Like that late for his flight golfer who tried to get the attention of the pilot taxiing and ran into the prop. My scariest was hand proping my Varieze first time. It had been shipped over from the States, fuel from the main tank drained, and I had it pushed nose first against the hanger. I put the fuel selector to off, throttle to idle, mixture off, no throttle priming, but mags on and thought I would practice hand propping and maybe if I was lucky, get a pop out of it. Very very slowly turned the prop and the impulse magnito clicked. The engine roared into life for 3 or 4 seconds infront of my face-unbelievable. Didn't need a shave that day. It sat for more than a month in a shipping container and longer before and after. Even if your engine is completely disassembled, never trust the prop when turning it over.