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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Some of the Rotax ADs are still not working. I sent an e-mail to RAAus regarding this several months ago.
  2. Turns out it took me until nearly Xmas to finish this. The ARF from Peak Models was not a good one. Lots of work to make it into something decent. I am realy happy with how it flies, going to get alot of fun out of this!
  3. I was trained to hold a chart track up and run the GPS the same way.
  4. Carolyn Grace is actually Australian.
  5. Now that's a face only another could love!!!! Have to admit it looks like fun though.
  6. Maj the person posting here as Silverwing is the Australian importer of Foxbats so I think he would know. maybe it might be an option elsewhere but none have come to Australia.
  7. Some the larger of the 3W range of model motors even have twin plugs to enable the use of dual ignitions.
  8. Just when we get things back on track you go & post a pic of another aircraft with no registration. I sense another resignation coming on
  9. Ok so back on topic - The Sportstar at the back was my first aircraft, the Skylark at the front is my current aircraft but will soon be my previous aircraft as some nice person on this forum is going to decide right now that they need to buy this off me, they just don't realise it yet. See my ad in the classified section.
  10. As the precedent has been set, and by the power vested in me by no-one, you're back in.
  11. Alan I think it is appropriate & only right that you resign. However you are welcome to change your mind and be re-instated!!!!
  12. Congrats on your first solo Stu, it is always a very special moment. The video is great too, but am I the only one a bit horrified at your instructor wearing thongs???
  13. Come Alan, fess up, you have "misplaced" the photos!
  14. Crazy!!!
  15. Glass Reinforced Plastic - we normally call it fibre glass.
  16. The answer is yes, you can maintain your own aircraft as long as it is not made available for hire or use in a school, that is when an L2 is required.
  17. Hey Dazza, That is one slick looking machine, but I never pictured you flying a biplane canard on floats!
  18. That cross strip was part of airport expansion that was funded by state / federal government, but Hervey Bay City Council spent the funds on the terminal & car parks. At the time HBCC could not have been less Recreational & GA friendly. Thankfully that has changed, but I think the Fraser Coast Regional Council would prefer non-commercial activity be focused at Maryborough, leaving Hervey Bay for commercial operations.
  19. We buried my old man in his flying suit - he had it for flying in his mates Tiger Moth in Canberra in winter.
  20. Hey Comp, To put the price in perspective, what are the dimensions? And yes generally renting is cheap & hangars make bad investments............
  21. Try - http://www.raa.asn.au/2012/12/aircraft-registration-update-141212/ .
  22. Is that Tempest pic for real or photoshopped? If it is for real I need info!!! The Tempest is my favourite fighter, plan on doing a large scale model one day!
  23. Thanks David, I always carry my own tie downs ( Screw its ). Just wanted to make sure I would not upset the locals.
  24. Planning on spending Xmas near Ipswich and hoping to fly down from Gladstone. Can anyone tell me what the go is with parking at Boonah? No mention of parking in ERSA. Would be arriving either 23rd or 24th and departing 27th.
  25. Yep I do know John Nixon of Gladstone but after looking at the pic in the article in the Daily Liberal linked above I realised I also know the John Nixon of Dubbo that was involved in this accident. I helped to teach John ( of Dubbo ) to fly R/C about 15 years ago.
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