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Everything posted by zodiacpilot

  1. Sat lunchtime, headin' back Mon.
  2. If thats Mr Bellamy, welcome mate!.
  3. Yeah I've had mine RAA reg since April fools day 2015. Do you get away x-country much? I live in YBDG & travel to YWTO once a month, sometimes more. Be great if we could meet up there & compare. Cheers Roger
  4. I agree, I've had mine for two years now, done 'bout 250 hours. If I'm not careful I'll wear it out!. Perhaps we could meet up at YWTO sometime & I'll tell ya a story about my visit to Gawler.
  5. Sorry Skippy, if a preflight doesn't include inspection at the cap, you need to 'change your installation'. If not, one day you WILL be looking for somewhere to land with a cooked goose! Experience talkin'.
  6. [quote="billwoodmason, post: 603214, member: RAA is already the right arm of CASA. You only have to compare the manuals, some parts are 'word for word' with each other. Bet there is a clause somewhere saying we can't sack our directors. Still, we are our own 'worst enemies' cos most of us sit on our apathetic asterik's bitchin' & complainin' instead of formin' lobby groups to get what RAA was originally formed for, or have we forgotten?.
  7. The one in post 24 gets towed up by trike.
  8. I believe if you can keep a 'Goat' under 70Kg, it does NOT have to be registered & HGFA PC required to fly it. May be mistaken.
  9. If we practiced passive resistance 'en mass' by ignoring ASIC requirements, would CASA prosecute ALL of us or see the futility of it all?. Scenario: I have no criminal record, suddenly decide to commit terrorist act, so I get an ASIC for airport access. Same if I want to commit a mass shooting. All these rules do is penalise honest people. A case of Governments being 'seen to do something' in response to an occurrance.
  10. Welcome Denis, anytime P3 hangar is open, come & say hi. Welcome to come for a cruise anytime. Cheers, Roger
  11. FYI I believe Airbus 380 engine pods are 3D printed titanium!! And some fuse parts. Cheers.
  12. Jabiru engine manual says carb needle transitions from cruise mixture to full power mixture at 2850 rpm. Spot on on my A3300, 21 lph at 2800-2850 rpm, 29-32 lph at 2900rpm. I can watch cht & egt change as I transition. Consequently I cruise at 2800-2850 in the Zodiac, have never yet encountered carb ice at this setting.
  13. Only word of mouth from a CASA rep to a YWTO club rep at an airport development meeting, sorry nothing official. Cheers
  14. Wouldn't push ya luck that far, although I'm sure somebody would be only too happy to show ya the sites, Mungo station, with strip, is about twenty mins away.
  15. Do you have to be a member of RAA to have an aircraft registered in your name, even if you are not the holder of a pilot certificate?. Cheers
  16. YWTO, they are a very friendly/welcoming mob, 2 klm to town, car available to borrow. Local motels will pickup/deliver.
  17. Appears we will all have to have the interweb in our aircraft as the CASA is proposing the abolition of airport markers. So, possibly no more crosses & dumbells etc. We would be required to check notams before we take-off AND before we land. Dont know how I'll do that, not owning a ipad/iphone & flying a single seat/no canopy aircraft with only room for me, let alone in which I nearly need to tether my maps. Sounds like a good case for passive resistance. Cheers.
  18. We expect a full report!!!!!
  19. Welcome Peter C hope your times on this site are as pleasurable as they may be informative!!
  20. Ok, after reading all of these posts it appears that the rules apply to any of us 'entering or preparing to operate' a aircraft. So......, how come a CASA authorised breath alcohol tester can approach a pilot certificate holder doing nothing more than cleaning his aircraft, with NO INTENTION of flying it, & demand a test be submitted to?. FYTI file: ANYONE participating in a MOTORSPORT event in Australia, whether as a competitor or official or pitcrew may return a result of 0.01 grams of alcohol on a second test sample. At 0.015 they are exluded from any further participation. Cheers.
  21. Hope this & the other incidents have been reported as per safety recommendations.
  22. Thanks for that, I would take it back where you purchased & get them to demand an explanation from Ryco, or do it yourself direct.
  23. Looks like good wind site but DONT use as a airport info site INSTEAD of ERSA!!! Checked YWTO for 'curiosity sake' & found general field info to be incorrect.
  24. Bugga, where exactly was the split?.
  25. Yep, its a ASIC fence, I personally have gotten out of my car & climbed thru the fence near the threshold of 36 & walked to the hangars, just to prove how bloody irrelevent a ASIC is!
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