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Everything posted by zodiacpilot

  1. Beginning 01-01-2021, YBDG & YWTO have introduced landing fees & parking charges. City of Greater Bendigo being the money hungry morons they are, will be charging $11+gst per tonne or part thereof per landing and $11 per day parking. Wentworth NSW Shire being progressive, will be charging $15 per landing for aircraft over 1.7 tonne and $6 per day parking. Not hard to see which one wants to encourage private light aircraft to visit!. Interestingly enough, neither have these notifications in ERSA yet.
  2. Better visit Bendigo(YBDG) as much as possible before 1/1/2021 people.
  3. When l purchased my plane the 3300A had 525hrs up, all on avgas. At 580hrs it started pumping the bottle full of oil in about 1.5hrs. Had to break all top rings & 3 seconds to get unstuck from lead carbon in grooves. Approx 1.5mm carbon on pistons & valves. New 40thou over commodore ringset($50) with endgaps opened up & valves cleaned/lapped. Changed to 98mogas, now after 620hrs in 5years have gone to 50hr oil changes due to oil not dirty 'nuff before then. Using 40-50ml ph & at each service approx 15ml in bottle, of which 5ml is water/condensation. Runnin like a swiss watch.
  4. Welcome, if you ever up YBDG way, can take you for a cruise in my avatar.
  5. Bit of cutting & splicing going on too. The first scene at the steps of the DC3 and then with the pollies getting out of the Bristol, show same rego. The DC3s, operated by Historic Aircraft Restoration Society.
  6. If it is a 24 registration you must also have permission from the aircraft manufacturer.
  7. Can anyone tell me differences between J230B and C?. Cheers.
  8. Unfortunately we are not allowed to charge for services rendered, would have to volunteer our services for free!.
  9. Driving to airfield for instuction is legal (education). Instructor & student in aircraft is legal (workplace), distancing in workplace is (recommended) not mandatory.
  10. Hi Don, my Taylor has no in_flight elevator trim, which isn't a problem.  Full fuel requires one finger back pressure & low fuel requires half finger forward pressure for level flight.           Cheers mate. 
  11. Coming along very nicely Don, Cheers Roger.
  12. Hi all, looking to 'beg, borrow, steal, or buy' a pusher to suit o200 continental ( 58x67) or close. Cheers.
  13. What a blast it would be, but just you try it in AUS, go on I dare ya!
  14. The CASA have been pleasing themselves for years(even back as far as 1969), my Taylor JT1 mono was built VH from the designers plans that 'test specified' it 7.5G+/4.5G-. The CASA would NOT allow any more than 4.5G+/2.5G- & 318Kg MTOW on the registration paperwork. Prob not too relevant, just sayin'.
  15. Spacesailor, definately dismantle brakes, wash pads & rotor well with petrol/brakekleen, blowdry,give both a good scrub with an aggressive glasspaper, re-assemble & taxi. Cheers.
  16. Anybody know if these are available in Aus for Jabiru engines & appr cost ? Cheers all
  17. Dont leave us hanging !
  18. Short strip/wet grass............no wonder PIC when interviewed blamed 'brake failure' .
  19. Hi Bruce, .75psi is three quarters of one psi .
  20. My good Macquarie street barrister friend of 25 years says the court system is corrupt, if you are a working stiff you are screwed!!! - The answer is - if you cant push 100's of thousands of dollars into the law firm and the other side can OUT spend you - you loose. 97.7% of the time or worse. Any person off the street on a middle income cannot beat the court system if the other side has a no limit cash spend.to the legal system - ASIC - CASA - TAX DEPT - or any gov dept - can always bankrupt an average person by just grinding them into the ground. Talk about a fair a just system. Prove me wrong your honor. This gentleman did ! Administrative Appeals Tribunal File number 2016/1472
  21. Had similar problem with a Jab160 a few years ago, turned out a loose internal wire on the charge dyno was causing voltage spikes & overvoltage. Repaired, problem solvered.
  22. Thought it looked familiar, did my training & got my Certificate in 3404, lovely machine !
  23. Welcome to the forum C42Ikarus, cheers Roger.
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