No, no, yes. I take a hard line on safety. Read my posts on thread, Preflight Checks-What Do You Find ,which I bring back on a regular basis. It discusses everything from fuel, engines, airfrfame, to a cat with buttered toast strapped to it's back. Now I am going to shock you. In general discussion with pilots over the last 34 years it comes up on a regular basis that so and so pilot gave the controls for a short time to a non flying friend, someone looking to buy a plane who will soon get his lic., to a wife or other family member, etc I didn't give it much thought until the subject came up here. Oviously it is not a good policy to promote and is technically illegal, but in the privacy of their a/c, pilots do it. If they are going to do it, then it should be done to maximum benfit by teaching the wife, or who they fly with the most, at high altitude a bit on how to fly. Of course this is illegal and should not be done and get an instructor to teach your wife or friend.