Recently I was discussing concerns about how RAAus is being run with a fellow member and I made a comment on my thoughts that we need a proper corporate management board, the members of which should have relevant experience in such roles. My mate made a comment that such a structure is unlikely due to the nature of RAAus and the perceived need for representation from all parts of the country. This got me to thinking about how do we overcome the differences between area representation and board members selected on merit, qualifications and experience.
It occurred to me that a variation of a system I have seen in place might be the answer. Here in Gladstone Qld, the airport is owned by the local regional council, but last year it was corporatised and is now run as a seperate entity to the council. The council ( an elected body ) advertised for, interviewed and appointed a board of people based on their corporate knowledge and experience, who now oversee the management and determine future strategic planning, but the airport is still owned by the council.
My thought is that maybe a new model for RAAus could be for the members to elect a committee in the same way as we do now with a regional basis. This committee is then tasked to select a corporate board, based on merit & relevant experience. This corporate board is then responsible for the role of overseeing the future direction of RAAus, and acting as a board should, allowing management to manage, and staff to look after the day to day runnings of the organisation.
The elected committee would only need to meet during the process of appointing an initial corporate board, and again if / when changes to the corporate board are required. Maybe also an annual meeting to assess the corporate board's performance. I think with this system the need for frequent elections would be less and possibly terms for the elected committee could be made longer.
Obviously employing a board in this manner would incur costs, but I believe an increase in costs in this manner would be a worthwhile investment in our future as an organisation.
So that's my thought, just putting it out there to see what others may think. Happy to hear others thoughts on how this might work or if it can be refined. Maybe some will think it's crazy, but the first step toward sorting the future of RAAus is to come up with a better model than the one we have now and have so badly outgrown.