Many of you would have read the poor article this magazine ran some time ago bagging Rec Flyers, well now they are getting it wrong again.
Last week a B-17 Flying Fortress bomber was invovled in an emergcny landing which was carried successfully but unfortunately then burned as emergency services watched as they were "unable" to get equipment close enough to put the fire out.
The following is from the operators of the aircraft......
Unlike the sensational photos that you have all seen of the completely burned B-17 on the news, you will see from photos taken by our crew that our Liberty Belle was undamaged by the forced landing and at the time of landing, the wing fire damage was relatively small. The crew actually unloaded bags, then had the horrible task of watching the aircraft slowly burn while waiting for the fire trucks to arrive. There were high hopes that the fire would be extinguished quickly and the damage would be repairable. Those hopes were diminished as the fire trucks deemed the field too soft to cross due to the area’s recent rainfall. So while standing by our burning B-17 and watching the fire trucks parked at the field’s edge, they sadly watched the wing fire spread to the aircraft’s fuel cells and of course, you all have seen the end result. There is no doubt that had the fire equipment been able to reach our aircraft, the fire would have been quickly extinguished and our Liberty Belle would have been repaired to continue her worthwhile mission.
However Australian Flying magazine has opened it's report on their website with the following.....
One of the few remaining flying Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses has crashed and burned while making a forced landing in the US.
The article does go on to talk about the forced landing but I think it is pathetic that they chose to open the artilcle with such a sensationalistic line. This is the sort of cr*p that you would expect from the general press, but I would expect the aviation media to take a more factual approach to reporting such an event.
Read the whole Aust Flying artilcle here........
The whole story from the operators of the B-17 is on their website