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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Off topic but.............. Do really expect us to believe this garbage? Have a look at - http://www.evektoraircraft.com/en/company/about-us That looks like a pretty flash "old barn" to me. Maybe you are reffering to whoever distributes them in the UK? They might reassemble them but they certainly don't build them.
  2. The school that is the subject of this thread, ""Gladstone Flight Training & Aircharter" has been based in the Gladstone Aero Club building. As from today the Gladstone Aero Club has ended it's association with GFT&A and they no longer operate from the club building.
  3. Photos? We need photos!
  4. That's an empty weight of 479.5 kg. MTOW in RAAus is 600 kg That only leaves 120.5kg usable. To me that would be unworkable, even if registered as a single seater.
  5. Based on 10 minute flights ( which alot of electric models do not achieve ), that is 5 flights a day, every day for 10 years?????
  6. Going to AusFly sounds like a good excuse to do a pre-poll or postal vote and avoid the throngs at the booth on the day!
  7. I think there are some Evektor Sportstars that have an oil thermostat fitted, I have not heard anything about them though.
  8. Some more...........
  9. I think you will find that this is a factory built S-LSA that for some reason ( some componant changed ) is no longer complient. It cannot go "19-" because it is not home built but the "E" indicates to all that it is now experimental and can no longer be used for training or hire.
  10. Got some photos of my P-47 Thunderbolt in action yesterday.
  11. I would have liked to see the Virgin aircraft go vertical!!!
  12. Hi Mark, I would also be reporting this to MAAQ if you have not already. These cowboys need to be dealt with ASAP. Mick
  13. They are looking for dealers, so who has large fortune that they want to turn into a small one?
  14. Sorry RAAus won't approve the Mig, got to make do with an Aeroprakt A22.
  15. Now using a Foxbat, still $280 per hour.
  16. Volunteering? I knew you were easy but I didn't think you were cheap!!!
  17. RAAus Flight training commenced at Gladstone Qld last week. Using a Jabiru J230 at the moment, cost is $280.00 per hour. Contact CFI John-Jon Roberts 0408 984 007.
  18. This is an interesting thread. The average of numbers given works out at $188.00 per hour. Training has just commenced at Gladstone Qld using a J230 at $280.00 per hour.
  19. The latest added to my collection. P-47 Thunderbolt, 2.16m span, 13kg, electric powered - Turnigy 50cc equivalent, 4 x 5 cell 5000mah Li-Po's & 160 amp speedy. Flying time is about 6 1/2 minutes. I have done about 40 flights on her since mid December. It's all molded composite with lots of surface detail molded in. Made by some friends from their own molds.
  20. Nev I share your thoughts on electrical stuff. All electrics are easy, you just have to keep the smoke in the wires and everything is good. If it escapes you're stuffed!!!
  21. Just bumping this to remind anyone who might be interested. I will be flying this P-47 Thunderbolt. It is about 2.16 metre wingspan and weighs 13kg. It is electric powered. Since this pic was taken I have added a dummy radial engine to the cowl and a full cockpit with pilot.
  22. A low wing results in a lower centre of gravity which means they are less likely to go over on their back.
  23. Just thought I would let those that might be interested know there is going to be a big Scale and Large Scale Pylon event to be held outside Ipswich Feb 14-17. There will be guys coming from New Zealand, Mike McConville of Horizon Hobbies / Hangar 9 fame will be coming from the USA and Ali Machinchy from the UK will also be competing and doing display flights. See advert below.......
  24. Hi Mark, I am competing at that event, I will be flying an 84 inch span P-47 Thunderbolt that weighs 13 kg & is electric powered. Come & say Hi when you are there. To not be totally off topic my P-47 is not BRS equipped. Cheers Mick
  25. I was told that having the widest point of the fuselage at the trailing edge of the wing negates the need for significant fillets at the fuse / wing intersection. It was pointed out to me as that is how my Skylark is.
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