Oviously my post won't get riddled with people hitting the like button. [mostly the sex oriented posts get that] Lets look at the standard and amount of training required for a wife to get a plane on the ground and survive. I think in a couple hours of flying [two or three flights] could teach a wife to control yaw, pitch and roll sufficiently to do a survivable landing a lot of the time. If you are prone to flying over tiger coutry it may not make much difference if you have a back up pilot. So, the cost to put your wife and instructor together into your plane for two hours alone [know your instructor:naughty:] would be less than $200. That would be cheap enough to encourage use of the idea. Keeping her current could be helped just with verbal instructions as you are flying making sure of course none of her pinkies ever touch the controls. [of the plane]
Motz said:You forgot about the 3rd evil. Your wife stuffs up the flare, you arent trained, experienced or competent in catching it, and you smash and SHE gets killed but you dont.. Good luck sleeping for the rest of your life. All to save a few bucks.
Or you could stick to the rules and get an instructor to teach her..
I was promoting the idea of doing the training only around 4000ft. Of coure doing actual landing on hard ground would be too risky. But the rules are the rules and only trainung with an instructor.