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Everything posted by zodiacpilot

  1. Is it optical delusion?, possible starboard wing twist (3:40 & 4:58). Not obvious later on final.
  2. Dale can be reached on 0350272567 , last I heard someone in I think Melbourne wanted it but not sure if the deal went through. Possibly had updated wing? Good luck.
  3. Don, keep in touch, would be good to get updates of your build & video of its maiden. Cheers, Roger
  4. ] I have tried to get YMIA to reply to me several times over the last 12 months as to their security areas, no reply, next time I'm up that way I will go in without a ASIC & approach the office in person. (whoops another threat of doing something illegal).
  5. And yet, if I stood in front of an audience of thousands, as a comedian, made the same statement during an aviation related skit, I'm sure most would 'laugh their heads off' ( whoops sorry,could be taken as inducing mass suicide). Jesus,( whoops,taking the lords name in vain) are we becoming so 'thin skinned' as a society that we can't see a tongue in cheek joke statement for what it is?. Hargraves said, I,m a recreational pilot ie (beaches and paddocks) the beauracrats can tailspin till they dissapear up their own backsides and a more fitting place for them, I can,t imagine. Wow, hope someone in pain after a lower bowel procedure doesn't read that! Boleropilot said, I am not going to get it renewed, I am simply going to get a red identity card with my photo on it and carry all my personal I.D. on my person and if anyone asks me for it, I won't say anything, I'll just hold up my little red card that's hanging around my neck and see what happens next... and if some Nazi says "that's not an ASIC card" I'll just say "I didn't say it is, I'm just giving you my I.D Wonder if someone in CASA has already contacted airports to keep a lookout for him?. Careful Skippydiesel, I'm sure there's a law about inciting civil disobedience/unrest. God,(there I go again) lets all 'get a grip', and no I'm not suggesting what some may be thinking! Without prejudice!!!
  6. So BT what was the toe before the adjustment ? Cheers
  7. Sooooooo, when I decide to commit an act of aviation terrorism, should I apply for the ASIC first to give me access or just get over the top & push the yoke forward ??
  8. Hi Bruce, looks to me from the piccie, about 1-1.5 deg too much toe & about 8 lbs low. Do both tyres wear the same?
  9. Hi Don, my stab is dowelled to the fuse at the front & bolted to the rudder post with a cut out over the elevator. It also needs to be removable 'cause the horizontal stab in mine is one piece. I also have plans showing this. Have included a piccy which may or may not help. Cheers, Roger. PS: These aircraft are an absolute joy to fly, hope you have loads of fun in it.
  10. Should become a journalist Peter, good read, cheers.
  11. G/day Simon, if you ever feel you would like to go up for a cruise, gimme a call. Cheers, Roger. I,m hangared in P3. 0428468509
    1. 3550Rebel


      Thank for the offer. I will give you a call in the near future. I am away for the next week. I look forward to talking to you. Thanks again,
  12. To quote CASA it is an offence of 'STRICT LIABILITY" unquote.
  13. Welcome Rory. Cheers, Rog.
  14. Was told last Friday you need an Avid & Asic to do your GA bi-annual, examiners wont do it otherwise. Apparently an Asic isn't necessary if you can con someone with one to escort you from & to your craft.
  15. The craft has been 'verbally spoken for' but not paid for or picked up yet. It is a W8.
  16. I also witnessed that.........scary, & at the time hadn't thought I would ever be a pilot cos I'm scared of heights. Incidently, all these years later small pieces are still being found occasionally. Just a piece of useless info, when captains/1st officers practice stalls in Jumbos they take 9000ft to recover to level flight!.
  17. Soooooooo, where is CASA requirement for a passenger signed form until the engine is pulled down ala Jabiru?
  18. One in bits ready for a handy person to rebuild, for sale at YWTO. Asking price unknown at this time but could find out.
  19. Looks like its gone in inverted, flipped right way up, then slid backwards to stop at X-roads sign.
  20. CASA website appears to have taken it off the aircraft register site already. Although its on 2016 register.
  21. Husband & wife were discussing death. Husband told wife," ya know death isn't final, you can come back reincarnated as something different". Wife says "really, I would love to come back as a cow". Hubby says........................."You weren't listening were you!!"..
  22. If somebody approaches to see the ASIC you dont have...........(1) Ask who their employer is (2) ask to see their course completion cetificate authorising them to make the sighting request. If the answers are (1) Airport operator (2) Dont have one, then go about your business & ignore them, they are NOT ALLOWED to detain you, only police are. IE: Asic checker at YMIA is the Airport gardener.
  23. Legends 2014 Trailer from chris g on Vimeo
  24. Sure, You are welcome to camp o'night in their 'well appointed' clubroom, for a kind donation, then you could fly home totally refreshed. PM me your PH No if you like.
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