Terms are thown around but how do you define illogical behavour-stupid, tunnel vision, crazy. I put people into three catagories, those who think logically and make few mistakes, those who make lots of mistakes and if they survive, learn from them, and lastly the no hoper catagory, makes any mistakes that can be made and learns nothing from them. From that you can see lots of people are making lots of mistakes. The easiest place to see them is on the road. Every week in my town there are several auctions of damaged cars, each auction of a couple hundred cars. Most tell a story of an event that occured because of illogical behavour. I would not define them as "accidents" as an accident occurs when all logical precautions are taken. How does this apply to flying? The next time some illogical pilot threatens your life with his standard of flying, put him in one of the above catagories.