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Everything posted by Sapphire

  1. Ha, ha. Just as well I am not taking an engine out of an earth boaring machine.
  2. Amazes me how many probems a/c engines in general have. I have been using a single ignition, single cyl, no carby heat lawnmower for 15 plus years and starts first or second pull. Might put it into my next a/c
  3. Not the guy contolling his a/c with the wrong stick-he crashed. [explain that to CASA]
  4. Both, it becomes a duel control a/c
  5. These close father/son talks bring tear to my eye.
  6. PM said: Don't land at places that require landing fees. Soon the only free place to land will be the street you live on. Neighbours will get suspicious when all their trees slowly die.
  7. Jump off the edge of a cliff. For those who dont like that cheerful thought, spend a bit more on a parachute bought on gumtree- $50 ono
  8. A picture is worth a thousand words but here is less than thousand words. In straight and level flight lift is vertically up, weight is vertically down. Drag is opposite to thrust. To maintain straight a level flight at cruise speed you need an engine [thrust] Stop the engine and you have to get thrust from gravity. By pointing the nose down you produce a forward component of lift and your vertical component of lift decreases- hense you decend maintaining cruise speed. Cruise speed is not the speed for minimum sink, so you raise the nose to reduce speed to that which gives you minimum sink or longest time in the air. If you want to glide as far as possible you pick a speed which gives you best lift/drag [not calculating headwind or tail wind] So for longest time in the air or greatest glide distance you will raise the nose from cruise speed.
  9. Does RAA have the requirement, as well, that you have had at least three takeoffs and landing in the last 90 days to remain current?
  10. What is defined as a take off and landing? You could bump up and down along the strip 20 times for each circuit.
  11. One to get the tube cut and the other when you change your mind? Sounds like a job your local plummer could handle after fixing your toilet.
  12. The next time I have a vasectomy, I'll get a few thousand litres of the stuff and paint the hospital
  13. I knew that-just testing:teacher:
  14. You are all wrong-have a look at the size of the lion's tummy in the foreground:private eyes:
  15. The bit about a two stroke running cooler at full throttle than low power is interesting. That at first forced me to do big ciruits with a long power driven final in a low drag Sapphire. Watch the EGT guage when you pull the power way back-it shoots up like a rocket. Then I read some where that the heat energy produced with the power back was not sufficient to damage the engine.[not much fuel/air] So I did more normal circuits allowing the egt to go up. Never had problems in the short term. But then, if you read around enough you can always find something that agrees with what you want to hear. So the big question is how high can the egt go in this engine before it does damage-if it does damage at all.
  16. If you know your fuel flow then you can work out your endurance[how long you can stay in the air] My last a/c did not have any fuel guage visible to the pilot and that was standard. If it has some place to put fuel and works, then you can go. Exhaust gas temp guage tells you of overheating before any cyl hd temp guage. If you fly without it you can't catch any overheating situation that would cause the engine to fail. Anyways, these small single ignition, no carby heat engines are always flown as if they are about to quit.
  17. You may never have to wash dishes again and it might make a great contraceptive. Abundant uses.
  18. Force landings have to be practiced regularily. I know an airline pilot who muffed a forced landing of his private a/c into a paddock half the size of Tasmania[almost]
  19. Definitely avoid the "heavy water" used in nuclear reactors. Use dehydrated water to save weight.
  20. Amazing the plane being grounded because of some batteries. Maybe they just enlarged a model plane and the same electronics didn't fit.
  21. Some people will do anything if they think they can get away with it.
  22. I'd like to see his actual penalty. Heard of d--k brains who point lasers at a/c getting off with small fine.
  23. Too bad you can't register them RAA.
  24. Longer wings, streamlining, a small engine tied to his forehead and he could be a motor glider.
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