9/11 Did NOT happen here!!!!!!!!
Having just returned from a trip to the USA I am amazed to learn first hand that we here in Australia have had a much bigger, unthought out, knee jerk reaction to terrorism in the air than what has occured in the USA.
The focus of anti airborne terrorism in the USA is almost solely on large scale RPT type flying.
To anyone with any sense this is where the need is.
Not in the area of light recreational flying.
During the week of Air Venture at Oshkosh there were around 10,000 aircraft fly into and out of Oshkosh. I did not see one ASIC or a single throttle lock.
At Maryborough aerodrome in Qld, where we have full security measures but no RPT we are campaigning to have the security removed.
OTS are disscussing this, but with their wisdom in the mean time are talking about putting up more fencing that will become redundant if the security rating is removed.
There has already been $850,000 of tax payers money wasted on securtiy measures on this airport alone. I guess that some people in authority must think that this is not enough and it would be best to waste some more.
I belive that the terrorists are winning when we have a goverment that is prepared to waste money on security measures that are ill thought out and unnecessary while our hospital and education systems go down the tube!!!