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Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. An instructor told me when he was co-pilot in the airlines his captain had a stewardess on his lap at takeoff and when he gave the word the stewardess fulled hard back on the control column. [of the plane]
  2. My first flight was at about ten years in a carboard box with a model airplane propeller glued to the front. Should have kept it for non flyable days and good for cheap flying.
  3. My ex Sapphire 447 had the carby jut out into the airstream. I know of one Sapphire that went down from icing. I won't fly anything anymore with single ignition and no carby heat.
  4. Zibi said: It seems to happen more on cloudy days or when flying relatively close to clouds (on most days it doesn't happen Icing? I got that on a Continental and cadby heat solved it.
  5. You have expensive hobbies-flying and women. May have have to give one away if finances go short.
  6. Don't get married again-just rent it.
  7. At a local gliding club a dog was killed lunging at a turning prop. Engine had to stripped down costing thousands. Yet I still see dogs running around airfields.
  8. Probably just as appropriate if she stuck out her finger.
  9. Wonder if you will be contacted if you claim to pass out on every second flight.
  10. "Dangerous activity" is more an emotional term. Basket weaving can be perceived as dangerous if one is frightened of it. Most people arn't frightened of driving but statistics show you have a good chance of injury because of a long lifetime exposure.
  11. Wonder who has the final responsibility in loading and securing?
  12. Ovious pitch control problems. The wings leveled very quickly just before impact. Wonder if that is related to ground effect. Boeing probably can get useful information from this tragedy-no test pilot would want to re-create that.
  13. If you are a difficult student, the instructors many decide that for you.
  14. I think I'll stick to basket weaving.
  15. Boingk said: Yeah there's a certain something about special watches, I'd never buy one for myself though. I tend to want something that I don't mind doing an oil change with, that sort of thing. I want a watch that does the oil change. BTW boingk, how did you choose your stage name? Is it a result of an event that occured to you?
  16. Some pilots have the primative notion that if an a/c does not want to stay on the ground, push the stick forward. That would work if planes were built like bricks. Seen one light twin sitting on the runway and a broken off nosewheel nearby.
  17. I had a manifold hose clamp come off a pusher. Couldn't hear a thing but all on the ground said the engine was falling apart.
  18. I was recently offered to crew on a couple of sail boats going east coast to Bali and Indonesia, but declined. I don't like the idea of creating employment opportunities for all the pirates lurking up there.
  19. This thread should be renamed "Private Pilot Proclimations"
  20. MM said: If somebody is nice enough to be out there looking for me, I want to be sitting there as comfortable as possible, waiting for them to arrive !!...........Maj... Your blow up doll is the no. 1 survival item. Fill er up with water before you go and you will never go thursty.
  21. Bed games can get pretty agressive:naughty:
  22. A plane can be at MTOW without the pilot. In that case the plane will never fly unless it's radio controlled or you can find a pilot weighing no more than 0 kg.
  23. The guy drinking the battery acid would never get charged around my place. Recently bought two battery chargers and both failed-chinese junk.
  24. I saw a glider at Waikerie that had just been spun into the ground. Looked all intact but quivvered like jelly when you tried to move it.
  25. I don't know why Jabiru owners are so sensitive to criticism of their a/c. If I owned an aircraft that attracted so much discussion, I would be reading all I can. If you fly with your head in the sand, then your wish may be permanently granted.
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