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Everything posted by Mick

  1. As well as the Ibis Bilby54 has in training, the Aussie agent for the Ibis also uses them in his own flying school. This issue has currently halted both business for him, not only is he working with authorities to try and sort this issue for his customers, his flying school is closed due to lack of an aircraft permitted to fly.
  2. As far as I know there are at least 10 Ibis flying in Australia.
  3. Andy the Ibis ( specific subject of this thread ) is not registered LSA, it is registered standard Recreational.
  4. Even different materials suit different shapes. I did alot of experimenting with props on aerobatic models back in the day when we had maximum engine capacities for competition models, hence we were trying to maximise prop performance. A prop that was molded in fibre reinforced nylon which performed really well, we flopped a mould of our own and copied it in carbon fibre, the carbon one was useless. We worked out that the nylon one was designed to flex & de-pitch under load but the carbon one was too stiff to do this. As we also had very strict noise limits we also worked out that generally an efficient prop is a quiet prop. We also found that the ideal prop on a particular engine type would not necessarily be that best prop on the same engine in an only slightly different design or different weight model. You don't want to know how many model props that I have hanging on my workshop wall, but thankfully back then they were only between $15-$30 each.
  5. He does now!!!!!!!!
  6. Who said the Lightwing was low-tech?
  7. Thanks Sue, that's the site I was looking for.
  8. Hi Maj, I believe Headlow is open again. Earlier this year I was told of a website that they had created and I had a look at it at the time. Went looking for it only last week and could not find the site using google. I will contact a couple of people I know that should be able to give me some more info.
  9. Was a member of Maryborough ( Qld ) Aero club while living in nearby Hervey Bay, it was one of the best clubs of any kind I have been involved with. Also belonged to the Hervey Bay aero club at the same time. Joined Bundy aero club when we moved there. Since moving to Gladstone we have played a part in re-forming the Gladstone Aero Club. At this stage we do not have a club building or anything but we are actively working with council & the airport corporation to get some land at the airport for a club house. We are also taking postive steps to acheive the release of more land for hangars. Another goal is to attract a training organisation to Gladstone to help grow aviation in the area. We are also members of "The Old Station Flying Club" at Raglan, hosts of one of the best fly-in's there is!
  10. Notice the Winjeel has flap out to keep pace with the Agcat.
  11. Speaking of safety bulletins, I was on the RAAus website today looking at SB's for the Rotax 912 and 6 of the 7 latest SB's listed don't open when clicked on. Just get a message "Not Found, the item you have requested is missing". Dropped RAAus an e-mail about it but got no response.......
  12. Ok, so now that Ausfly is done & dusted let's talk about NorAus at Monto. Who's going & what are you flying? At this stage I plan on flying over for the day on Friday, coming home for Friday night then Hellen & I will fly over Saturday morning to stay Saturday night.
  13. Looks like you had better re-do weight & balance after that!!!!
  14. I reckon the air above those fires and in amongst hills would be pretty damn turbulent, probably contributes to the action on the controls!
  15. You guys! You fly a Sierra & think you know what a bubble canopy is. Do a Google image search for Evektor Sportstar - now THAT is a bubble canopy! I learned to fly in a Tecnam Golf ( the Sierra's slower brother), owned a Sportstar for a couple of years, then got the Dova Skylark - love low wings!
  16. I am pretty sure that other than the 51% rule, ELSA regulations are much the same as a 19-XXXX registered standard recreational aircraft. You can do your own maintenance but they cannot be used for training or hire ( regardless of who maintains them ).
  17. This is one of the cool things about ELSA ( Experimental LSA ), there is no 51% rule for kits in this category. This enables manufacturers to offer quick build kits that leave very little to the builder but still offer some of the economies of a kit. I am suprised more manufacturers have not made offerings to take advantage of this rule.
  18. Sorry but you can't build an imported, all metal and possibley Rotax powered aircraft if you live in Bundy. Just not allowed!!!
  19. Question: You arrive at a busy CTAF® say in a regional city, not long before last light only to discover that other traffic ( RPT's ) in the circuit are not reading your calls at all. You do not have enough light left to go elsewhere ( non radio CTAF ) and there is no coverage to pick up a transponder switched to 7600 to indicate radio failure. What do you do?
  20. If it is just an airfilter that you are after, in most cases the filters used on the Rotax will be either a car or motorbike product. I just replaced the airfilter on my rotax. I just googled the brand name on the filter, found Repco was a supplier, took the old one in to them, they measured it, worked out a part number and ordered it for me. I had it 2 days later.
  21. A couple of years back I serviced a Jab and found about a dozen dead ants in the float bowl. Could not find any evidence of them anywhere else in the fuel system. On another Jab that had flown in from out west for a 100 hourly I found a live green frog sitting on the step in the firewall, he had obviously been there for the hour or so flight.
  22. I would say delaying you navs is a good move. To be able to not be over stressed when trying to learn the nav stuff your flying needs to be to the point where you are not having to think too much about it. This frees up your ability to focus on the nav process and absorb the info that your intructor will be feeding to you. I got my certificate in 20 hours but did not start my navs until I had done about 45 hours ( I also had my own aircraft so I racked up those hours pretty quickly ). I believe this made the navs alot easier. It is also good to have a spell from instruction and just relax and enjoy your newly aquired certificate.
  23. Funny you should mention Qantas Link at Gladstone, this afternoon I was working in a hangar there with a radio on. A Qantas Link Boeing 717 appeared over the threshold about to touch down with not a peep on the radio. This unanounced jet was still backtracking when a Virgin ATR-72 was turning final. I had heard 30 mile, joining & final calls from the Virgin so my radio was working fine. I can only guess that the Qantas 717 was on the wrong frequency.
  24. It was Mick Poole, when he mentioned it in the magazine he was not aware that I was doing it so I was not the one that prompted it. I did contact Mick after seeing it in the mag and also explained that I had been checked out by my CFI but the answer was still a firm no. My guess would be that publishing it in the Ops managers column in the magazine would make it more than just a personal opinion but not really an offical regulatorial document. Still not something I would like to find out the hard way by having something go wrong and then finding you have no insurance because PIC was in a seat that we have been advised not to use. We all know how hard most insurance companies will work to get out of paying.
  25. Guys this left / right thing was discussed in a recent thread. It was spelt out in the Ops Managers column in the magazine quite some time ago that if the aircraft was designed to be flown from the left seat that is where the PIC must be unless an instructor. This is regardless of whether you can reach / see everything. I had cause to question this as at the time I was doing demo flights with people for aircraft sales and wanted to put the potential buyer in the left seat where they would be more comfortable. I had spent time with a CFI getting familiar & then a few hours solo in the right to get really comfortable. The answer from the Ops manager was still a firm no. While doing the sales thing I did have one guy enquire about the possibilty of making a panel with all the flight instruments on the right side because he only flew from that side. He had been flying a homebuilt that he had configured that way too. Don't know how the Ops Manager would have viewed that one.
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