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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Phillipnz, You want to try flying an aircraft that is the only one of it's type flying in the southern hemisphere!!! I do use the call sign " Skylark fifty-one twenty-three " and no-one ever questions that, however I do wonder if many actually know what they are looking for? :confused: Cheers
  2. I would suggest from experience that the costs of importing an aircraft will be alot more than $10k. Don't forget on top of dissasembly, reassembly, shipping and whatever inspections are required ( depending on how you want to register said aircraft ) you will also pay 10% GST on whatever the Aussie dollar amount the aircraft costs. I know of one person who did this recently and ended up horrified at the all up cost, for not much more he could have bought a brand new aircraft from the Australian dealer and had a lot less hassle. The aircraft I am reffering to arrived in Aus about Easter 08 and is still not permitted to fly here in Aus. Cheers
  3. Alright lets do it another way....... 4 hours at 120kts ( and yes it will do this ) = 480nm If 1 hour or more than 100nm is not enough reserve maybe you ought to rethink some other aspects of your navigation and cross country flying......... Most manufacturers do not even allow for a reserve when quoting range for recreational / LSA aircraft.
  4. Hi Neil, Rumor has it that the extra 20hp might come in handy if you are trying to cut power lines........... ;) :hittinghead: Was good to meet you the other week at Shep. Cheers Mick
  5. Hi Mike, With Ian's OK lets start naming them. :thumb_up: So far all that is getting a mention is the Jabs and Cessnas. I am just curious to know what else is out there for 750kg. I am not against the idea of the 750 / 760kg, in fact I might even have something up my sleeve that will take advantage of this. However I do tend to share some of Tony's thoughts/fears as to what might happen if we go too far. All in all this is an interesting discussion.
  6. The Dova Skylark............MTOW 600kg under LSA Basic empty weight 300kg, but let's be realistic and allow for a few extras and 310kg. Fuel 90 litres = 63kg @ 18 litres per hour gives 4.5 hours + reserve, Doing it easy @ 115kts x 4.5 hours = over 500nm Baggage 35kg This leaves 192 kg for 2 tuely decent size Aussie blokes............
  7. There has been lots of talk here of Jabs and C-150 / 152s, but what else is actually available that will be able to make use of 760kg MTOW? What aircraft are produced to the current VLA regs for europe? The vast majority on the market today are designed and built around LSA at 600kg. Is a change in Aussie regs going to create a big enough market for foreign manufacturers to design and produce aircraft to utillise the 760kg? My opinion is that if it is not already available for another market it is unlikely to happen for the tiny Aussie market. I am not against the change, I just wonder how much how many of us are really going to get out of it?
  8. How about an endorsement for back seat flyers........ Even though the majority of 2 seaters are side by side I am sure there are plenty of us that already qualify.:hittinghead:
  9. Our Sportstar 24-4010 sold a couple of months ago. It now lives at Warnambool Vic. Cheers
  10. I have to chuckle when I read this. When at Oshkosh recently I counted at least 7 different aircraft that claimed to have the biggest or widest cockpit in LSA......... I didn't get the tape measure out but I would guess that about 6 of these claims must be incorrect.
  11. Guys, I am planning on flying to East Sale after the SAAA fly in at Cowra. Can anyone suggest the best way to go to avoid controlled airspace and to minimise the amout of tiger county I have to fly over? Thanks in advance for any help offered. Cheers Mick PS. I might drop in to Tooradin later in that week if there is likely to be anyone about.
  12. Mode 1 is for Bobcat drivers!!!!!!!!!
  13. YEAH!!! What he said!
  14. Hi Captain, At this stage I am planning on flying the Skylark down from Maryborough Qld. Was there last year, hope there are not as many flies this year!!!!!! Mick
  15. C'mon Bluehawk, We gotta see some pic's of this!!!!!!
  16. Interestingly during our recent visit to the USA there were a couple of people in different locations and with different aircraft mention that they have had problems with Woodcomp blades de-laminating. One of these people had had it happen a couple of times, the second with a (new) replacement blade. Of course being in the USA and under LSA regs these were ground adjustable props. I personally used a Woodcomp ground adjustable prop on our Sportstar for 210 hours with no problems.
  17. Nine news this evening reported that it was a Yak 52 from Hempel's at Archerfield. They also said that part of the propellor had been found?
  18. A simple solution.................. Ask these protestors for those who were living there before the airport was established to raise their hands........... Then tell everyone who has not raised their hands to go away and stop whinging!!!!!!!!
  19. 9/11 Did NOT happen here!!!!!!!! Having just returned from a trip to the USA I am amazed to learn first hand that we here in Australia have had a much bigger, unthought out, knee jerk reaction to terrorism in the air than what has occured in the USA. The focus of anti airborne terrorism in the USA is almost solely on large scale RPT type flying. To anyone with any sense this is where the need is. Not in the area of light recreational flying. During the week of Air Venture at Oshkosh there were around 10,000 aircraft fly into and out of Oshkosh. I did not see one ASIC or a single throttle lock. At Maryborough aerodrome in Qld, where we have full security measures but no RPT we are campaigning to have the security removed. OTS are disscussing this, but with their wisdom in the mean time are talking about putting up more fencing that will become redundant if the security rating is removed. There has already been $850,000 of tax payers money wasted on securtiy measures on this airport alone. I guess that some people in authority must think that this is not enough and it would be best to waste some more. I belive that the terrorists are winning when we have a goverment that is prepared to waste money on security measures that are ill thought out and unnecessary while our hospital and education systems go down the tube!!! :hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead::hittinghead:
  20. Ozzie, That shot is the one that we all have to fluke now & then. Typically while the Raptor is an impressive bit of gear, it holds little interest for me, hence it is the subject of my best pic from 3.5 weeks in the USA. Here is a few others..........
  21. Caught It!!!! In post # 6 above Ozzie shows a pic of the F-22 Raptor and tittles it "Catch this", well I reckon I caught it! This shot has not been cropped at all, only the file size reduced to allow it to be posted. It was taken with an Olympus 3.2 mp 10x optical zoom that is about 5 years old. Original picture is about 1.3mb
  22. Peter, I would have thought the CT dealers would have been your first port of call. Cheers Mick
  23. Steven, Yes it was a long trip, but a fun one. Tail winds all the way and only had to deal with a bit of weather for the last 25 miles or so. As I walked away from her it was But then I think about the bank balance and it's :thumb_up::):big_grin: I'm off to the USA for Oshkosh this weekend, who knows, I might find a new toy while I am over there. Standards have surely dropped in my hangar, it was 2 fine Czech products and a lowly Italian one ( Local school's Tecnam ). Cheers Mick
  24. Hi Steven, I delivered 4010 to Warnambool Victoria on the weekend. She will be cross hired to the school there as well as for the use of the new owner. Cheers Mick
  25. 24-4010 is Sold!!!!!!!
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