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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Judging by the amount of bullsh*t required I don't think there is any difference between a renewal and a new application. Edit - Maj posted his response while I was typing this.
  2. I was taught a sixth "S" - Sivilisation - is there a farmhouse nearby where you will be able to bludge a cold beer to congratulate yourself on a successful forced landng!
  3. This topic of flying from the right seat was raised with the RAAus operations manager some time ago. In response there was mention of this in the ops managers column in the magazine clearly stating that only current instructors are permitted to fly from the right seat. I queried this as at the time I was doing demo flights for aircraft sales and wanted to fly from the right so I could put the potential buyer in the left seat where they would feel more comfortable. I had spent time with my instructor getting proficient in the right seat, but RAAus still said NO.
  4. Not so! If you dig deep enough into the fine print you will find that this can be applied to a student license. This is mentioned in FlyHi's post #19 above.
  5. Screw-Its are pretty good but I think it would have tough going driving them into that concrete apron!
  6. That was the answer I was looking for too!
  7. My wife started in support of me but after her first lesson I was told " I don't care if you keep flying or not - I am doing this for me! ". Some our best fun was when we owned 2 aircraft for nearly a year so it was "His & Hers". We went to several fly-ins taking a plane each. Wish we could afford to have 2 planes all the time. Hellen tells me her first purchase when we win lotto will be a Stearman! So my answer is not an option - Hellen does not support my flying - she is into it in her own right!
  8. Yes they do just go. I have had one do it and know several others that have had it too. The cheaper chinese altimeters are particularly prone. If it is a chinese one it's not really worth repairing, you are better of just tracking down a new one of the same make & model and fitting it. Make sure you note the change in the aircraft's logs. A better option is to upgrade to a better quality American one. You can get reconditioned ones from some of the instrument repair places for reasonable prices ( still a fair bit dearer than a new chinese one ) and it will n0 doubt last alot longer than a chinese one. The only trap here is if your aicraft is LSA registered you must fit a replacement exactly the same as the original or get the original repaired. You can only change to something different with written approval of the aircraft manufacturer.
  9. Thanks for posting. I've just added another to my list of must visit places next time I get to the USA.
  10. A few years ago I was flying back from delivering the Sportstar we had sold to it's new owners at Warnambool. Flew Jetstar from Avalon to Sydney and was to fly Virgin from Sydney to Hervey Bay. Arrived at Sydney and collected checked in bag and headed for Virgin to check in for next leg. Virgin were having computer problems and the line up to check in was huge. As I had a few hours to wait I thought I would just go through security, find somewhere for a coffee and a bite. So I innocently rock up to the security check point and dump my bag on the X-ray machine, as my bag goes through there is much interest from the guy monitoring the machine and he calls over other guys to have a look too. There is much pointing from these guys and lots of comments ( and some giggles ). When the bag comes out this BIG Mauri security guy points at me, "This yours?" he says and I admit yes. "You were not planning to have this as carry on were you?" he says with a big silly grin on his face. I say "You're right, I wasn't, just taking it with me to get a coffee then come back & check it in later when the crowd dwindles." He says "I thought as much, but sorry but you can't come through here carrying a bag with a leatherman tool, a first aid kit containing a nice looking pocket knife plus some scissors and you got no chance of taking them big ass metal cork screw things ( screw-it tie downs! ) either." I'm guessing that my attempt to carry through these banned items was so obvious that they could see it was my mistake not an actual threat and I am glad that they at least had the sense to see it that way. So I had to sit outside the secure area & wait:augie:
  11. To actually arrive aot the base camp with a rig that had not flown seemed like a breakdown in carrying out any planning. Seemed like a massive gamble to spend the $$$ and effort to get there without well tried and proven equipment. Gambling their life as if one had gone down on the upper half of the Mount they would have perished due oxygen starvation and/or freeze before help could arrive.
  12. I have not liked "Aircraft Pilots" purely as it does not roll off the tongue as easily as Rec Flying did. As far as concerns that "Rec Flying" might discourage any PPL's out there, I think it will only discourage the ones with an "Us & Them" attitude. Any that don't have that attitude will come and look regardless, and they will be the ones that find that we here at "Rec Flying" welcome anyone who flies for fun. .
  13. Test flew my latest play thing this morning............... I've actually had this one since Xmas but had not got around to flying it. Span 1040mm, foamy, electric 1650mah 3 cell Li-Po. Has Retracts and yes that 4 blader is the flying prop. Reason for finally getting this going was to use it as a test bed for my new JR XG11 radio which uses JR's new DMSS 2.4gig system. .
  14. Hi Guys, I too am a type 1 diabetic and have been for 20 years. I have had an insulin pump for the last 2 years which has given me the best control I have ever had. I have been flying RAAus for 7 years, done 500+ hours including lots of long solo x-country flights such as Hervey Bay Qld to Warnambool Vic. I also have a nephew who is type 1 ( yeah it's popular in my family ) who also an RAAus flyer. At no stage has my diabetes caused any dramas with flying and I don't believe it should be a restriction for those of us that have good control. It is just another aspect that has to be managed. I am keen to progress to GA, hopefully under the new medical system of a drivers license medical (aviation) as rubber stamped by CASA last week. My main reason for wanting GA is to be able to get something bigger and easier to get in & out of as I have stuffed my shoulders, so the limitations on aircraft weight & 1 pax don't bother me. Jex, I will drop you an e-mail with my private contact details, I'm happy to discuss managing diabetes while flying and to help others where I can.....
  15. My father had an original and untouched Top Flite Nobler kit in his shed that I last saw in 1998. He passed away early 1999 and by late 1999 when I cleaned out all his modelling gear it was not there:bad_mood:. I am sure whether he sold it before he passed or if someone else got to it before I did. There were also some old glow motors that went too.
  16. Despite having surrendered to the convenience of electric myself, if you are not turning dead dinosours into polution your not having fun!!!!
  17. Not Tomo sorry, this chap is a typically dapper English gentleman officer of the RAF Note the pennant under the cockpit indicates that this is the Squadron Leaders aircraft. In this case 601 Sqn based at Tangmere during the Battle of Britain.
  18. Bubbleboy, The I-152 looks cool. Can you give us some more details? How did it fly? I would love to do an I-16, I reckon they are the Gee Bee of the warbird world.
  19. No rudders? Has this flown yet?
  20. Forum member "Gundy" has this prop on his Savanagh, if he does not chime in here it might be worth sending a pm. The aircraft with this prop fitted is the 3rd Savanagh that Gundy has built so he should be able to give you some comparisons.
  21. Kyosho Gee Bee Model Z. Wingspan 1.5m powered by OS 61 SF 2 stroke (10cc). This one flies alot better than you would imagine as long as it is going fast, landings provide plenty of giggles for the spectators though.
  22. But Wait there's more........... World Models Cap 232R, 1.45m span powered by OS 70 4 stroke ( about 11cc ). Colours similar to Pip Borman's Edge 540
  23. Hey Tomo, No that was not me, I only got the kit for Xmas. I did see the guy walking around with the signed wing panel though. .
  24. I have just started a thread in the model section titled " Show us your models" so any of you fellow modellers head over there and show us what you've got!
  25. This one is not mine but I did a refurb and updated all electrics on it for a mate. Balsa USA Stearman, wingspan 10 feet, powered by a horizontally opposed twin pot 100cc 2 stroke. Just to give the size of this model some perspective, the bench it is sitting on is made up of 2 standard size house doors!!!
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