I don't know where you are getting your information from? I am a member of the Old Station Flying Club and there has been no talk of ending the show. It was announced that there will be no airshow next year ( 2018 ) because the Creed family have a large family event to host / organise.
While the loss of Leonie has had an enormous impact, as Yenn has said above the next generation play a massive role in the event as well as the members of the OS Flying Club.
Your comment about having to support theses events whilst true in general, it is misleading in reference to Old Station by insinuating a lack of support. The last 2 shows have had over 200 aircraft attend, as well as hundreds of caravans & campers in tents. As a result of the 2016 show over $46,000.00 was presented to charities. This year that amount was increased to over $61,000.00.