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Everything posted by Mick

  1. I can't see the whole flying car thing happening. Can you imagine CASA allowing taking off or landing just anywhere? None of these things are going to be both a good car/bike or an efficient aircraft & at the price tags being talked about it is going to be alot cheaper to do as we do know & have a proper car as well as an aircraft that suits our needs.
  2. Not a good plan to point this out to CASA, they will ground us all.
  3. Graeme you say "From what I have been told......" and "this was mentioned to me.......", but will not quote a credible source, without which this can only be called a rumour. You tell people to support events, but in the same post spread a rumour that Old Station is finished, that is not what I would consider support.
  4. I don't know where you are getting your information from? I am a member of the Old Station Flying Club and there has been no talk of ending the show. It was announced that there will be no airshow next year ( 2018 ) because the Creed family have a large family event to host / organise. While the loss of Leonie has had an enormous impact, as Yenn has said above the next generation play a massive role in the event as well as the members of the OS Flying Club. Your comment about having to support theses events whilst true in general, it is misleading in reference to Old Station by insinuating a lack of support. The last 2 shows have had over 200 aircraft attend, as well as hundreds of caravans & campers in tents. As a result of the 2016 show over $46,000.00 was presented to charities. This year that amount was increased to over $61,000.00.
  5. Check out the FAQ section on OzRunways website. I am pretty sure they address this.
  6. If this is true why do most "Joe Publics" tell us flyers that any plane smaller than a Dash 8 is dangerous?
  7. I have a 912 ULS that is due for the 1000 hour gearbox inspection. Has anyone had one done recently in Southeast Queensland? Who did you get to do it? I got my last one done 2 years ago by Richard Eacott at Boonah but I am told he has retired.
  8. $80 per hour is a big difference. A lower hourly rate might attract more hours and cover higher fixed costs that way. I have seen it before where on the same airfield, a based school were charging $285 per hour for a Jab 170. Another school flew in for 2 days a week, charging $230 per hour in a Sportstar. The based school barely did any flying and wasn't making money but the fly in operation was always busy & did well. Just to clarify the fly in operation was full time operation, just based elsewhere.
  9. Those charging $310 an hour for any recreational trainer are definitely running high margins. ProSky Maryborough are $230 per hour dual for a Tecnam Sierra or Evektor Sportstar. Wet hire I have not checked recently but last I did it was $145 per hour.
  10. Surprise wake up sex is awesome......... Unless you are in prison.
  11. dominicm the videos are great & I am as keen a modeller as you will find, but do you need to start a new thread for every video you post?
  12. I think that one works in parallel with CASA.
  13. I agree that 200 hrs for plugs is a bit high, but it is what the book says. I change mine at 100 hrs. The 25 hourly oil change is a Jabiru thing, Rotax change oil every 50.
  14. The most "minor service" on Rotax 912 series is a 100 hourly. If you read the Rotax documentation for a 100 hourly you will see there are alot more tasks to be carried out than just changing oil & filter. If you are changing plugs as well it is most likely a 200 hour service that invloves even more. These other inspections & checks all take time that a maintainer is going to expect to be compensated for. You should be expecting to receive a copy of the Rotax checklists & worksheets from whoever is carrying out the maintenance which will detail the checks, inspections & work carried out.
  15. So anyway, about the Jab that went down near Bundy ( wasn't that what this thread was about but drifted about 2 pages ago? ). I was told today that this was a Jab engine but with Camit heads on it. Failure was a piston coming apart.
  16. You Nynja drivers cause fireworks everywhere you go
  17. The bulletin linked above indicates the 2000 hour figure only applies to the EuroStar, not the Sportstar. The 3000 hour figure applies to the Sportstar.
  18. Structurally the Sportstar is quite different to the EuroStar. The EuroStar is built much lighter for the European 450 / 472kg categories. The Sportstar is built to operate at 600kg under LSA categories. The Sportstar does require some big inspections at 3000 hours and onwards. I am sure they can be done here in Oz as there are some really high hour Sportstars in use in training, particularly some in Adelaide.
  19. The Evektor Sportstar is bonded & riveted. Makes for a solid airframe with no working of rivets. My Sportstar has done almost 2000 hours as a school aircraft without any rivets working loose. You also get less drumming, so a quieter airframe. I am told that it can make repairs difficult though. Sportstar 24-3978, the first demonstrator Sportstar in Aus was hail damaged in Canberra. Repairs were quoted as being crazy expensive, reskinning becomes very difficult. Hence it was sold off & continues to fly nicknamed "Dimples".
  20. Agree, but it works better if you make it all rhyme : Time to spare, go by air. If you must arrive, you'd better drive.
  21. If you drop a spark plug out of each cylinder you should be able to turn the prop without moving anything else.
  22. Without pictures this didn't happen..........
  23. A phone call to Bert Flood's will give you the correct product recommended by Rotax.
  24. Red750 you have shown nicely what I was describing in my post.
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