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Everything posted by Mick

  1. Life is too short to fly ugly aeroplanes! My Skylark has really big winglets ( by LSA standards ), in a review on the aircraft by an American magazine their comment was "The Skylark's winglets are either an efficient aerodynamic device or a clever marketing ploy, but either way they work!" I have done some research on the design and from what I can find the design is correct to reduce tip vortices. As for how much difference they make? As I have not flown a Skylark without them I couldn't tell you.
  2. Mick

    How safe is the Jabiru?

    Actually there has been a twin Jab flying around Bundy for the last couple of months. I am surprised there has been no mention of it here.
  3. David let us know if you manage to source these at a reasonable price. Like yours my Sportstar is in use in a school and these vents seem to be a weakness and get broken. No-one will ever look after your aircraft like you would yourself.
  4. Thats gunna be fun!
  5. Hey Brett, what time did you stop in at Bundy? We left Bundy for Gladstone at about 11am. Definitely a great day for a fly.
  6. So if strict liability is applied to a pilot who has obtained a forcast that proves to be incorrect, can the strict liability be applied to the government department (BoM) that provided the incorrect forcast????
  7. I trained control column right hand, throttle left. I was worried when I bought an aircraft and it was the opposite. I shouldn't have worried, it only took a couple of hours to get totally comfortable flying with the other hand. Now I can fly either way without really giving it any thought. I would suggest you take the time to get comfortable with both and that way you will not feel limited to which aircraft you can fly. The left seat / right seat thing has been discussed here before and some said you can, some said you can't. I can tell you I was advised in writing by a previous Op's Manager that if the POH indicates PIC sits left, then you can only sit right seat if an instructor. Let the argument begin................
  8. Grab a set of plans here - www.spitfireaircraftco.com and put that spare Allison V12 you have lying around to good use!
  9. I quoted your post where you referred to 912 Rotaxs. I didn't think I needed to type 912 again...........
  10. During a recent training course I was told the fail to idle setup is a trike thing, and that is the only place that I have seen it. Every fixed wing Rotax that I have seen is sprung to fail to WOT.
  11. There is one being built at Raglan, west of Gladstone Qld. It is being modified to fit a Russian radial along the lines of a Pitts S12. Last time I spoke to the builder which was at Christmas, the actual airframe was prety much complete and covering soon to commence.
  12. Totally agree with getting rid of the off topic stuff. Plenty of other sites on the net for that. I come here for the aviation content & don't enjoy that being watered down by all the other clutter. It does not need to be so heavily moderated so as to jump on minor thread drift, but I don't see the need to start off topic threads on this forum. Creating a new off topic forum is likely to create alot more work moderating due to the controversial and polarising nature of what will inevitably be discussed.
  13. Hi Brett. The Rans looks smick! What is the take off & landing distances like? I'm guessing not too much? Definitely looking forward to catching up & checking out the new toy.
  14. Abandoned at Bundy. This J230 was ordered & paid for sometime prior to 2010 when I first saw it, but never collected. It did spend some time in the back of the LAME's hangar but has been out in the weather for some time now. This photo flatters it's condition.
  15. This is the start of what I have been worried about for some time. Traditional model aircraft flying is being bundled in with the drone / UAV type gadgets and as a result will suffer from over regulation. Model associations thought bringing the drone / uav thing into their folds would boost numbers and hence be of benefit but we are are beginning to see that might not have been such a great idea. It is only a matter of time until this has a flow on effect here in Australia.
  16. Hi Ian. I couldn't recommend John-Jon to my worst enemy. There were very good reasons that the aero club ceased working with him. I am astounded that he manages to keep operating. Russell (Pro-Sky) ceased operating out of Gladstone due to a lack of support from the now defunct aero club and the costs of operating there when actually based in Maryborough. He does however still operate out of Maryborough and I can highly recommend him. Doesn't help much for Central Queensland though. Good Luck
  17. I think Ian should move the "like" buttons to the left hand side of the screen
  18. HITC's thoughts about lowering the nose for a look around is not a bad one. Naturally during ab initio training it was pointed out to me what were the options at the field we were training at. Then during cross country training I was advised whenever arriving at an unfamiliar field don't just join the circuit, overfly first, not only to check the windsock, but also to have a look at the surrounding areas and build a mental picture of where you might go if having an EFATO on departure. It then pays to consciously recall that mental picture before you roll on take off again whether it be after refuelling or after a few days stay.
  19. Mick

    Drifter Heaven

    How can you contemplate selling the Drifter when it looks like you have so much fun with it? I think you need to keep it AND buy something enclosed to fly with the wife. Remember there is nothing wrong with being a two plane family, I am sure you know lots of families with two cars. Planes are no different. Must find time find time to pop over & say Hi one day.
  20. That is something I have done in places where there are no good options straight ahead & it makes available other better options in the direction of the turn.
  21. We flew to Temora last weekend for the warbird airshow which was great, but the highlight of the trip took place on my way home. We stopped overnight at Gunnedah to visit some special friends, the widow & daughter of my best mate ( and a fellow aeroplane nut ) who we lost in a non-flying accident 7 years ago. His daughter Bianca is now 10 years old. During our visit I had the honour of taking Bianca for her first flight in a small plane. We took off late in the afternoon after the thermal action had died down. It was really important to me that this be an enjoyable experience for Bianca. Taking off into the smooth air I could tell by the grin on her face this was going to fun. We flew over her school and home and Bianca took photos of both. Another lap around town and we tried unsuccessfully to find the paddock where her horse lives ( I haven't been there myself ). I couldn't contain my smile when on rejoining the circuit Bianca asked "How old do I have to be to get a pilot's licence?" It was a really special moment and I know her Dad would be super proud of her. Of the following pics, the one of us outside the plane was a before and the one of us in the plane is an after showing Bianca's smile.
  22. We arrived at 10.00am Friday and had an interesting approach and landing on 23 in the wind that was very much favouring 27. My wife had a bit to say about the landing and roll out until we stopped and opened the canopy then it was "Holy Sh*t!" no wonder it was not easy to stay straight. Glad we didn't get there any later. Great show, we will be back.
  23. Nope, left the dogs at home in Bundy - a) because 2 x 40kg dogs don't go well with a 600kg mtow b) so there will be room in the circuit for Dutchy in the Pitts S12
  24. Forcast 39 degrees for Friday but thankfully only 26 for Saturday. We expect to arrive between 9.30 & 10.30 am Friday.
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