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Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. gulp here-think I am missing something.
  2. Had caliper brakes on one a/c and just made a clamp to slide over. Cost $00000000000000.00
  3. That sort of flying keeps you in shape. The pilot who can't handle more than 30 deg angle on bank will be a gonner doing a tight turn around after engine failure.
  4. Not to you and your irrisponsible mate:closed:
  5. Yes, yes, yes, yes
  6. How about walk two or so miles away, pee there, then come back to base. Wait till the bombs drop there and attack with anti aircraft fire. That and Johnsons "expert" management of the war insured defeat for the Americans.
  7. He looks like a macho guy who does macho things.
  8. That is rediculous nonsense. It says several times to get an instructor and not try instructing yourself. I hope you are faster on the uptake in flying than reading posts.
  9. Solomon said: But i'm not sure what value im suppose to use for the MAC. Could the MAC value be the distance from the root chord to the MAC? I thought MAC [mean aerodynamic cord] was a figure given by the manufacturer. Easy to calculate if the wing was rectangle in shape but harder on irregular taper shapes.
  10. No, no, yes. I take a hard line on safety. Read my posts on thread, Preflight Checks-What Do You Find ,which I bring back on a regular basis. It discusses everything from fuel, engines, airfrfame, to a cat with buttered toast strapped to it's back. Now I am going to shock you. In general discussion with pilots over the last 34 years it comes up on a regular basis that so and so pilot gave the controls for a short time to a non flying friend, someone looking to buy a plane who will soon get his lic., to a wife or other family member, etc I didn't give it much thought until the subject came up here. Oviously it is not a good policy to promote and is technically illegal, but in the privacy of their a/c, pilots do it. If they are going to do it, then it should be done to maximum benfit by teaching the wife, or who they fly with the most, at high altitude a bit on how to fly. Of course this is illegal and should not be done and get an instructor to teach your wife or friend.
  11. MM said: The aircraft was used covertly in Viet Nam at tree-top level, and was fitted with special 'urine sensors' that could pick up the smell of urine for the purposes of locating hidden enemy troop encampments, generally at night Wonder how the vietamese would counteract that-bet they came up with something
  12. Next I am going be told to sit behind the blackboard. Will bring back old memories......of others who went there. I have also been listening to some of your symphonies-when are you going to write another one? With reference to the topic, Which pile?
  13. double gulp [i'll go hide in the swamp]
  14. Boy my head hurts. I only asked about the sink or swim method and didn't endorse it-touchy:duck for cover:
  15. What about the sink or swim method?
  16. Of course you will get different results from different trainees. Even if the wife is only trained to fly straight and level, that's beter than nothing. She will have no trouble decending once the fuel runs out.
  17. They always give you pure white ashes that are supposed to come from the deceased that has just been incinerated. I think those are just "stock" ashes. If you were given the real stuff, you would probably throw up.
  18. As long as the effect does not become real.
  19. I am sure they usually perform ok as pilots. Though there are cases of drunks pilots being dragged off planes. The last I heard was a female pilot who was reported by the cabin crew. I guess I am lucky, I can't stand the stuff; though I have uncontrolled urges for other things.
  20. I always get irked with what the strobing does to the prop. The top video has blades flying off like shuffled cards.
  21. I would have thought that deliberate substance abuse amongst commercial pilots must be a rarity surely ???. The only thing which brightened my day at Deniliquin was the lady who climbed up the little stepladder to refuel the 172, wearing a short leather miniskirt, but that's another story. . . . . and MOST DEFINITELY off topic. I knew an Ansett or TAA pilot at a gliding club. He always looked sloshed, even before the bar opened. And, off topic stuff is usually the best.
  22. Being buried in what you did in your life sounds ok. A pilot in his flying suit, a diver with his tanks, a nudist can go as he came.
  23. To a certain extent it's survival of the fittest and the luckyist. If someone is going to snuff you out, take them with you [though you will go to heaven and wave the other goodbye to hell]
  24. Are we back to big pitot tube discussion?
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