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Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. Why not have a floating tax haven and put it under the Sydney Harbour Bridge-the tax dept. wont find it there.
  2. Sounds like you had a good time Yenn, and no wonder having a lady doctor. By the way, avoid the current thread on accidents-the natives are restless tonight:hide:
  3. It's a claytons island-the island you have when you don't have an island.
  4. In between leaping from tall buildings and saving damsels in distress you will find a solution. In all the Superman comics I've read, this "issue' never came up...
  5. :whistling:Nice time to go for a fly:plane:
  6. I was just sent a letter if I wanted a job working a few hours a week at a flight simulator near me. Must have got me from the forum-I don't frequent the usual seedy places. Contact if interested. [probably just pay your airfare over.]
  7. ML said: This amateur sounding stuff in a world of professionals. Particularly the lawyers looking at us. Lawyers.....Not my favorites amongst the pond scum.... Not so derogatory. I am sure many biologists have made analysing "pond scum" a career. Isn't that were life began? [oops:sorry:]
  8. OME said: have my reflexes and limb movements checked, and get my pulse tested in places only a lover should touch. Now you set off a race to that doctor-even some people who don't fly
  9. People pay big money to make their cars sound like that
  10. Teckair, your post to me has disappeared. Anyways, the last sentence in my post is a joke-I don't switch off the engine in flight. The rest explains having to do long approaches in a Sapphire in order to keep the power setting satisfactory. My Sapphire did not have flaps and was more slippery. In fact I thermalled with it and reduced the fuel flow to to 4 L per hour.
  11. Yes, having an idle or near idle throttle position gives the engine little lubrication resulting in a cold seizure. The explanation for high egt at low throttle settings given to me is that little air enters the engine which tends to have a cooling effect at high power settings. You're also saying there is high temp but small heat energy in the exhaust gasses at low power settings, so your piston etc won't burn up
  12. TA said: I can say descending with part power around 50% is likely to cause a seizure : If you decend in circuit with greater than half power you do big circuits skimming over trees. Even bursts of power in a Sapphire will send to to an overshoot-especially if you are also hit by a thermal. Give up, shut off the engine, and continue your flight till the plane wants to come down.
  13. Ive got an idea for a new craze-attach bungy cords instead of lines to the parachute and attach a pogo stick to each leg. Plan for half a day before you settle to the ground.
  14. FH said: Perth is reputedly the windiest city in australia On average it is but you wouldn't know it. "Tornado Alley" has all its wind for a few minutes, then probably nothing.
  15. Next time I bet that guy will bring along a knife. It will also come in handy to cut the parachute [just a joke]
  16. FH said: The number of people out there who understand them and can properly operate them is diminishing rapidly. Ok Nev, is there anything else not covered to help me "understand" my two stroke? Actually there was an issue with my 447. Was told that if you pull back the power back too much [eg on final] the exhaust gas temps go up, which it does. So i was doing long long finals skimming over trees way out. Then I read that the low volume of overheated exhaust gas would not be a problem.
  17. Actually, some of the best gliding i had was in a wooden ka6 and ask13. The "high performance" gliders would come back from cross country but I would be the last to land near dusk and everybody would look in disbelief. Actually, hanging around locally all day, I know were all the local thermals were. And once you get to 10,000 feet, it's so easy to stay up in dying conditions near last light.
  18. Nice idea. Where gliding club tows are about $45 and competition gliders half million plus, you can have a lot of fun without financing a financial black hole. Think a semi enclosed canopy would improve the comfort level and glide performance.. Made one for a Sapphire and the bullet proof polycarbonate is not all that expensive.[don't use acrylic perspex]
  19. I've hear of 800 hrs on those engines. For aviation purposes they recommend 300 hrs but if you are savy with engines, managed them correctly, and don't fly over tiger county, I think you can give yourself a tbo dispensation. Conrod wear can be measured through the spark plug hole and keep track of compression with a leak down test regularily. There are probably other test you can do yourself which are never advertised by the manufacturer. The best thing I like about two strokes is they don't have valves and produce more power for their weight.
  20. Glider pilots do it with stick control, power pilots do it with throttle control, and car drivers do it with no control:yelrotflmao:
  21. FH said: Ground speed was about 25 In other words you became a helecopter.
  22. You would have to time it just right. The problem is getting the practice without destroying a heap of a/c. [and yourself]
  23. Ever fly 70 kts at 10,000 feet. Feels like the day the earth stood still.
  24. The "yank guy" is pretty good. Though would have to do it where there is no tubulance.
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