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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Google "AAC Wamira" to see Australia's concept for this style of trainer. It was conceived in the 80's and canned before a prototype was built. We ended up building / buying PC-9's.
  2. The only way this is going to get sorted is to get a Tech Manager to do the tech managers job as it should be and get someone else ( a temp / consultant ) to deal with sorting out all the existing problems. Trying to sort out all the existing problems and do the job dealing with day to day issues is going to swamp anyone.
  3. As far as I know there are 2 Pelicans in Australia. I rent hangar space off the owner of one of them. Send me a pm if you want the owners details.
  4. Trouble with that list is that it is not complete. When we all do our membership renewal, there is a part on the form that asks if you consent to your contact details being provided to other members. If you are an L2 or Instructor and do not give that consent, you will not appear on the lists published by RAAus.
  5. Further to that, the ASTMs say that an LSA aircraft must have a maximum speed in level flight of 120 knots, yet here in Oz we have LSAs that cruise above that?
  6. I would still like to know why is it that those of us that have in-flight adjustable props ( that we were told we could have ) are now being pinged, when there are alot of aircraft that do not meet the ASTM requirements for stall speed? When LSA was first set up here in Australia we were told there was a few things different with LSA in Oz to the USA, in-flight adjustable props were one thing and stall speeds were another. If we now must comply with ASTMs and can no longer have in-flight adjustable props, will CASA / RAAus do something about all the aircraft that do do not meet the ASTM stall speed requirements? CASA /RAAus are telling us we cannot "cherrypick" from regulations, ie have a prop that meets the new European standards on an aircraft certified to American ASTMs, yet they seem to be picking & choosing which ASTMs they will enforce and which they can ignore?
  7. My rego ran out on July 23, I sent paperwork & photos in 10 days before that. Got a message from Wayne to say photos were placed in the file but have heard nothing since. E-mailed to ask if they needed anything else, no reply to that. My aircraft is unmodified factory built & 24- registered. Seems to me they are a long way from sorted.
  8. Yep, Russ will be doing the training up here. After our first attempt at getting an instructor to work with the club not working out, I really wanted to get someone that we knew well. As you know Russ is an awesome instructor and has a proven track record working really well with the club at Maryborough.
  9. Hey Motz, the Sporty is going well, hopefully start to rakup some hours now.
  10. Yep! Always filter mogas, in some places you will be horrified how much crud you will find. Makes you wonder why we don't see more trouble with cars.
  11. Gladstone Aero Club is pleased to now be working in conjunction with Pro-Sky Maryborough to provide RAAus flight training in Gladstone. Commencing August 9, training will be available on Fridays & Saturdays with additional days being added as demand dictates. Training will operate out of the Aero Club building, with flying to be conducted in an almost new Evektor Sportstar. At the time of commencing operation in Gladstone this aircraft has less than 100 hours total time in service. Cost is $220 ( inc GST ) per flying hour. For more information & contact details see - http://www.gladstoneaeroclub.com/index.php?p=1_16
  12. I was lucky enough this morning to witness the first flight in Australia of an aircraft type new to the Australian market, the Skyleader 500. For info see www.atlasaviation.com.au Disclaimer : I have no connection to this aircraft, just happened to be there for the test flight.
  13. The answer to that is in the number of new registrations, or lack thereof. These numbers are on their way to be less than 1/4 per annum than what they were 5 years ago. I personally don't believe this is due to the registration issues, there are just not as many new aircraft being completed or bought.
  14. I w I was under the impression that there is a serial number range that can be increased to 2000 hours & earlier ones that are stuck at 1500.
  15. Try Gladstone, they don't even have a security code. Only way through the gate is an ARO letting you in after sighting an ASIC & this includes locals that pay a parking fee annually to keep an aircraft tied down on the apron. Maj it is not only mining companies doing this, Gladstone Regional Council spent $65 million making the runway & terminal to suit jets, now they want to charge Raa & light GA landing fees to help pay for it.
  16. Dave, would the effect you describe in post #5 with dead air be as pronounced in an aircraft with the entire elevator ahead of the rudder such as a Cap 232 and most of the Mundry series?
  17. I don't know about that Maj. Personally I plan on living forever and it is panning out well so far!
  18. Looks like a great investment to me, send me your bank details so I can get on board.
  19. Our first Sportstar had a Filser radio, at a glance looked just like a MicroAir but was of typical German quality. Definitely not cheap but another case of you get what you pay for. I would happily have another one if I wanted a smaller round unit.
  20. Mick

    Cargo door

    Won't just limit loading but also severly restrict access to fuel lines, fuel pump, fuel filter etc for maintenance.
  21. I have been using a CTEK charger to look after my sealed batteries for about 5 years. It's a good bit of kit and has kept a couple of my batteries alive long past their expected lifespan.
  22. This from Australian Flying magazine's news section on their website........... CASA has confirmed that pilots will need to comply with the regulations of CASR 21.M to install "GoPro" type cameras on the external surface of an aircraft. Under CASR 21.M (the old CAR35), a CASA authorised person has to approve the installation against existing airworthiness standards before the aeroplane can be flown. "Attaching anything to the external surfaces of an aircraft, whether it is the wing or not, is considered a modification," CASA's spokesperson said. "Depending on what is being attached, it may have an effect on the aerodynamics, structure and depending on its location it can affect the airspeed/altimeter readings, etc. Therefore, the alteration to the aircraft needs to be justified against the applicable airworthiness standard. "Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR) 1988 regulation 35 was repealed approximately two years ago and replace by CASA Subpart 21.M. However, CASR Subpart 21.M has the same requirements as CAR 35 did. "CASR Subpart 21.M does not disallow the installation of a modification or alteration to an aircraft, it is a regulation that allows design approval of the modification. CAR 42U requires any modification or repair to an aircraft to be installed in accordance with approved data. Therefore attaching a temporary modification must be done to 21.M approved data by an appropriately licenced person." With the proliferation of GoPro-style cameras for videos and still shots, the issue has been bought into sharp focus, especially when those shots are published or put on websites.
  23. Cheers Dave, look forward to catching up & showing you the new toy!
  24. An early start today saw us leave Bourke to Roma via St George. A quick stop at Roma to top up fluids in the Sportstar and offload fluids from me, then we set off for home via Taroom and Thangool. Total for the trip was 24.6 hours over 6 flying days. Apart from the tyre incident the Sportstar performed flawlessly. Overall a great trip that I would love to do again at some stage when I have more time to deviate from the most direct route and have a good look around.
  25. Just wait until you do your solo nav, you have a whole spare seat to lay things out on. Don't be afraid to get your instructor to hold stuff as you will do this when you have a passenger down the track. Re the kneeboard, I just use an A5 size clip board with straps & use the map pockets for charts & wiz wheel etc.
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