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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Fueled up and ready to leave at about 7.30 in the morning. See ya there!!!
  2. Not dear, Moose!!!!!
  3. The video said the aircraft is normally only powered by a 100hp engine but some of those aeros looked like it might have had more than that?
  4. No landing fees at Bundy. I think I am in the most expensive hangar in the place. I was only paying $140 per month until recently. Hangar has a new owner who has lifted the price.
  5. Mick

    Jabs new engine

    I have seen it running on a 3300. The injection system looked awfully like the one Ro-Tec advertise.
  6. At least I am not the only one with a low wing all metal Rotax powered aircraft around here anymore!!!! PS. I don't drink Bundy Rum either.
  7. Curious to know what everyone is paying for hangar space. Obviously it will vary with locations but I'd like to know what it averages out at for a run of the mill RAAus aircraft. To get things started I am paying $55.00 per week including GST. Please post your cost as a per aircraft rate.........
  8. One of the schools here in Bundy has just added a Piper Sports to it's fleet. Should cause a stir here in Jabiru-Land!!!
  9. Thats all well and good but sometimes it happens when you least expect it!!!! I have had a mate who is an experienced flyer and aircraft owner hurl. We were in the circuit after a 3 hour leg of a trip in quite good conditions when we hit one massive bump just before turning base. Before I knew it he was filling his hat. I had not even thought to tell him that there was sick bags under his seat, and he did not have time to ask!!! At least he did a really neat job of filling the hat and did not spill a drop. My suggestion is to carry bags with you and let your passenger know where they are no matter who they are and no matter how unlikely it is that you think they will need them. We source ours from Virgin/Jetstar/Qantas. I won't leave the plane without one!!!!
  10. There is an L-4 Grasshopper with genuine RAAF history in New Guinea during WWII available for training/hire at Caboolture. As soon as I get a tailwheel endorsment I would like to go down and have a go init.
  11. Here's another, this time the Skylark........
  12. This was submitted to a photo comp here a while back. I reckon it would look good on a calender too....... [ATTACH]11617.vB[/ATTACH] Sportstar over a sandbank in the Great Sandy Straights between Hervey Bay and Fraser Island. I have a really high res copy of this available that I already have had blown up to poster size.
  13. Hope you have lots of $$$ should you ever have an accident because you are now unregistered and uninsured.
  14. It's all in the certification process. To be standard RAAus you need a type certificate. For LSA the manufacturer only has to certify that the aircraft meets the ASTM's that apply to LSA, a much cheaper process.
  15. Hi Ian, I am pretty sure that your J120 will be registered as an LSA. As such Jabiru are the only one's who can approve a change. One of the traps about the LSA regulations is that only the manufacturer can approve changes to the aircraft. A CAR 35 engineer can approve changes to a 747 or A380 but not to an LSA!!!!! Cheers Mick
  16. Welcome back to flying and to this forum. Make sure you check out - </title> <meta name="keywords" content=""></meta> <meta name="description" content=""></meta> <meta content="" http-equiv="Content-Type"></meta> <style type="text/css"> </style> </head> <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" bgcolor="#dfdfdf" marginheigh Cheers
  17. I have had an aircraft on line & know a few people that have cross-hired to schools. I am sure that if what you ask was truely possible then all flying schools would own their aircraft and not cross hire them from others.............
  18. Hi John, Weather should be good I think, looking forward to doing the rounds on the way to Monto. We are camping under the wing Saturday night, I suspect it might be a bit chilly, Monto has gotten down to 3 degrees the last 2 nights!!! Got to go and give the Skylark a bath tomorrow make sure it's all shiney!!! Cheers Mick
  19. Just Bumping this up to see if anyome else will be doing this???
  20. Thanks John. Are you planning on doing the rounds for this? It doesn't seem like anyone else is showing much interest from this bunch.........
  21. Hi JR, From the 2004 AOPA airfield directory Biggenden runway is 03 - 21, elevation is 397 ft. The one I am having trouble finding any info is Eidsvold. Have found it on Goolge Earth, runway appears to be approx 16 - 34 and elevation about 860 ft. Anyone out there have any better info than this??? I would also like to confirm local frequencies for both Biggenden and Eidsvold. Cheers Mick
  22. Just wondering how many of you will be taking part in the Rotax Discover North Burnett Rally being held in conjunction with NOR-RAAus Fly-in 2010??? This involves landing at Biggenden, Gayndah, Mundubbera, Eidsvold and ending up at Monto. More details at RA-Aus member notice board (W3C 01/10) I will be leaving from Bundy aiming to get to Biggenden about 8.30am. This sounds like fun, hope to see plenty of others on the way........
  23. That aircraft is from Aeroprakt and is a relation of the Foxbat. It's performance is amazing but I think it might be a little above our weight limits. However there are a few twins out there that would fit such as the Cri-Cri. How could this be seen as anything other than a recreational aircraft......
  24. Hi Geoff, I know the guys organising this, it is definitely 16th May. Cheers Mick
  25. We will be there, hoping to bring a bunch of aircraft / people from Bundy with us.
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