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Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. My brother used to listen to a record that had racing car sounds.
  2. Boingk said: Everyone loves a good sounding engine, but most don't like a loud one. I live on what should be a quiet cul de sac except for mature age clowns that live and visit across the road. They and all their friends and any tradesmen who come to do work, have noisy exhausts. Some are earth shaking and I made it plain to them of my "corrective plan". Now they seem to have rented out part of the house and spend time terrorizing elsewhere, but not entirely. Even the tennant has a noisy exhaust probably by punching holes into the muffler of his 1970's Escort, to become part of the family. Usually dopy 16 year olds do that nonsense for for a while, then grow out of it regaining sanity. My foot long list of plate numbers one day may keep the local police working overtime. [that's if they even bother which is a whole new thread]
  3. Too much of it is true.The rich rule the world and few are philathropists. Sum love money more than their life and get to prove it.
  4. I've seen pilots come out of a/c looking like lit christmas trees. When the lights go out, so do you unless you have your map "as required by law". [or you already know the route] Who needs a law when all you need is common sense.
  5. When they get turned off, that will separate educated from the uneducated.
  6. I am Borg-I never get lost
  7. 88 kts said" That RyanAir CEO is talking through his hat He wasnt talking through his hat, but then you are more polite than me.
  8. They don't last long in the jungle-you read about them before you even hit the forum.
  9. The movie, Flight of the Phoenix, demonstrated even more alternate passenger comforts. Having passengers provided with handholds on the wings and oxygen masks, you can create super cheap fares.
  10. It does 100 kts on a few hp and is one of the simplist a/c to build. Almost everthing seems to rivit together and who cant rivit? The half VW engine [converted] does over tbo 1000 hrs and has twin ignition which is a must for anything I buy. The pix to your left is the one I saw at Oshkosh. I may even consider building one but my theory is that if you get another job to pay for a built a/c, it is less work. Planes can take up to 5 years to build even when working agressively.
  11. I sat in a Hummelbird cockpit and felt like Houdini, trying to do it. Saw one at Oshkosh that was built a bit bigger and it seems to do the show rounds. Apparently Hummel was quite small and maybe never looked out his office window.
  12. Navigation courses never have you use gps as primary source. Though there are times when dead reconing can be luck. Try fly much east of Victoria River Downs
  13. MM said: Mmmm... that's pretty deap sapphire, I am not just a pretty face and I've faced some pretty close situations.
  14. It looks like he is flying below 1000 feet which would support the "crazy" theory. The rest seems ok.
  15. The ones who survive have a plan for when things go wrong and don't do a plan that has no survivable escape.
  16. I picked 4000 ft because if you go much higher you end up above 5000ft where flight is more organized. Of course if you are doing aerobatic manoevers over Mt Everest then add a bit more.
  17. I had a plane that behaved like that too with at times the heading forced away 45 deg. Though you have more control in ground effect when landing. Practice on a computer flight simulater while jumping on a trampoline to get a better feel.
  18. The bumps in a plane are bigger. Look at your altimeter as you go through them. You don't do 50ft bumps in a car, unless of course you are on a Qld road
  19. Not in public, anyways.
  20. Nu said: they are being exposed to this motion even from before birth Especially if your mother was a professional wrestler.
  21. We going to have to wear a straight jacket in some of these a/c to keep the c of g more constant. Even outside the a/c there could be benefits.
  22. Welcome to the bandit twelve incher", as now we have someone else to pick on. If you have a 12 incher you wont be picked on.
  23. HITC said:Try it - if the controls are left completely alone in my experience the plane will invariably end up in a spiral dive. I owned an a/c that had trim in yaw, pitch and roll. You could set it up for hands off flying until it dropped a wing ffrom turbulance. In smooth air you could roll the a/c by just tilting your head but that became tedious and unprofessional looking.
  24. For a small fee I am willing to be a patsy for anyone with complaints on the forum. Simply address to me and you will be greeted with warm, soothing gulping sounds:yelrotflmao:
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