hmm can you land 20nm away and then go another 20nm?"
I say no, and him being like he is says...
"Let's look it up!"
So we jump on the RAA website and check out the ops manual and we find the following;
In order to act as pilot in command of a recreational aeroplane at a distance greater than 25 nautical miles from the original point of departure a Pilot Certificate holder must hold a RAAus Cross Country (X) Endorsement.
Note: Consecutive flights of 25 nautical miles do not comply with this requirement.
Now, this got us into a heavy discussion, and as neither of us are legal experts, we called another buddy who is... sent him that clause and asked for what he thought it meant. Here's what he said...
"You need to break it down, so lets do that....
That clause says to me that in order to travel greater than 25nm, you are required to hold a Cross Country Endorsement.
Then the note says.... Consecutive flights of 25nm don't comply with this requirement, and therefor don't need the cross country endorsement. If what you are asking is, can you fly multiple legs to travel 50nm, my interpretation is yes"
That left my original buddy gloating... so I am putting out there to you guys for comment. I was trained, and always had the understanding that you can't hop. BUT.... As my buddy said...
"If you land 20nm away, how long do you have to stay there for before it becomes the original point of departure?"
He has a point!!
Let's discuss!