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About Bilguun

  • Birthday 09/06/1983


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  1. engine rpm indicator , oil temp indicator , CHT indicator
  2. hello all we have a some problem instruments on Cavalon 915iS . some instruments are stucking how am i fix it ? please advise me . please contact me . Attachments Untitled.png 1.2 MB · Views: 0 received_804727667260598.mp4 received_944377053649705.mp4
  3. hello guys , i need Cessna 150 100hr/Annual Repetitive Service Worksheet please help me
  4. thank you . i will waiting for your help . its really important please help
  5. hello every body . i want to find about Maintenance Manual Bekas X 32 . because we have a two airplane Now we want to repair those planes . please help me
  6. hello . i need a ultra lights parts and wing . please help What kind of person should I contact? thanks
  7. thanks i will check it
  8. i checked no change
  9. hi. I have a problem. because Cavalon has not enough power. when i check during the take off time. that time Engine RPM 5500 and Manifold pressure was 30 . it must RPM 5800 Manifold pressure 35. my mind is manifold is so dirtied or turbocharger is working half. i cleaned turbocharger and carburetor . pls help me how am i fix it
  10. hi. I have a problem. because Cavalon has not enough power. when i check during the take off time. that time Engine RPM 5500 and Manifold pressure was 30 . it must be Engine RPM 5600, Manifold pressure 35. my mind is manifold is so dirtied or turbocharger is working half. i cleaned turbocharger and carburetor . pls help me how am i fix it
  11. engine is too warmed during the last flights. then i inspected oil thermostat. inside have one thing like washer. inspected that washer is movely easy. then clogged that washer in center of thermostat. to affect engine power
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