Mechanical valve lifters just have an airspace of a few thou which has a simple screw adjustment to adjust for even the most exaggerated wear in the valve train. As an example of the nightmare of hydraulic valve lifters, I'll use the Continental 0-200. To set it up you have to deflate the lifters first. By Continentals method you have to remove and dissasemble each valve lifter to drain out the oil and reasasemble. That means taking the cyl head off, removing the retaining circlip holding the lifter and lifting it out, disaasemble, clean out oil, install, and replace cyl head. Now you have done this to one cyl head [two lifters], do this again times the number of heads there are. Remember lifters don't come apart alway easily-some are bastards to get apart. Ok you have the lifters deflated and you measure the tappet clearance which must be between 30 thou and I think 110 thou. If not, start looking around for spare pushrods which vary a bit in length. No luck, start replacing parts in the valve train including the valve it self, if the stem is not the right length. That means taking the cyl head off again. All this can be adjusted out with the turn of a screw in mechanical valve lifters.
Mechanics fee to adjust 4 cyl with mechanical valve lifters=about two hours labour[if competent] half that time to position a/c, remove and reassemble cowling.
Mechanics fee to set up hydraulic valve lifters-get an estimate, double it, and prepare to to hand over LARGE wads of dough. If he is not honest he will try to con you into a major overhaul, "just to be sure"