The strip did dry out enough for us to go ahead.
Friday saw a Tecnam, a CTSW, a Cessna 150 and a C182 fly in.
Saturday we flew the Sportstar and Skylark in and a DHC Chipmunk arrived. Also a Cherokee 6 flew in.
Weather to the south was pretty ordinary which held a few back.
Then the rain came down in buckets :hittinghead:
Over an inch of rain in about an hour was too much for the already damp strip to take. This basically ended the weekend for us.
We still had about 40 people for dinner on saturday night, I am pretty sure that those that were there enjoyed themselves, shame more people could not make it.
Even with the poor weather stoppping most from getting there, we still raised about $1100.00 for the Royal Flying Doctors.
We will try again in another 2 years.