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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Could be that what you are reading has not been updated since standard RAAus has been lifted to 600kg?
  2. It would be RAAus responsibility to reject the type ( if documentation is not correct ) before the first aircraft is registered, not after more than 10 aircraft are flying and people have purchased aircraft with the knowledge that RAAus have accepted of the type. In fact even the dealer took on the agency with the knowledge that RAAus had already accepted the type, it was originally imported by Bert Flood.
  3. From news.com.au - A search area between Kingaroy and Maleny has been established. The search is being hampered by thick, low cloud. An AGL action rescue helicopter spokeswoman said the helicopter was tasked to join the search shortly after the beacon was activated. "It has now been sometime since there was any communication from the pilot and the beacon is no longer active," the spokeswoman said. The Australian Rescue Coordination Centre is currently establishing the search area. The beacon no longer active does not sound good, will make the search more difficult.
  4. All the wood is new, but I think you will find alot of the non-wooden components ( ie undercarriage, engine mounts etc ) are original & restored / refurbished. It does blur the line between restoration & re-creation. Either way it is great to see one back in the air.
  5. It is not fact until we see photos!!!! I have been following this progress of this restoration keenly.
  6. As someone on this forum has as a tag line - Nothing says unprofessionalism like wrinkles in the duct tape!
  7. It's not looking pretty for Sunday going by the latest 4 day forcast map on BOM.
  8. That's why I am asking before I do anything on my own. I used to work as an employee doing L2 work, so it was the boss' butt on the line not mine.
  9. Generally the schools would only have aircraft that can be used for training, not by regulation but for economy of scale, ie there is no point in them having an aircraft that they can't use for training. The aircraft must be factory built and must be maintained by a level 2 qualified maintainer.
  10. I am curious what sort of $$$ of coverage other L2's are carrying? Who are you getting your coverage with & what is it costing you? If anyone is not comfortable with sharing this info with the world I would appreciate a personal message. I am about to look into this for myself. Thanks.
  11. Yes & I know of several schools that do this.
  12. Nope! Not going to risk my butt to save a few $$$$. But I will plan around Dalby where it works for me.
  13. Well for starters it will be off my list of places to stop for fuel if I can plan around it. Avgas costs enough without having to pay to land too!
  14. Yenn a big part of why there has been no training in Gladstone was that previous airport management was not making it easy. Our ( Gladstone Aero Club ) dealings with the new management indicates that we may be able to get some training happening here pretty soon. We also have more than 75 members of the club and frorming the club has also generated alot of interest in people learning to fly so hopefully numbers will be on the increase.
  15. Can they actually implement these charges without first publishing them in ERSA? We are not required to check a council website before using an airport. How can they charge if users have not been informed?
  16. I just judge the distance from practise & measure it with my MkI eyeball.
  17. If you think it is only "a little more thorough" you should have a read to all the conditions. It excludes many conditions permitted under a class 2. I am positive that your attitude about this will change when you get some form of very managable medical condition that requires only minor changes to your lifestyle to be kept completely under control but you cannot get a class 2 medical. For example technology has provided improvements in the management of type 1 (insulin dependant) diabetes that I could never imagined 20 years ago when I was diagnosed when a fit 21 year old.
  18. What? As if you have had other things on your mind!!!!!!
  19. Ian, don't kid yourself about this "Drivers License" medical that has been introduced. If you read all the fine print of conditions it is basically a class 2 medical but is done by a GP not a DAME. It does not allow people with many common conditions to be issued with it. For example insulin dependant diabetics will not be allowed to have it, yet we are allowed to fly under RAAus if it is controlled and with appropriate approvals by our GP's and/or specialists. To me this is a very real difference, under RAAus I can fly, under CASA I can't. There are many other conditions that are also excluded.
  20. HH is telling it how it shoulsd be done. Using visual cues related to your aircraft will always be there. You might be able to prepare using references on the ground off GE for a new strip you plan on going to, but what do you use when you have to do a diversion or make a forced landing in a paddock? You should be turning crosswind at 700ft AGL, your distance from the strip on downwind should be referenced off a part of your aircraft, ie a point on the wing or a point on the strut in a high wing. Turning base should be when the threshold is at a certain angle ( usually 45 degrees ) back over your shoulder. Then of course turn final to line up on the centre line. Use these references and they will be with you no matter where you choose / have to land.
  21. Hey Andy, no worries. I was not infering any judgement on your part, not having a go at you either. Most of the reporting of the recently exposed problems of this nature have been with LSA aircraft, I just wanted to point out to everyone this problem is totally unrelated to LSA as the Ibis is registered standard Recreational, hence the problems run deeper than some may think.
  22. CFIC, if I come across as "touchy" on this it is because I am seeing the human side of these problems. The agent for the Ibis is a great mate of mine and in fact up until this sh#t hit the fan on Friday we had planned on getting together Friday night for a few quite drinks & to catch up. I still flew to Maryborough for the weekend but ended up staying with other friends so as to allow him to focus on the problem. As a friend I am seeing the stress this issue is causing a person who sold aircraft in good faith, only to have this happen. As I mentioned in an above post, he also uses the Ibis in a busy flying school that can now not function and earn an income whilst the bills will not stop coming in. I would also like to point out that RAAus had approved the type for registration here in Australia prior to Pacific Ibis taking on the agency, it was originally accepted as a type when being imported by Bert Flood prior to Bert's passing.
  23. So how do you justify the use of the word "dodgy" in this post by you? Are you refering to the aircraft as dodgy or the owners of them?
  24. Guys please be aware that this is purely a paperwork issue and before you go speculating about the quality of this aircraft please consider what damage you may contributing to the reputation of what is a good product and also what damage you could be doing to the owner of the agency and his business. Please remember that the agent has no responsibility to advise this forum or anyone other than the aircraft owners of the details of this problem. He honored his duty of care by advising owners in very short time and since then has been working with the authorities to resolve this issue ASAP.
  25. The RAAus website has not been getting updated and there are several documents on there that are not accessable. Try opening 6 of the 7 latest documents relating to Rotax. This is yet another failing on the part of RAAus.
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