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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Manifold Pressure, critical if you have an in flight adjustable prop.
  2. Looks like it was downwind to me. Note the windsock in the background & after coming to a sudden stop in the spud field the dust blows away in the direction of the landing. If into wind the dust would have blown back towards the camera guy.
  3. I just got someone with a vinyl cutter to cut appropriate size rings of vinyl in the colours needed, then cut segments out of the rings to suit the markings on my VSI. Stick them either on the perimeter of the glass face or the bezel, whatever works best in your case.
  4. I reckon you are right OK. I have seen some black & white film footage and they were dropping scary close to the water after leaving the deck. One of those times you don't want to be going first as first guy off gets the least amount of deck to use!
  5. Not a Naval version, no tail hooks on any of these aircraft. They were transported to different areas by carriers then flown off to land bases.
  6. It's the way the hobby is going. I have recently had a 20cc Corsair that I built for someone come back to me for repairs including a damaged E-Flite electric retract. Contacted Horizon Hobbies to get parts only to be told they don't sell parts. Have to buy a whole new set of retracts just because one part of one unit is bent!
  7. This guy had only had the Ibis for 6 days. Had got a bargin, shame it didn't last.
  8. The Ibis was never LSA.
  9. Bugger! I was looking forward to checking out the Rans. Enjoy the trip.
  10. Hi Brett, no more excuses, H & I will be there. I do have some work to do on the Skylark this week but even if I don't get that done we will drive!
  11. This is not Old Station as some might assume, it is another private strip nearby.
  12. FT where did you find this pic?
  13. With BE-103 anyone wondering why they are not using flaps for a water landing??? Interesting to know do they have flaps available to use when landing on the wheels?
  14. Wow! This must be a new record for thread drift. By post #4 relevance to the original topic was gone. No one that I have spoken to actually reads Sport Pilot sonce it has gone digital. Advertisers won't get any value from their ads unless someone is reading them.
  15. Press "Page" to get the list of nearest airfields, scroll to highlight the one you require, then press "GoTo". Not the most intuitive setup but once you are used to it it is not a bad unit. Cheers!
  16. Stickshaker you will find Russ at Mbro really good to train with, he is a rare combination of a good pilot & a good teacher. All too often people are good at one or the other but not both. Also your 185cm height will not be a problem. I am 189cm & 115kg and fit comfortably in the Sportstar that Russ uses. Good luck.
  17. I believe there is at least one C42 in Australia registered with RAAus. I am pretty sure that the C42's German type certificate at 472.5kg with a chute will be accepted here. I visited Comco in 2007 & looked at taking on an Australian dealership but the lower MTOW put me off. The C42 is a nice flying aircraft & well made too.
  18. I don't know anything about it but will PM you if I can track down the guys e-mail address.
  19. There is one at Rodds Bay just outside Gladstone Qld. It is fitted with a Jab 2.2. When I saw it at Old Station fly in a few weeks ago it was for sale.
  20. Old Station just after I landed for the Fly In last year........
  21. My father was an aircraft enthusiast & RC modeller so I grew up around models and going to airshows. In my mid teens I took up model flying and at age 20 when I was getting myself into a financial position to be able to fly I was diagnosed with a genetic medical condition that I thought had put an end to my dreams of flying. At that point I dedicated myself to competitive model aerobatics culminating in representing Australia in 1996. Soon after that I learnt that I could fly ultralights but the early rag & tube stuff is not my cup of tea. Then in 2003 I attended an airshow & saw a Tecnam & the Jabs. In 2004 at age 33 I finally learnt to fly. Since then I have owned 3 aircraft and done approx 750 hours enjoying every one of them.
  22. I heard a rumour that a group of Savanaghs will be filling in for the Roulettes with a complete high speed formation aerobatic display.
  23. Heading up Wednesday morning. Looking forward to catching up with lots of people.
  24. Hi Brett, H & I will try to get there this time as long as nothing else gets in the way. Will confirm closer to time for catering purposes.
  25. I had an interesting discussion with Matt Hall at Old Station last year after he had fitted winglets to his MXS-R race plane. He said there was no increase, even a slight reduction in straight & level flight but the benefit for him was a significant reduction in bleeding speed in the high G turns. At the time of our discussion Matt said he was still re-learning the aircrafts feel & characteristics as at that stage he had not flown it alot since adding the winglets. Matt did make the comment "The potential is good and watch this space!" Based on how the season played out his comment was not out of place. I am looking forward to chatting more this year now that Matt has clearly settled with the changes.
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