I would just let nature do its thing.If it rains and the grass,weeds get to long just slash it .Do you have something to drag behind a tractor to keep it smooth and level when its dry and nothing is growing on it and is bare. I use a bunch of railway line welded together.
I think you should let mother nature set it's course. To water and maintain a 400m strip is going to mean lots of work. What I do at home with my lawn is mow it if it rains and if doesn't rain forget about it because I don't have enough water for it.And to irrigate a 400m strip is going to need a lot of water and infrastructure to do it.
Look what happened to last years winner and the leader up until today, out with a back injury.
Yes there is a long way to go.
Nothing worse than getting sand in your pants.
Came across this interesting way of using all your fuel.
Thanks SDQDI
Nothing is set in concrete yet I just don't want to bother people until I can commit 100%.
Thats why I was asking here if anybody has done what I would like to do.But it looks like I will have to make a trip down to Quirindi and introduce my self.
No I have not gone to ground I am confused with so many different answers.
Here is what I was thinking on doing I am planning to buy a just aircraft kit plane.The distributor is not far from where I live.
Just Aircraft Australia
I have not approached the distributor yet as I am just trying to work out a plan to save money and learn to fly in the plane that I have built. Things are in the early stages yet all I was trying to find out is can I be taught how to fly in a kit plane that I intend on building so far it has been clear as mud (lol).
Just thought it would be a logical thing to do.
G'day People.
Been trying to find info on being taught to fly in the kit plane that you have built.I am looking at buying a kit plane next year and was wondering if I can get my licence with this plane which seems to be a logical thing to do.
Which means I save money not hiring a plane and get to know the plane that I own.
Is this possible,I know you have to find a instructor willing to do this.
Just putting it out there.
Funny how you mention sheep yards Bruce I just spent the day pulling some old ones down . Getting rid of obstacles that can come into play.The runway will be running east - west with the westerly end starting near the house ,Then I have got 2km to a fence line.Plus the approaches that I will have are clear for miles as it is mainly flat farming country. But the numbers you guys are giving me have helped a lot.
I don't have to worry about too much grass living out west of the mountains.We have black soil here on the plains and can be made into a super smooth runway just by dragging a bit railway line welded together back and forth a few times. But when it rains things can get a bit sticky, but that doesn't often happen enough.
So what is a comfortable length for your average GA plane?
I want to put a airstrip out the front of home and was wondering what would be a good length. The plane that I am considering getting is a stol type plane. So for me I can just about land any where on the property.But for your average bush strip what would be a good length?. Maintenance is the main factor why I am asking. I could make it 2km long but I don't think that would be viable.